167 Publications (Page 6 of 7)
Physiochemical properties of bio-oil produced at various temperatures from pine wood using an auger reactorThangalazhy-Gopakumar, Suchithra⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Ravindran, Harideepan⋅Gupta, Ram B⋅Fasina, Oladiran O⋅Tu, Maobing and Fernando, Sandun DBioresource Technology, vol. 101, (no. 21), pp. 8389-8395, 2010.
| Journal Article
Reforming glycerol under electro-statically charged surface conditionsNawaratna, Gayan⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Lacey, RonaldE and Fernando, Sandun DEnergy & Environmental Science, vol. 3, (no. 10), pp. 1593-1599, 2010.
| Journal Article
Adsorption of glycerol from biodiesel washwatersLiu, S.⋅Musuku, S.R.⋅Adhikari, Sushil and Fernando, Sandun DEnvironmental Technology (Cranfield, UK), vol. 30, (no. 5), pp. 505-510, 2009.
| Journal Article
Hydrogen production from glycerol: An updateAdhikari, Sushil⋅Fernando, Sandun D and Haryanto, AgusEnergy Conversion & Management, vol. 50, (no. 10), pp. 2600-2604, 2009.
| Journal Article
Hydrogen Production through the Water−Gas Shift Reaction: Thermodynamic Equilibrium versus Experimental Results over Supported Ni Catalysts
Haryanto, Agus⋅Fernando, Sandun D⋅To, S. D. Filip⋅Steele, Philip H⋅Pordesimo, Lester and Adhikari, Sushil
Energy & Fuels, vol. 23, (no. 6), pp. 3102, 20090618. | Journal Article
Kinetics and Reactor Modeling of Hydrogen Production from Glycerol via Steam Reforming Process over Ni/CeO sub(2) CatalystsAdhikari, Sushil⋅Fernando, Sandun D and Haryanto, A.Chemical Engineering & Technology, vol. 32, (no. 4), pp. 541-547, 2009.
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Optimizing irrigation rates for an experimental energy crop rotationMullenix, D.K.⋅Fulton, J.P.⋅Dougherty, M.⋅Cebert, E.⋅Fasina, O.O.⋅Adhikari, S. and Zech, W.C.(pp. 6007-6018)
Upgrading of syngas derived from biomass gasification: A thermodynamic analysisHaryanto, Agus⋅Fernando, Sandun D⋅Pordesimo, Lester O and Adhikari, SushilBiomass and Bioenergy, vol. 33, (no. 5), pp. 882-889, 2009.
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Conversion of Glycerol to Hydrogen via a Steam Reforming Process over Nickel Catalysts
Adhikari, Sushil⋅Fernando, Sandun D⋅To, S. D. Filip⋅Bricka, R. Mark⋅Steele, Philip H and Haryanto, Agus
Energy & Fuels, vol. 22, (no. 2), pp. 1226, 20080319. | Journal Article
Hydrogen production from glycerin by steam reforming over nickel catalystsAdhikari, Sushil⋅Fernando, Sandun D and Haryanto, AgusRenewable Energy, vol. 33, (no. 5), pp. 1097-1100, 2008.
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Hydrogen production of crude glycerin from biodiesel plant via steam reforming processAdhikari, S.⋅Fernando, S. and Haryanto, A.
Potential of sustainable energy technologies under CDM in Thailand: Opportunities and barriersAdhikari, S.⋅Adhikari, S.⋅Adhikari, S.⋅Mithulananthan, N.⋅Mithulananthan, N.⋅Mithulananthan, N.⋅Dutta, A.⋅Dutta, Animesh⋅Dutta, A.⋅Mathias, A.J.⋅Mathias, A.J. and Mathias, A.J.(pp. 2122-2133)
Producing hydrogen through water gas shift reaction over nickel catalystsHaryanto, A.⋅Fernando, S.D.⋅To, S.D.F.⋅Steele, P.H.⋅Pordesimo, L.⋅Srinivasan, R. and Adhikari, S.(pp. 2777-2789)
Steam reforming of oxygenated hydrocarbons for hydrogen production over metal catalysts (Dissertation)
Adhikari, Sushil (2008).
Steam reforming of oxygenated hydrocarbons for hydrogen production over metal catalysts.
Adhikari, Sushil
Dissertation Abstracts International. Vol. 69, vol. 69, (no. 01), pp. 95, 2008. | Journal Article
Thermodynamic analysis of increasing hydrogen yield of syngas produced from biomass gasificationHaryanto, A.⋅Fernando, S.D.⋅Pordesimo, L.O. and Adhikari, S.(pp. 2762-2776)
A Comparative Thermodynamic and Experimental Analysis on Hydrogen Production by Steam Reforming of Glycerin
Adhikari, Sushil⋅Fernando, Sandun and Haryanto, Agus
Energy & Fuels, vol. 21, (no. 4), pp. 2310, 20070718. | Journal Article
A thermodynamic analysis of hydrogen production by steam reforming of glycerol
Adhikari, Sushil⋅Fernando, Sandun⋅Gwaltney, Steven R⋅Filip To, S.D⋅Mark Bricka, R⋅Steele, Philip H and Haryanto, Agus
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 32, (no. 14), pp. 2880, 2007. | Journal Article
Glycerin steam reforming for hydrogen productionAdhikari, S.⋅Fernando, S.D. and Haryanto, A.(pp. 591-595)
Glycerin Steam Reforming for Hydrogen ProductionAdhikari, Sushil⋅Fernando, Sandun D and Haryanto, A.Transactions of the ASABE., vol. 50, (no. 2), pp. 591-595, 2007.
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Glycerol based automotive fuels from future biorefineriesFernando, Sandun D⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Kota, Kiran and Bandi, RanjithaFuel, vol. 86, (no. 17-18), pp. 2806-2809, 2007.
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Hydrogen production from renewable alcohols over Pt and Ni catalystsAdhikari, S.⋅Fernando, S. and Haryanto, A.
Lubricity characteristics of selected vegetable oils, animal fats, and their derivativesFernando, S.⋅Hanna, M. and Adhikari, S.(pp. 5-11)
Lubricity Characteristics of Selected Vegetable Oils, Animal Fats, and their DerivativesFernando, Sandun D⋅Hanna, M. and Adhikari, SushilApplied engineering in agriculture., vol. 23, (no. 1), pp. 5-11, 2007.
| Journal Article
Production of hydrogen by steam reforming of glycerin over alumina-supported metal catalysts
Adhikari, Sushil⋅Fernando, Sandun and Haryanto, Agus
Catalysis Today, vol. 129, (no. 3), pp. 364, 2007. | Journal Article