167 Publications (Page 3 of 7)
Synthesis and characterization of epoxy resins from fast pyrolysis bio-oil
Barde, Mehul⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Via, Brian K and Auad, Maria L
Green Materials, vol. 6, (no. 2), pp. 84, 2018-06-00. | Journal Article
Alternative Hydrocarbon Biofuel Production via Hydrotreating under a Synthesis Gas Atmosphere
Pongsiriyakul, Kanokthip⋅Kiatkittipong, Worapon⋅Kiatkittipong, Kunlanan⋅Laosiripojana, Navadol⋅Faungnawakij, Kajornsak⋅Adhikari, Sushil and Assabumrungrat, Suttichai
Energy & Fuels, vol. 31, (no. 11), pp. 12262, 20171116. | Journal Article
Catalytic upgrading of bio-oil produced from hydrothermal liquefaction of Nannochloropsis sp
Shakya, Rajdeep⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Mahadevan, Ravishankar⋅Hassan, El Barbary and Dempster, Thomas A
Bioresource technology, vol. 252, pp. 28, 2017-Dec-21. | Journal Article
Catalytic upgrading of fractionated microalgae bio-oil (Nannochloropsis oculata) using a noble metal (Pd/C) catalystNam, Hyungseok⋅Nam, H.⋅Kim, C.⋅Kim, Changkyu⋅Capareda, Sergio C⋅Capareda, S.C.⋅Adhikari, S. and Adhikari, SushilAlgal Research, vol. 24, pp. 198, June 2017.
| Journal Article
Chemometric modeling of thermogravimetric data for the compositional analysis of forest biomassAcquah, Gifty E⋅Acquah, Gifty E⋅Acquah, Gifty E⋅Acquah, Gifty E⋅Acquah, Gifty E⋅Via, Brian K⋅Via, Brian K⋅Via, Brian K⋅Via, Brian K⋅Via, Brian K⋅Fasina, Oladiran O⋅Fasina, Oladiran O⋅Fasina, Oladiran O⋅Fasina, Oladiran O⋅Fasina, Oladiran O⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Billor, Nedret⋅Billor, Nedret⋅Billor, Nedret⋅Billor, Nedret⋅Billor, Nedret⋅Eckhardt, Lori G⋅Eckhardt, Lori G⋅Eckhardt, Lori G⋅Eckhardt, Lori G and Eckhardt, Lori GPloS one, vol. 12, (no. 3), pp. e0172999, 2017-00-00.
| Journal Article
Effect of autohydrolysis pretreatment on biomass structure and the resulting bio-oil from a pyrolysis processHao, Naijia⋅Hao, N⋅Bezerra, TL⋅Bezerra, Tais L⋅Wu, Q⋅Wu, Qiong⋅Ben, H⋅Ben, Haoxi⋅Sun, Qining⋅Sun, Q⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, S⋅Ragauskas, Aj and Ragauskas, Arthur JFuel, vol. 206, Oct 15, 2017.
| Journal Article
Environmental application of biochar: Current status and perspectives.Oliveira, Fernanda R⋅Patel, Anil K⋅Jaisi, Deb P⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Lu, Hui and Khanal, Samir KumarBioresource technology, August 22, 2017.
| Journal Article
Influence of biochemical composition during hydrothermal liquefaction of algae on product yields and fuel properties
Shakya, Rajdeep⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Mahadevan, Ravishankar⋅Shanmugam, Saravanan R⋅Nam, Hyungseok⋅Hassan, El Barbary and Dempster, Thomas A
Bioresource Technology, vol. 243, pp. 1120, November 2017. | Journal Article
Inhibition effect of aromatic aldehydes on butanol fermentation by Clostridium acetobutylicum
Li, Jing⋅Li, Jing⋅Shi, Suan⋅Shi, Suan⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Tu, Maobing and Tu, Maobing
RSC Advances, vol. 7, (no. 3), pp. 1250, 2017-00-00. | Journal Article
Kinetics and Mechanisms for Copyrolysis of Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Fiber (EFBF) with Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Sludge
Chong, Yen Yee⋅Thangalazhy-Gopakumar, Suchithra⋅Gan, Suyin⋅Ng, Hoon Kiat⋅Lee, Lai Yee and Adhikari, Sushil
Energy & Fuels, vol. 31, (no. 8), pp. 8227, 20170817. | Journal Article
Moisture effect on fluidization behavior of loblolly pine Wood grindsOlatunde, G.⋅Fasina, O.⋅McDonald, T.⋅Adhikari, S. and Duke, S.(pp. 207-220)
Nutrient removal and energy production from aqueous phase of bio-oil generated via hydrothermal liquefaction of algae
Shanmugam, Saravanan R⋅Adhikari, Sushil and Shakya, Rajdeep
Bioresource Technology, vol. 230, pp. 48, April 2017. | Journal Article
Synthesis and Characterization of Bio-oil-Based Self-Curing Epoxy ResinCelikbag, Yusuf⋅Celikbag, Yusuf⋅Celikbag, Yusuf⋅Meadows, Shatori⋅Meadows, Shatori⋅Meadows, Shatori⋅Barde, Mehul⋅Barde, Mehul⋅Barde, Mehul⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Buschle-Diller, Gisela⋅Buschle-Diller, Gisela⋅Buschle-Diller, Gisela⋅Auad, Maria L⋅Auad, Maria L⋅Auad, Maria L⋅Via, Brian K⋅Via, Brian K and Via, Brian KIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 56, (no. 33), pp. 9400, 20170823.
| Journal Article
Treatment of aqueous phase of bio-oil by granular activated carbon and evaluation of biogas production
Shanmugam, Saravanan R⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Wang, Zhouhang and Shakya, Rajdeep
Bioresource Technology, vol. 223, pp. 120, January 2017. | Journal Article
Biomass Gasification Using Carbon Dioxide: Effect of Temperature, CO2/C Ratio, and the Study of Reactions Influencing the ProcessSadhwani, Narendra⋅Sadhwani, Narendra⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Eden, Mario R and Eden, Mario RIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 55, (no. 10), pp. 2891, 20160316.
| Journal Article
Catalytic Upgrading of Methane to Higher Hydrocarbon in a Nonoxidative Chemical Conversion
Nahreen, Shaima⋅Praserthdam, Supareak⋅Perez Beltran, Saul⋅Balbuena, Perla B⋅Adhikari, Sushil and Gupta, Ram B
Energy & Fuels, vol. 30, (no. 4), pp. 2593, 20160421. | Journal Article
Effect of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals on in-Situ Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis of Lignocellulosic Biomass: A Microreactor StudyMahadevan, Ravishankar⋅Mahadevan, Ravishankar⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Shakya, Rajdeep⋅Shakya, Rajdeep⋅Wang, Kaige⋅Wang, Kaige⋅Dayton, David⋅Dayton, David⋅Lehrich, Michael⋅Lehrich, Michael⋅Taylor, Steven E and Taylor, Steven EEnergy & Fuels, vol. 30, (no. 4), pp. 3056, 20160421.
| Journal Article
Effect of torrefaction temperature on lignin macromolecule and product distribution from HZSM-5 catalytic pyrolysisMahadevan, R⋅Mahadevan, Ravishankar⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, S⋅Shakya, Rajdeep⋅Shakya, R⋅Wang, K⋅Wang, Kaige⋅Dayton, David C⋅Dayton, DC⋅Li, Mi⋅Li, M⋅Pu, Yunqiao⋅Pu, Y⋅Ragauskas, Aj and Ragauskas, Arthur JJournal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, vol. 122, pp. 105, November 2016.
| Journal Article
Effects of temperature and equivalence ratio on mass balance and energy analysis in loblolly pine oxygen gasification
Abdoulmoumine, Nourredine⋅Kulkarni, Avanti and Adhikari, Sushil
Energy Science & Engineering, vol. 4, (no. 4), pp. 268, July 2016. | Journal Article
Experimental study of torrefied pine as a gasification fuel using a bubbling fluidized bed gasifierKulkarni, Avanti⋅Kulkarni, Avanti⋅Baker, Ryan⋅Baker, Ryan⋅Abdoulmomine, Nourredine⋅Abdoulmomine, Nourredine⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Bhavnani, Sushil and Bhavnani, SushilRenewable Energy, vol. 93, pp. 468, August 2016.
| Journal Article
Fast pyrolysis of biomass: Effect of blending southern pine and switchgrassMahadevan, R.⋅Shakya, R.⋅Adhikari, S.⋅Fasina, O. and Taylor, S.E.(pp. 5-10)
Physical and flow properties of fractionated loblolly pine grindsOginni, O.⋅Fasina, O.⋅Adhikari, S. and Fulton, J.(pp. 999-1008)
Review of NMR Characterization of Pyrolysis OilsHao, N⋅Hao, Naijia⋅Ben, Haoxi⋅Ben, H⋅Yoo, CG⋅Yoo, Chang Geun⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, S⋅Ragauskas, Arthur J and Ragauskas, AjEnergy & Fuels, vol. 30, (no. 9), pp. 6880, 20160915.
| Journal Article
Size measurement method for loblolly pine grinds and influence on predictability of fluidizationOlatunde, Gbenga⋅Olatunde, G.⋅Fasina, Oladiran⋅Fasina, O.⋅Adhikari, S.⋅Adikari, Shushil⋅Mcdonald, T.P.⋅McDonald, Timothy⋅Duke, Steve and Duke, S.R.(pp. 41-410)
Southern pines char gasification with CO2—Kinetics and effect of alkali and alkaline earth metalsSadhwani, Narendra⋅Sadhwani, Narendra⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Adhikari, Sushil⋅Eden, Mario R⋅Eden, Mario R⋅Wang, Zhouhong⋅Wang, Zhouhong⋅Baker, Ryan and Baker, RyanFuel Processing Technology, vol. 150, pp. 70, September 2016.
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