167 Publications (Page 3 of 7)
Synthesis and characterization of epoxy resins from fast pyrolysis bio-oil
Barde, MehulAdhikari, SushilVia, Brian K and Auad, Maria L
Green Materials, vol. 6, (no. 2), pp. 84, 2018-06-00. | Journal Article
Alternative Hydrocarbon Biofuel Production via Hydrotreating under a Synthesis Gas Atmosphere
Pongsiriyakul, KanokthipKiatkittipong, WoraponKiatkittipong, KunlananLaosiripojana, NavadolFaungnawakij, KajornsakAdhikari, Sushil and Assabumrungrat, Suttichai
Energy & Fuels, vol. 31, (no. 11), pp. 12262, 20171116. | Journal Article
Catalytic upgrading of bio-oil produced from hydrothermal liquefaction of Nannochloropsis sp
Shakya, RajdeepAdhikari, SushilMahadevan, RavishankarHassan, El Barbary and Dempster, Thomas A
Bioresource technology, vol. 252, pp. 28, 2017-Dec-21. | Journal Article
Catalytic upgrading of fractionated microalgae bio-oil (Nannochloropsis oculata) using a noble metal (Pd/C) catalyst
Nam, HyungseokNam, H.Kim, C.Kim, ChangkyuCapareda, Sergio CCapareda, S.C.Adhikari, S. and Adhikari, Sushil
Algal Research, vol. 24, pp. 198, June 2017. | Journal Article
Chemometric modeling of thermogravimetric data for the compositional analysis of forest biomass
Acquah, Gifty EAcquah, Gifty EAcquah, Gifty EAcquah, Gifty EAcquah, Gifty EVia, Brian KVia, Brian KVia, Brian KVia, Brian KVia, Brian KFasina, Oladiran OFasina, Oladiran OFasina, Oladiran OFasina, Oladiran OFasina, Oladiran OAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilBillor, NedretBillor, NedretBillor, NedretBillor, NedretBillor, NedretEckhardt, Lori GEckhardt, Lori GEckhardt, Lori GEckhardt, Lori G and Eckhardt, Lori G
PloS one, vol. 12, (no. 3), pp. e0172999, 2017-00-00. | Journal Article
Effect of autohydrolysis pretreatment on biomass structure and the resulting bio-oil from a pyrolysis process
Hao, NaijiaHao, NBezerra, TLBezerra, Tais LWu, QWu, QiongBen, HBen, HaoxiSun, QiningSun, QAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SRagauskas, Aj and Ragauskas, Arthur J
Fuel, vol. 206, Oct 15, 2017. | Journal Article
Environmental application of biochar: Current status and perspectives.
Oliveira, Fernanda RPatel, Anil KJaisi, Deb PAdhikari, SushilLu, Hui and Khanal, Samir Kumar
Bioresource technology, August 22, 2017. | Journal Article
Influence of biochemical composition during hydrothermal liquefaction of algae on product yields and fuel properties
Shakya, RajdeepAdhikari, SushilMahadevan, RavishankarShanmugam, Saravanan RNam, HyungseokHassan, El Barbary and Dempster, Thomas A
Bioresource Technology, vol. 243, pp. 1120, November 2017. | Journal Article
Inhibition effect of aromatic aldehydes on butanol fermentation by Clostridium acetobutylicum
Li, JingLi, JingShi, SuanShi, SuanAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilTu, Maobing and Tu, Maobing
RSC Advances, vol. 7, (no. 3), pp. 1250, 2017-00-00. | Journal Article
Kinetics and Mechanisms for Copyrolysis of Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Fiber (EFBF) with Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Sludge
Chong, Yen YeeThangalazhy-Gopakumar, SuchithraGan, SuyinNg, Hoon KiatLee, Lai Yee and Adhikari, Sushil
Energy & Fuels, vol. 31, (no. 8), pp. 8227, 20170817. | Journal Article
Moisture effect on fluidization behavior of loblolly pine Wood grinds
Olatunde, G.Fasina, O.McDonald, T.Adhikari, S. and Duke, S.
(pp. 207-220)
Nutrient removal and energy production from aqueous phase of bio-oil generated via hydrothermal liquefaction of algae
Shanmugam, Saravanan RAdhikari, Sushil and Shakya, Rajdeep
Bioresource Technology, vol. 230, pp. 48, April 2017. | Journal Article
Synthesis and Characterization of Bio-oil-Based Self-Curing Epoxy Resin
Celikbag, YusufCelikbag, YusufCelikbag, YusufMeadows, ShatoriMeadows, ShatoriMeadows, ShatoriBarde, MehulBarde, MehulBarde, MehulAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilBuschle-Diller, GiselaBuschle-Diller, GiselaBuschle-Diller, GiselaAuad, Maria LAuad, Maria LAuad, Maria LVia, Brian KVia, Brian K and Via, Brian K
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 56, (no. 33), pp. 9400, 20170823. | Journal Article
Treatment of aqueous phase of bio-oil by granular activated carbon and evaluation of biogas production
Shanmugam, Saravanan RAdhikari, SushilWang, Zhouhang and Shakya, Rajdeep
Bioresource Technology, vol. 223, pp. 120, January 2017. | Journal Article
Biomass Gasification Using Carbon Dioxide: Effect of Temperature, CO2/C Ratio, and the Study of Reactions Influencing the Process
Sadhwani, NarendraSadhwani, NarendraAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilEden, Mario R and Eden, Mario R
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 55, (no. 10), pp. 2891, 20160316. | Journal Article
Catalytic Upgrading of Methane to Higher Hydrocarbon in a Nonoxidative Chemical Conversion
Nahreen, ShaimaPraserthdam, SupareakPerez Beltran, SaulBalbuena, Perla BAdhikari, Sushil and Gupta, Ram B
Energy & Fuels, vol. 30, (no. 4), pp. 2593, 20160421. | Journal Article
Effect of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals on in-Situ Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis of Lignocellulosic Biomass: A Microreactor Study
Mahadevan, RavishankarMahadevan, RavishankarAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilShakya, RajdeepShakya, RajdeepWang, KaigeWang, KaigeDayton, DavidDayton, DavidLehrich, MichaelLehrich, MichaelTaylor, Steven E and Taylor, Steven E
Energy & Fuels, vol. 30, (no. 4), pp. 3056, 20160421. | Journal Article
Effect of torrefaction temperature on lignin macromolecule and product distribution from HZSM-5 catalytic pyrolysis
Mahadevan, RMahadevan, RavishankarAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SShakya, RajdeepShakya, RWang, KWang, KaigeDayton, David CDayton, DCLi, MiLi, MPu, YunqiaoPu, YRagauskas, Aj and Ragauskas, Arthur J
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, vol. 122, pp. 105, November 2016. | Journal Article
Effects of temperature and equivalence ratio on mass balance and energy analysis in loblolly pine oxygen gasification
Abdoulmoumine, NourredineKulkarni, Avanti and Adhikari, Sushil
Energy Science & Engineering, vol. 4, (no. 4), pp. 268, July 2016. | Journal Article
Experimental study of torrefied pine as a gasification fuel using a bubbling fluidized bed gasifier
Kulkarni, AvantiKulkarni, AvantiBaker, RyanBaker, RyanAbdoulmomine, NourredineAbdoulmomine, NourredineAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilBhavnani, Sushil and Bhavnani, Sushil
Renewable Energy, vol. 93, pp. 468, August 2016. | Journal Article
Fast pyrolysis of biomass: Effect of blending southern pine and switchgrass
Mahadevan, R.Shakya, R.Adhikari, S.Fasina, O. and Taylor, S.E.
(pp. 5-10)
Physical and flow properties of fractionated loblolly pine grinds
Oginni, O.Fasina, O.Adhikari, S. and Fulton, J.
(pp. 999-1008)
Review of NMR Characterization of Pyrolysis Oils
Hao, NHao, NaijiaBen, HaoxiBen, HYoo, CGYoo, Chang GeunAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SRagauskas, Arthur J and Ragauskas, Aj
Energy & Fuels, vol. 30, (no. 9), pp. 6880, 20160915. | Journal Article
Size measurement method for loblolly pine grinds and influence on predictability of fluidization
Olatunde, GbengaOlatunde, G.Fasina, OladiranFasina, O.Adhikari, S.Adikari, ShushilMcdonald, T.P.McDonald, TimothyDuke, Steve and Duke, S.R.
(pp. 41-410)
Southern pines char gasification with CO2—Kinetics and effect of alkali and alkaline earth metals
Sadhwani, NarendraSadhwani, NarendraAdhikari, SushilAdhikari, SushilEden, Mario REden, Mario RWang, ZhouhongWang, ZhouhongBaker, Ryan and Baker, Ryan
Fuel Processing Technology, vol. 150, pp. 70, September 2016. | Journal Article