97 Publications (Page 1 of 4)
Earth‐Based Transmitters Trigger Precipitation of Inner Radiation Belt Electrons: Unveiling Observations and Modeling Results. AGU Advances
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Electron Dynamics Associated With Advection and Diffusion in Self‐Consistent Wave‐Particle Interactions With Oblique Chorus Waves. Geophysical Research Letters
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First Results From REPTile‐2 Measurements Onboard CIRBE. Geophysical Research Letters
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Observations of Relativistic Electron Enhancement and Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions at Low L (<3) Geophysical Research Letters
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On the Contribution of Latitude‐Dependent ULF Waves to the Radial Transport of Off‐Equatorial Relativistic Electrons in the Radiation Belts. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
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On the Physical Mechanisms Driving the Different Deep Penetration of Radiation Belt Electrons and Protons. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
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Role of Subauroral Polarization Streams in Deep Injections of Energetic Electrons Into the Inner Magnetosphere. Geophysical Research Letters
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The Medium Energy Electron Telescope (MEET): Geant4‐Based Instrument Design and Analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
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The Medium Energy Electron Telescope (MEET): Instrument Fabrication and Testing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
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Design and Instrument Characterization of the High‐Energy Resolution Relativistic Electron Telescope (HERT) Using Geant4 Simulation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
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On the dynamics of ultra-relativistic electrons (>2 MeV) near L* = 3.5 during 8 June 2015
On the Dynamics of Ultrarelativistic Electrons (>2 MeV) Near L* = 3.5 During 8 June 2015. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
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On the Energy‐Dependent Deep ( L < 3.5) Penetration of Radiation Belt Electrons. Geophysical Research Letters
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Statistical Analysis of the Differential Deep Penetration of Energetic Electrons and Protons Into the Low L Region (L<4) Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
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Differentiating Between the Leading Processes for Electron Radiation Belt AccelerationLejosne, Solène⋅Allison, Hayley J.⋅Blum, Lauren W.⋅Drozdov, Alexander Y.⋅Hartinger, Michael D.⋅Hudson, Mary K.⋅Jaynes, Allison N.⋅Ozeke, Louis⋅Roussos, Elias and Zhao, HongFrontiers Media SA
Distribution of ULF wave power in magnetic latitude and local time using THEMIS and Arase measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
Multi‐event Study on the Connection between Subauroral Polarization Streams and Deep Energetic Particle Injections in the Inner Magnetosphere
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. | Journal Article
On the Challenges of Measuring Energetic Particles in the Inner Belt: A Geant4 Simulation of an Energetic Particle Detector Instrument, REPTile-2
Khoo, L.-Y.⋅Li, X.⋅Selesnick, R. S.⋅Schiller, Q.⋅Zhang, K.⋅Zhao, H.⋅Hogan, B.⋅Cantilina, J. T.⋅Sims, A.⋅Bauch, E.⋅Valade, T.⋅Boyajian, S. and Kohnert, R.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, vol. 127. | Journal Article
On the Challenges of Measuring Energetic Particles in the Inner Belt: A Geant4 Simulation of an Energetic Particle Detector Instrument, REPTile‐2. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
Radial Transport vs. Local Acceleration: The long‐standing debate
Earth and Space Science. | Journal Article
Statistical Analysis of the Differential Deep Penetration of Energetic Electrons and Protons Into the Low L Region (L<4)
Statistics of Multi-MeV Electron Drift-Periodic Flux Oscillations using Van Allen Probes Observations
Zhao, Hong⋅Sarris, Theodore E.⋅Li, Xinlin⋅Huckabee, Isabella G.⋅Baker, Daniel N.⋅Jaynes, Allison J. and Kanekal, Shrikanth G.
Geophysical Research Letters. | Journal Article
Statistics of Multi‐MeV Electron Drift‐Periodic Flux Oscillations Using Van Allen Probes Observations. Geophysical Research Letters
Equatorial Pitch Angle Distributions of 1–50 keV Electrons in Earth’s Inner Magnetosphere: An Empirical Model Based on the Van Allen Probes Observations
Zhao, H.⋅Friedel, R. H. W.⋅Chen, Y.⋅Baker, D. N.⋅Li, X.⋅Malaspina, D. M.⋅Larsen, B. A.⋅Skoug, R. M.⋅Funsten, H. O.⋅Reeves, G. D. and Boyd, A. J.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, vol. 126. | Journal Article
Equatorial Pitch Angle Distributions of 1–50 keV Electrons in Earth s Inner Magnetosphere: An Empirical Model Based on the Van Allen Probes Observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics