525 Publications (Page 9 of 21)
Adsorptive filtration of carbon dioxide from wet gases utilizing microfibrous filter media entrapped K 2CO 3Sathitsuksanoh, N.⋅Yang, H.⋅Cahela, D.R.⋅Lu, Y. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 13048-13050)
A study of integration potentials in different reformer strategies for logistical fuels processingMcGlocklin, K.H.⋅Cummings, R.M.⋅Abdelhady, A.F.⋅Eden, M.R. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 10971)
Comparing minimum utility requirements of various reforming techniques and multiple fuel sources for hydrogen productionCummings, R.M.⋅Abdelhady, A.F.⋅McGlocklin, K.H.⋅Eden, M.R. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 10857)
Design and construction of a cathode air filter using high contacting efficiency microfibrous carrierKennedy, D.M. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 10853)
Design and construction of a dual purpose air filter for semiconductor clean roomsSothen, R.A. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 7408)
High surface area, supported precious metal cathodes utilizing metal microfibrous collectors for application in chlor-alkali cells
Nickell, Ryan A⋅Nickell, R. A.⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J and Tatarchuk, B. J.
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, vol. 35, (no. 6), pp. 581-587, 2005. | Journal Article
Improvement of adsorption applications using high contacting efficiency microfibrous entrapped materialsLuna, E.A.⋅Kalluri, R.⋅Cahela, D. and Tatarchuk, B.(pp. 2154)
Low temperature CO oxidation for fire escape mask application using microfibrous entrapped catalystKaranjikar, Mukund⋅Karanjikar, Mukund⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce and Tatarchuk, Bruce
Mass transfer study of hydrogen sulfide removal from reformats with microfiber entrapped ZnO/SiO2 sorbents for fuel cell applicationYang, H. Y.⋅Sathitsuksanoh, N.⋅Lu, Y. and Tatarchuk, B. J.(pp. 62-FUEL)
Measurement of the performance of a 47-cell PEM stack with impurities in the anode feed streamPayne, R.U.⋅Zhu, W.H. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 10919)
Microfibrous entrapped ZnO-support sorbents for high contacting efficiency H2S removal from reformate streams in PEMFC applicationsLu, Y.⋅Sathitsuksanoh, N.⋅Yang, H. Y.⋅Chang, B. K.⋅Queen, A. P. and Tatarchuk, B. J.(pp. 406-422)
Microfibrous Entrapped ZnO-Support Sorbents for High Contacting Efficiency H 2 S Removal from Reformate Streams in PEMFC Applications Lu, Y.⋅Lu, Y.⋅Sathitsuksanoh, N.⋅Sathitsuksanoh, N.⋅Yang, H. Y.⋅Yang, H. Y.⋅Chang, B. K.⋅Chang, B. K.⋅Queen, A. P.⋅Queen, A. P.⋅Tatarchuk, B. J. and Tatarchuk, B. J.(pp. 406-422). American Chemical Society (ACS)
Microfibrous supported catalysts/sorbents - Micro structured systems with enhanced contacting efficiencyKalluri, R.⋅Cahela, D. and Tatarchuk, B.(pp. 10274)
Pressure Drop Predictions for Microfibrous Flows Using CFDDuggirala, Ravi⋅Duggirala, Ravi⋅Roy, Christopher⋅Roy, Christopher⋅Saedi, S.⋅Saedi, S.⋅Khodadadi, J.⋅Khodadadi, J.⋅Cahela, D.⋅Cahela, D.⋅Tatarchuk, B. and Tatarchuk, B.American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Process integration and optimization of logistical fuels processing for hydrogen productionEljack, Fadwa T.⋅Eljack, Fadwa T.⋅Cummings, Rose M.⋅Cummings, Rose M.⋅Abdelhady, Ahmed F.⋅Abdelhady, Ahmed F.⋅Eden, Mario R.⋅Eden, Mario R.⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J. and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.(pp. 1609-1614)
PSpice simulation via AC impedance for PEFC at operational loadsZhu, W.H.⋅Payne, R.U.⋅Cahela, D.R.⋅Nelms, R.M. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 10915-10917)
Synthesis and characterization of microfibrous media supported K 2CO 3 for CO 2 captureSathitsuksanoh, N.⋅Yang, H.⋅Cahela, D.R.⋅Lu, Y. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 2108-2109)
[262g] - Microfibrous & micro-structured adsorbents and catalysts media: Enhancement in effectiveness caused by static mixingCahela, D.R.⋅Chang, B.-K.⋅Karanjikar, M.⋅Luna, E.A. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
Alternative heterogeneous contacting schemes using microfibrous entrapped catalysts/sorbentsKalluri, R.R.⋅Cahela, D.R. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 10555-10560)
Facile regeneration vitreous micro-fibrous entrapped supported ZnO sorbent with high contacting efficiency for bulk H2S removal from reformate streams in fuel cell applicationsLu, Yong⋅Lu, Yong⋅Karanjikar, M.⋅Karanjikar, M.⋅Sathitsuksanoh, N.⋅Sathitsuksanoh, N.⋅Yang, Hongyun⋅Yang, Hongyun⋅Chang, B. K.⋅Chang, B. K.⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J. and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.
Facile Regeneration vitreous microfibrous entrapped supported ZnO sorbent with high contacting efficiency for bulk H 2S removal from reformate streams in fuel cell applicationsLu, Y.⋅Karanjikar, M.⋅Sathitsuksanoh, N.⋅Yang, H.⋅Chang, B.K. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 5465-5471)
Fuel processing for PEM fuel cells: in-line adsorbent filters for MEA protectionChang, Bong-Kyu⋅Chang, Bong-Kyu⋅Karanjikar, Mukund⋅Karanjikar, Mukund⋅Lu, Yong⋅Lu, Yong⋅Cahela, Donald R.⋅Cahela, Donald R.⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J. and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.
High contacting efficiency microfibrous entrapped prox catalysts for reformate cleanup and PEM fuel cell applicationsChang, B.-K. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 948-951)
High contacting efficiency microfibrous entrapped PROX catalysts for reformate cleanup and PEM fuel cell applicationsChang, B.K. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
High contacting efficiency microfibrous entrapped PROX catalysts for reformate cleanup and PEM fuel cell applicationsChang, B. K. and Tatarchuk, B. J.(pp. 218-FUEL)