525 Publications (Page 8 of 21)
Cos formation and removal using high efficient zno based sorbents for Pemfc applicationsYang, H.⋅Nair, S. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
CO2 adsorption utilizing porous microfibrous media entrapped liquid K2CO3 as an apparent solidSathitsuksanoh, N.⋅Yang, H.⋅Cahela, D. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
Critical flow rate of anode fuel exhaust in a PEM fuel cell system
Zhu, Nichols W⋅Payne, Robert U and Tatarchuk, Bruce J
Journal of Power Sources, vol. 156, (no. 2), pp. 512-519, 2006. | Journal Article
Design considerations for PEMFC cathode air filtersKennedy, D.M. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
Effect of size constraints on integration potential in logistical fuels processingCummings, R.M.⋅McGlocklin, K.H.⋅Eden, M.R. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
Equivalent circuit models for polymer electrolyte fuel cell stacks in parallel at operational loadsZhu, Wenhua H.⋅Zhu, Wenhua H.⋅Payne, Robert U.⋅Payne, Robert U.⋅Cahela, Donald R.⋅Cahela, Donald R.⋅Nelms, R. M.⋅Nelms, R. M.⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J. and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.
Facile regeneration vitreous microfibrous entrapped supported ZnO sorbent with high contacting efficiency for bulk H2S removal from reformate streams in fuel.
Chang, Bong-Kyu⋅Chang, B. K.⋅Lu, Y.⋅Lu, Yong⋅Yang, Hongyun⋅Yang, H. Y.⋅Tatarchuk, B. J. and Tatarchuk, Bruce J
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol. 15, (no. 4), pp. 439-441, 2006. | Journal Article
Hg/HgO electrode and hydrogen evolution potentials in aqueous sodium hydroxide
Nickell, Ryan A⋅Zhu, Nichols W⋅Payne, Robert U⋅Cahela, Donald R and Tatarchuk, Bruce J
Journal of Power Sources, vol. 161, (no. 2), pp. 1217-1224, 2006. | Journal Article
Integration potential in different reformer strategies for logistical fuels processingWilder, J.L.⋅Cummings, R.M.⋅McGlocklin, K.H.⋅Eden, M.R. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
Kinetics study of hydrogen sulfide removal from model reformate by zinc oxideYang, H. Y.⋅Sathitsuksanoh, N.⋅Cahela, D.⋅Kalluri, R. and Tatarchuk, B.(pp. 153-156)
Liquid phase organic sulfur removal from logistic fuels using microfibrous entrapped adsorbentsYang, Hongyun⋅Nair, Sachin and Tatarchuk, Bruce(pp. 527-529)
Liquid phase organic sulfur removal from logistic fuels using microfibrous entrapped adsorbentsYang, H.⋅Nair, S. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
Microfibrous entrapment of small catalyst or sorbent particulates for high contacting-efficiency removal of trace contaminants including CO and H.sub.2S from practical reformates for PEM H.sub.2-O.sub.2 fuel cells
Chang, Bong-Kyu⋅Chang, B. K.⋅Lu, Yong⋅Lu, Y.⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce and Tatarchuk, B. J.
Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 115, (no. 3), pp. 195, 20060115. | Journal Article
Microfibrous entrapment of small catalyst particulates for high contacting efficiency removal of trace CO from practical reformates for pem H2-O2 fuel cells.
Chang, Bong-Kyu and Tatarchuk, Bruce J
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol. 15, (no. 4), pp. 453-456, 2006. | Journal Article
Microfibrous entrapment of small catalyst particulates for high contacting efficiency removal of trace CO from practical reformates for PEM H-2-O-2 fuel cellsChang, B. K.⋅Chang, B. K.⋅Tatarchuk, B. J. and Tatarchuk, B. J.(pp. 453-456)
Process intensification using novel micro-structured heterogeneous contacting systemsKalluri, Ranjeeth R.⋅Kalluri, Ranjeeth R.⋅Cahela, Donald R.⋅Cahela, Donald R.⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J. and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.
Regenerable H2S sorbents/reactants with high capacity and wide operating temperature characteristicsYang, Hongyun⋅Yang, Hongyun⋅Nair, Sachin⋅Nair, Sachin⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J. and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.
Regenerable H2S sorbents with high capacity and wide temperature characteristicsYang, Hongyun⋅Nair, Sachin and Tatarchuk, Bruce(pp. 499-501)
Regenerable H2S sorbents/reactants with high capacity and wide operating temperature characteristicsYang, H.⋅Nair, S. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
Residence time distribution of anode impurity pulses in a 47-cell commercial PEM stackPayne, Robert U.⋅Payne, Robert U.⋅Zhu, Wenhua H.⋅Zhu, Wenhua H.⋅Cahela, Donald R.⋅Cahela, Donald R.⋅Tiwari, Amar⋅Tiwari, Amar⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J. and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.
Room temperature CO2 removal over porous microfibrous media entrapped liquid K2CO3 as an apparent solidSathitsuksanoh, Noppadon⋅Yang, Hongyun⋅Cahela, Donald R.⋅Lu, Yong and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.(pp. 393-395)
Room temperature CO2 removal over K2CO3 on porous microfibrous mediaSathitsuksanoh, N.⋅Yang, H.⋅Cahela, D. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
Simulation of heterogeneous H2S removal in micro-scale gas flowsDuggirala, Ravi Kumar⋅Duggirala, Ravi Kumar⋅Roy, Christopher J.⋅Roy, Christopher J.⋅Yang, Hongyun⋅Yang, Hongyun⋅Kalluri, Ranjeeth R.⋅Kalluri, Ranjeeth R.⋅Cahela, Donald R.⋅Cahela, Donald R.⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J. and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.
Simulation of heterogeneous H2S removal in micro-scale gas flowsDuggirala, R.K.⋅Roy, C.J.⋅Yang, H.⋅Kalluri, R.R.⋅Cahela, D.R. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
Academia, small business partnership leading to new product development based on intellectual propertyKaranjikar, M. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 12932)