528 Publications (Page 21 of 22)
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204. High Efficiency Adsorbent Filters for Regenerable Collective Protection Using Packed Bed + Polishing Sorbent Architectures
Queen, A.Queen, A.Tatarchuk, B. and Tatarchuk, B.
A comparison of two equivalent circuits for double-layer capacitors
Nelms, R.M.Nelms, R.M.Cahela, D.R.Cahela, D.R.Newsom, R.L.Newsom, R.L.Tatarchuk, B.J. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
Adsorption and Reaction Mechanisms of Thiophene over Sulfided Ruthenium Catalysts
A Semi-Empirical Pressure Drop Model: Part I—Pleated Filters
Cathodic Clogging Behavior Of Fibrous Metal-Carbon Composite Electrodes
Zabasajja, J.Zabasajja, J.Tatarchuk, B.J. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
Characteristics of sulfur removal by silver-titania adsorbents at ambient conditions
Comparative heterogeneous contacting efficiency in fixed bed reactors: Opportunities for new microstructured systems
Composite Electrode Structures For Fuel Cell Applications
Ahn, SoonhoAhn, SoonhoTatarchuk, B.I. and Tatarchuk, B.I.
Critical flow rate of anode fuel exhaust in a PEM fuel cell system
Hg/HgO electrode and hydrogen evolution potentials in aqueous sodium hydroxide
High surface area, low-weight composite nickel fiber electrodes
Impedance modeling of nickel fiber/carbon fiber composite electrodes for electrochemical capacitors
Cahela, D.R.Cahela, D.R.Tatarchuk, B.J. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
Investigation of internal interfacial reactions of the Fe−Ti hydride system
Metal-carbon composite electrodes from fiber precursors (for secondary cells)
Kohler, D.A.Kohler, D.A.Zabasajja, J.N.Zabasajja, J.N.Krisnagopalan, A.Krisnagopalan, A.Rose, M.F.Rose, M.F.Tatarchuk, B.J. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
Microfibrous Entrapped Catalysts for Low Temperature CO Oxidation
Microfibrous entrapped catalysts for low temperature CO oxidation in humid air
Microfibrous entrapped small particle adsorbents for high efficiency heterogeneous contacting
Minimization of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells using in situ PROX Catalysts
Mössbauer studies of high surface area pillared-clays containing mixed metal complexes
Note: Heated sample platform for in situ temperature-programmed XPS
Novel-doped zinc oxide sorbents for low temperature regenerable desulfurization applications
Origin of strong Gʹ band in Raman spectra of carbon whiskers
Overview of electrochemical double layer capacitors
Cahela, D.R.Cahela, D.R.Tatarchuk, B.J. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
Surface characterization of Ag/Titania adsorbents