528 Publications (Page 2 of 22)
Loading of fibrous filter media and newly designed filter configurations by salt particles: An experimental study
Zhao, PengfeiCheng, Peng and Tatarchuk, Bruce J
AIChE Journal, vol. 62, (no. 10), pp. 3750, October 2016. | Journal Article
Microfibrous entrapped hybrid iron-based catalysts for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis
Cheng, XinquanYang, Hongyun and Tatarchuk, Bruce J
Catalysis Today, vol. 273, pp. 71, 2016-09-15. | Journal Article
Photo-assisted adsorptive desulfurization of hydrocarbon fuels over TiO2 and Ag/TiO2. Fuel
Photo-assisted adsorptive desulfurization of hydrocarbon fuels over TiO.sub.2 and Ag/TiO.sub.2
Sun, Xueni and Tatarchuk, Bruce
Fuel, vol. 183, pp. 550, 20161101. | Journal Article
Simulation of Ni-MH Batteries via an Equivalent Circuit Model for Energy Storage Applications
Ying ZhuZhu, YingZhu, WenhuaWenhua H. ZhuZenda DavisDavis, ZendaBruce J. Tatarchuk and Tatarchuk, Bruce
Advances in Physical Chemistry, 2016. | Journal Article
A CFD pressure drop model for microfibrous entrapped catalyst filters using micro-scale imaging
Gu, QiangHenderson, Robert T and Tatarchuk, Bruce J
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, vol. 9, (no. 1), pp. 576, 1/1/2015. | Journal Article
Development of a model for carbon monoxide oxidation using reaction data generated by a novel catalyst and packaging system in humid conditions at room temperature
Henderson, R. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
(pp. 229-230)
Highly conductive catalyst support structure for use in large diameter highly exothermic gas-to-liquid reactors
Yantz, W.R.Gonzalez, C.F.Sheng, M.Yang, H.Dimick, P.S.Cahela, D.R. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
(pp. 3-5)
Joint Numerical–Experimental Investigation of Enhanced Chemical Reactivity in Microfibrous Materials for Desulfurization
Duggirala, Ravi KDuggirala, Ravi K.Roy, Christopher J.Roy, Christopher JDhage, PriyankaDhage, PriyankaTatarchuk, Bruce J and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.
Journal of Fluids Engineering, vol. 137, (no. 3), pp. 31204, 2015-03-01. | Journal Article
Structured non-wovens produced via wet-lay paper making as carriers for high performance mass and heat transport facilitated catalyst and sorbent entrapment
Tatarchuk, B.J.
(pp. 1639-1648)
Technical nonwovens and composites produced via wet-lay processes
Tatarchuk, B.J.
(pp. 1629-1638)
Understanding the dispersion of Ag on high surface area TiO.sub.2 supports using XPS intensity ratios
Davis, Zenda and Tatarchuk, Bruce
Applied Surface Science, vol. 353, pp. 679, 20151030. | Journal Article
A CFD pressure drop model for microfibrous entrapped catalyst filters using micro scale imaging
Gu, Q. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
(pp. 6-14)
Comparison of performance for sea salt particles filtration between nonwoven and woven activated carbon fiber media
Zhao, P. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
(pp. 433)
Comparison of wash-coated monoliths vs. microfibrous entrapped catalyst structures for catalytic VOC removal
Wahid, SabrinaCahela, Donald and Tatarchuk, Bruce
American Institute of Chemical Engineers. AIChE Journal, vol. 60, (no. 11), pp. 3814, 20141101. | Journal Article
Comparison of wash-coated monoliths vs. microfibrous entrapped catalyst structures for catalytic VOC removal
Wahid, SabrinaWahid, SabrinaCahela, Donald RCahela, Donald R.Tatarchuk, Bruce J and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.
AIChE Journal, vol. 60, (no. 11), pp. 3823, 2014-11-00. | Journal Article
Density Functional Theory Study of Organosulfur Selective Adsorption on Ag–TiO2 Adsorbents
Hussain, A. H. M. ShahadatHussain, A. H. M. ShahadatMcKee, Michael LMcKee, Michael L.Heinzel, John MHeinzel, John M.Sun, XueniSun, XueniTatarchuk, Bruce J and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 118, (no. 27), pp. 14947, 20140710. | Journal Article
Factors affecting H2S desulfurization performance of ZnO based adsorbents for wide temperature applications (20-400?C): Effect of COS formation and moisture adsorption on H2S removal efficiency
Sujan, A. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
(pp. 525)
Growth of nanostructured ZnO on wearable fabrics for functional garment
Park, MinseoPark, HyejinPark, HyejinPark, MinseoPark, HyejinPark, HyejinTong, FeiTong, FeiTong, FeiTong, FeiSujan, AchintyaSujan, AchintyaSujan, AchintyaSujan, AchintyaChung, YoonsungChung, YoonsungChung, YoonsungChung, YoonsungPark, MinseoPark, MinseoTatarchuk, Bruce JTatarchuk, Bruce JTatarchuk, Bruce J.Tatarchuk, Bruce J.Koo, HelenKoo, HelenKoo, HelenKoo, HelenAhn, HosangAhn, HosangAhn, HosangAhn, HosangYoon, Young SooYoon, Young SooYoon, Young SooYoon, Young SooKim, Dong-JooKim, Dong JooKim, Dong-Joo and Kim, Dong-Joo
Materials Letters, vol. 118, pp. 50, 2014-03-01. | Journal Article
Improvement of Commercial Gas Mask Canisters Using Adsorbents Enhanced by Sintered Microfibrous Networks
Cahela, Donald RCahela, Donald R.Tatarchuk, Bruce J and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 53, (no. 15), pp. 6520, 20140416. | Journal Article
Mechanism of hydrocarbon fuel desulfurization using Ag/TiO.sub.2-Al.sub.2O.sub.3 adsorbent
Hussain, A.H.M.Hussain, A. H. M. ShahadatTatarchuk, Bruce and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.
Fuel Processing Technology, vol. 126, pp. 233, 20141001. | Journal Article
Ozone removal using new structure of matter for high performance heterogeneous catalysis with short contact time
Gu, Q. and Tatarchuk, B.J.
(pp. 421-428)
Performance comparison between high temperature and traditional proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Zhu, YingZhu, Wenhua HZhu, YingZhu, Wenhua HTatarchuk, Bruce J and Tatarchuk, Bruce J
Journal of Power Sources, vol. 256, pp. 257, 2014-06-15. | Journal Article
Self-discharge characteristics and performance degradation of Ni-MH batteries for storage applications
Zhu, YingZhu, Wenhua HZhu, YingZhu, Wenhua HTatarchuk, Bruce J and Tatarchuk, Bruce J
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 39, (no. 34), pp. 19798, 2014-11-20. | Journal Article
Adsorptive desulfurization of jet and diesel fuels using Ag/TiO x –Al 2 O 3 and Ag/TiO x –SiO 2 adsorbents
Shahadat Hussain, A.H.MHussain, A.H.M. ShahadatTatarchuk, Bruce J and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.
Fuel, vol. 107, pp. 473, 2013-05-00. | Journal Article