528 Publications (Page 2 of 22)
Loading of fibrous filter media and newly designed filter configurations by salt particles: An experimental studyZhao, Pengfei⋅Cheng, Peng and Tatarchuk, Bruce JAIChE Journal, vol. 62, (no. 10), pp. 3750, October 2016.
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Microfibrous entrapped hybrid iron-based catalysts for Fischer–Tropsch synthesisCheng, Xinquan⋅Yang, Hongyun and Tatarchuk, Bruce JCatalysis Today, vol. 273, pp. 71, 2016-09-15.
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Photo-assisted adsorptive desulfurization of hydrocarbon fuels over TiO2 and Ag/TiO2. Fuel
Photo-assisted adsorptive desulfurization of hydrocarbon fuels over TiO.sub.2 and Ag/TiO.sub.2Sun, Xueni and Tatarchuk, BruceFuel, vol. 183, pp. 550, 20161101.
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Simulation of Ni-MH Batteries via an Equivalent Circuit Model for Energy Storage ApplicationsYing Zhu⋅Zhu, Ying⋅Zhu, Wenhua⋅Wenhua H. Zhu⋅Zenda Davis⋅Davis, Zenda⋅Bruce J. Tatarchuk and Tatarchuk, BruceAdvances in Physical Chemistry, 2016.
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A CFD pressure drop model for microfibrous entrapped catalyst filters using micro-scale imagingGu, Qiang⋅Henderson, Robert T and Tatarchuk, Bruce JEngineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, vol. 9, (no. 1), pp. 576, 1/1/2015.
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Development of a model for carbon monoxide oxidation using reaction data generated by a novel catalyst and packaging system in humid conditions at room temperatureHenderson, R. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 229-230)
Highly conductive catalyst support structure for use in large diameter highly exothermic gas-to-liquid reactorsYantz, W.R.⋅Gonzalez, C.F.⋅Sheng, M.⋅Yang, H.⋅Dimick, P.S.⋅Cahela, D.R. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 3-5)
Joint Numerical–Experimental Investigation of Enhanced Chemical Reactivity in Microfibrous Materials for DesulfurizationDuggirala, Ravi K⋅Duggirala, Ravi K.⋅Roy, Christopher J.⋅Roy, Christopher J⋅Dhage, Priyanka⋅Dhage, Priyanka⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.Journal of Fluids Engineering, vol. 137, (no. 3), pp. 31204, 2015-03-01.
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Structured non-wovens produced via wet-lay paper making as carriers for high performance mass and heat transport facilitated catalyst and sorbent entrapmentTatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 1639-1648)
Technical nonwovens and composites produced via wet-lay processesTatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 1629-1638)
Understanding the dispersion of Ag on high surface area TiO.sub.2 supports using XPS intensity ratiosDavis, Zenda and Tatarchuk, BruceApplied Surface Science, vol. 353, pp. 679, 20151030.
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A CFD pressure drop model for microfibrous entrapped catalyst filters using micro scale imagingGu, Q. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 6-14)
Comparison of performance for sea salt particles filtration between nonwoven and woven activated carbon fiber mediaZhao, P. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 433)
Comparison of wash-coated monoliths vs. microfibrous entrapped catalyst structures for catalytic VOC removalWahid, Sabrina⋅Cahela, Donald and Tatarchuk, BruceAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers. AIChE Journal, vol. 60, (no. 11), pp. 3814, 20141101.
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Comparison of wash-coated monoliths vs. microfibrous entrapped catalyst structures for catalytic VOC removalWahid, Sabrina⋅Wahid, Sabrina⋅Cahela, Donald R⋅Cahela, Donald R.⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.AIChE Journal, vol. 60, (no. 11), pp. 3823, 2014-11-00.
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Density Functional Theory Study of Organosulfur Selective Adsorption on Ag–TiO2 AdsorbentsHussain, A. H. M. Shahadat⋅Hussain, A. H. M. Shahadat⋅McKee, Michael L⋅McKee, Michael L.⋅Heinzel, John M⋅Heinzel, John M.⋅Sun, Xueni⋅Sun, Xueni⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 118, (no. 27), pp. 14947, 20140710.
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Factors affecting H2S desulfurization performance of ZnO based adsorbents for wide temperature applications (20-400?C): Effect of COS formation and moisture adsorption on H2S removal efficiencySujan, A. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 525)
Growth of nanostructured ZnO on wearable fabrics for functional garmentPark, Minseo⋅Park, Hyejin⋅Park, Hyejin⋅Park, Minseo⋅Park, Hyejin⋅Park, Hyejin⋅Tong, Fei⋅Tong, Fei⋅Tong, Fei⋅Tong, Fei⋅Sujan, Achintya⋅Sujan, Achintya⋅Sujan, Achintya⋅Sujan, Achintya⋅Chung, Yoonsung⋅Chung, Yoonsung⋅Chung, Yoonsung⋅Chung, Yoonsung⋅Park, Minseo⋅Park, Minseo⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J.⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J.⋅Koo, Helen⋅Koo, Helen⋅Koo, Helen⋅Koo, Helen⋅Ahn, Hosang⋅Ahn, Hosang⋅Ahn, Hosang⋅Ahn, Hosang⋅Yoon, Young Soo⋅Yoon, Young Soo⋅Yoon, Young Soo⋅Yoon, Young Soo⋅Kim, Dong-Joo⋅Kim, Dong Joo⋅Kim, Dong-Joo and Kim, Dong-JooMaterials Letters, vol. 118, pp. 50, 2014-03-01.
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Improvement of Commercial Gas Mask Canisters Using Adsorbents Enhanced by Sintered Microfibrous NetworksCahela, Donald R⋅Cahela, Donald R.⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 53, (no. 15), pp. 6520, 20140416.
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Mechanism of hydrocarbon fuel desulfurization using Ag/TiO.sub.2-Al.sub.2O.sub.3 adsorbentHussain, A.H.M.⋅Hussain, A. H. M. Shahadat⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.Fuel Processing Technology, vol. 126, pp. 233, 20141001.
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Ozone removal using new structure of matter for high performance heterogeneous catalysis with short contact timeGu, Q. and Tatarchuk, B.J.(pp. 421-428)
Performance comparison between high temperature and traditional proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks using electrochemical impedance spectroscopyZhu, Ying⋅Zhu, Wenhua H⋅Zhu, Ying⋅Zhu, Wenhua H⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J and Tatarchuk, Bruce JJournal of Power Sources, vol. 256, pp. 257, 2014-06-15.
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Self-discharge characteristics and performance degradation of Ni-MH batteries for storage applicationsZhu, Ying⋅Zhu, Wenhua H⋅Zhu, Ying⋅Zhu, Wenhua H⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J and Tatarchuk, Bruce JInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 39, (no. 34), pp. 19798, 2014-11-20.
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Adsorptive desulfurization of jet and diesel fuels using Ag/TiO x –Al 2 O 3 and Ag/TiO x –SiO 2 adsorbentsShahadat Hussain, A.H.M⋅Hussain, A.H.M. Shahadat⋅Tatarchuk, Bruce J and Tatarchuk, Bruce J.Fuel, vol. 107, pp. 473, 2013-05-00.
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