61 Publications (Page 3 of 3)
Effects of Prolonged Wrist Flexion on Transmission of Sensory Information in Carpal Tunnel SyndromeSesek, RichardJournal of Pain, vol. 8, (no. 2), pp. 151, 2007.
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Low back pain among residential carpenters: ergonomic evaluation using OWAS and 2D compression estimation.Gilkey, David P⋅Keefe, Thomas J⋅Bigelow, Philip⋅Herron, Robin E⋅Duvall, Kirby⋅Hautaluoma, Jacob E⋅Rosecrance, John S and Sesek, Richard FInternational journal of occupational safety and ergonomics : JOSE, vol. 13, (no. 3), pp. 305-21, 2007.
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Machining Performance and Health Effects of Cutting Fluid Application in Drilling of A390.0 Cast Aluminum AlloyJayal, Anshu D⋅Balaji, A K⋅Sesek, Richard F⋅Gaul, Adam and Lillquist, Dean RJournal of Manufacturing Processes, vol. 9, (no. 2), pp. 137-146, 2007.
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Comparison of ergonomic risk assessment outputs from Rapid Upper Limb Assessment and the Strain Index for tasks in automotive assembly plants.Drinkaus, Phillip⋅Sesek, Richard F⋅Bloswick, Donald S⋅Bernard, Thomas E⋅Walton, Bob⋅Joseph, Brad⋅Reeve, Gordon and Counts, Joyce HWork (Reading, Mass.), vol. 21, (no. 2), pp. 165-72, 2003.
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Fatal Injuries in the United States Involving Respirators, 1984-1995Suruda, A.⋅Milliken, W.⋅Stephenson, D. and Sesek, Richard FApplied Occupational & Environmental Hygiene, vol. 18, (no. 4), pp. 289-292, 2003.
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Fatal injuries to teenage construction workers in the USSuruda, A.⋅Philips, Peter⋅Lillquist, D. and Sesek, Richard FAmerican Journal of Industrial Medicine, vol. 44, (no. 5), pp. 510-514, 2003.
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Impact of the OSHA trench and excavation standard on fatal injury in the construction industry.Suruda, Anthony⋅Whitaker, Brad⋅Bloswick, Donald S⋅Philips, Peter and Sesek, Richard FJournal of occupational and environmental medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, vol. 44, (no. 10), pp. 902-5, 2002/Oct.
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Evaluation and refinement of ergonomic survey tools to evaluate worker risk of cumulative trauma disorders (Dissertation)Sesek, Richard F (1999).