58 Publications (Page 3 of 3)
Structure of a supersonic impinging rectangular jet via real-time optical diagnosticsThurow, Brian S⋅Samimy, M. and Lempert, W.32nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 2002.
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An MHz rate imaging system for study of turbulent and time evolving high speed flowsThurow, Brian S⋅Hileman, J.⋅Samimy, M. and Lempert, W.ICIASF 2001 - 19th International congress on instrumentation in aerospace simulation facilities, Proceedings, Cleveland, OH; UNITED STATES; 27-30 Aug. 2001. 2001.
| Conference Proceeding
Determination of noise sources within a high-speed jet via simultaneous acoustic measurements and real-time flowHileman, J.⋅Thurow, Brian S and Samimy, M.AIAA, 2001.
| Journal Article
Progress towards a real-time quantitative measurement technique for high-speed flowsThurow, Brian S⋅Hileman, J.⋅Samimy, M. and Lempert, W.AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference & Exhibit, 2001.
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MHz rate imaging of large-scale structures within a high speed axisymmetric jetThurow, Brian S⋅Lempert, W. and Samimy, M.AIAA, 2000.
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n.d.no date or unknown
A burst mode OPO system for MHz frame rate PLIF imaging diagnosticsLempert, Walter R⋅Jiang, N.⋅Blohm, M.⋅Thurow, Brian S⋅Samimy, M.⋅Switzer, G. and Goss, L.42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit; Reno.
| Journal Article
MHZ rate planar doppler velocimetry in supersonic jetsThurow, Brian S⋅Jiang, N.⋅Lempert, W. and Samimy, Mohammad42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit; Reno.
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Simultaneous high-resolution optical wavefront and flow diagnostics for high-speed flowsSamimy, Mohammad⋅Lempert, Walter R⋅Harris, Scott⋅Widiker, Jeff⋅Duncan, Bradley and Thurow, Brian S34th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference; Orlando.
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