Areas: Fluid Dynamics, Aerodynamics, Propulsion, Advanced Flow Diagnostics
This laboratory focuses on the development and application of high-speed, 3D flow diagnostics for applications involving unsteady, 3D flow fields including flapping wing flight, shock boundary layer interactions and combustion.
Research Interests:
- 3D Flow Visualization
- Optical Diagnostics
- Experimental Fluid Dynamics
- Light Field Imaging
- Compressible Flows
Keywords/Tags: Flow Diagnostics 3D Flow Visualization Light Field Imaging Plenoptic Cameras Particle Image Velocimetry Tomography Fluid Dynamics Compressible Fluid Dynamics Hypersonics Shock Boundary Layer Interactions
His research has focused on the development of high repetition rate (order 1 MHz) optical diagnostics for turbulent flow measurements and, more recently, the development of plenoptic camera technology for 3-D flow visualization.
In addition to advanced optical diagnostics for fluid dynamic measurements, Dr. Thurow is also interested in aero-acoustics, aero-optics, flow control, turbulence and compressible flows.
The Advanced Flow Diagnostics Laboratory (AFDL) specializes in the development and application of visualization diagnostics for fluid dynamic measurements. Areas of specialization include three- dimensional imaging and high- repetition rate flow visualization (up to 1 million frames/sec).
- Flow visualization techniques such as acetone planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF), particle image velocimetry (PIV), and background oriented Schlieren (BOS) are being used in the Advanced Laser Diagnostics Lab to study several different flow fields.
Research Areas
- Acoustically Excited Jet
- Jet - Fin Interaction
- Flow Over Turret
- Flat Plate