24 Publications
Prenatal Cannabinoid Exposure Elicits Memory Deficits Associated with Reduced PSA-NCAM Expression, Altered Glutamatergic Signaling, and Adaptations in Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity
Pinky, Priyanka DPinky, Priyanka DPinky, Priyanka DBloemer, JennaBloemer, JennaBloemer, JennaSmith, Warren DSmith, Warren DSmith, Warren DDu, YifengDu, YifengDu, YifengHeslin, Ryan THeslin, Ryan THeslin, Ryan TSetti, Sharay ESetti, Sharay ESetti, Sharay EPfitzer, Jeremiah CPfitzer, Jeremiah CPfitzer, Jeremiah CChowdhury, KawsarChowdhury, KawsarChowdhury, KawsarHong, HaoHong, HaoHong, HaoBhattacharya, SubhrajitBhattacharya, SubhrajitBhattacharya, SubhrajitDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanDityatev, AlexanderDityatev, AlexanderDityatev, AlexanderReed, Miranda NReed, Miranda NReed, Miranda NReed, Miranda NReed, Miranda NReed, Miranda NReed, Miranda NReed, Miranda NReed, Miranda NSuppiramaniam, VishnuSuppiramaniam, VishnuSuppiramaniam, VishnuSuppiramaniam, VishnuSuppiramaniam, VishnuSuppiramaniam, VishnuSuppiramaniam, VishnuSuppiramaniam, VishnuSuppiramaniam, VishnuSuppiramaniam, VishnuSuppiramaniam, Vishnu and Suppiramaniam, Vishnu
Cells, vol. 12, (no. 21), 2023. | Journal Article
Role of Neddylation in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Govindarajulu, ManojRamesh, SindhuShankar, TharanthKora, Murali KrishnaMoore, Timothy and Dhanasekaran, Muralikrishnan
NeuroSci, vol. 3, (no. 4), pp. 533-545, Dec 2022. | Journal Article
Role of Adiponectin in Central Nervous System Disorders
Bloemer, JennaBloemer, JennaBloemer, JennaBloemer, JennaPinky, Priyanka DPinky, Priyanka DPinky, Priyanka DPinky, Priyanka D.Govindarajulu, ManojGovindarajulu, ManojGovindarajulu, ManojGovindarajulu, ManojHong, HaoHong, HaoHong, HaoHong, HaoJudd, RobertJudd, RobertJudd, RobertJudd, RobertAmin, Rajesh HAmin, Rajesh HAmin, Rajesh HAmin, Rajesh H.Moore, TimothyMoore, TimothyMoore, TimothyMoore, TimothyDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanReed, Miranda NReed, Miranda NReed, Miranda NReed, Miranda N.Suppiramaniam, VishnuSuppiramaniam, VishnuSuppiramaniam, Vishnu and Suppiramaniam, Vishnu
Neural Plasticity, vol. 2018, 2018. | Journal Article
Immunological alteration & toxic molecular inductions leading to cognitive impairment & neurotoxicity in transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
Ahuja, ManujAhuja, ManujAhuja, ManujBuabeid, ManalBuabeid, ManalBuabeid, ManalAbdel-Rahman, EngyAbdel-Rahman, EngyAbdel-Rahman, EngyMajrashi, MohammedMajrashi, MohammedMajrashi, MohammedParameshwaran, KodeeswaranParameshwaran, KodeeswaranParameshwaran, KodeeswaranAmin, RajeshAmin, RajeshAmin, RajeshRamesh, SindhuRamesh, SindhuRamesh, SindhuThiruchelvan, KariharanThiruchelvan, KariharanThiruchelvan, KariharanPondugula, SatyanarayanaPondugula, SatyanarayanaPondugula, SatyanarayanaSuppiramaniam, VishnuSuppiramaniam, VishnuSuppiramaniam, VishnuDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanDhanasekaran, Muralikrishnan and Dhanasekaran, Muralikrishnan
Life Sciences, vol. 177, pp. 49, 20170515. | Journal Article
Assessment of Therapeutic Potential of Amantadine in Methamphetamine Induced Neurotoxicity
Thrash-williams, BessyThrash-Williams, BessyAhuja, ManujAhuja, ManujKaruppagounder, Senthilkumar SKaruppagounder, Senthilkumar SUthayathas, SubramaniamUthayathas, SubramaniamSuppiramaniam, VishnuSuppiramaniam, VishnuDhanasekaran, Muralikrishnan and Dhanasekaran, Muralikrishnan
Neurochemical Research, vol. 38, (no. 10), pp. 2084-94, Oct 2013. | Journal Article
Selective inhibition of phosphodiesterase 5 enhances glutamatergic synaptic plasticity and memory in mice
Uthayathas, SubramaniamUthayathas, SubramaniamParameshwaran, KodeeswaranParameshwaran, KodeeswaranKaruppagounder, Senthilkumar SKaruppagounder, Senthilkumar SAhuja, ManujAhuja, ManujDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanSuppiramaniam, Vishnu and Suppiramaniam, Vishnu
Synapse, vol. 67, (no. 11), pp. 747, 2013-11-00. | Journal Article
Central insulin resistance and synaptic dysfunction in intracerebroventricular-streptozotocin injected rodents
Shonesy, Brian CThiruchelvam, KariharanParameshwaran, KodeeswaranRahman, Engy AKaruppagounder, Senthilkumar SHuggins, Kevin WPinkert, Carl AAmin, RajeshDhanasekaran, Muralikrishnan and Suppiramaniam, Vishnu
Neurobiology of Aging, vol. 33, (no. 2), pp. 430.e5-430.e18, 2012. | Journal Article
Developmental nicotine exposure induced alterations in behavior and glutamate receptor function in hippocampus
Parameshwaran, KodeeswaranBuabeid, Manal AKaruppagounder, Senthilkumar SUthayathas, SubramaniamThiruchelvam, KarikaranShonesy, Brian CDityatev, AlexanderEscobar, Martha CDhanasekaran, Muralikrishnan and Suppiramaniam, Vishnu
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, vol. 69, (no. 5), pp. 829-841, 2012. | Journal Article
Selective Cholinergic Depletion in Medial Septum Leads to Impaired Long Term Potentiation and Glutamatergic Synaptic Currents in the Hippocampus
Kanju, Patrick MKanju, Patrick MParameshwaran, KodeeswaranParameshwaran, KodeeswaranSims-Robinson, CatrinaSims-Robinson, CatrinaUthayathas, SubramaniamUthayathas, SubramaniamJosephson, Eleanor MJosephson, Eleanor MRajakumar, NagalingamRajakumar, NagalingamDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanSuppiramaniam, Vishnu and Suppiramaniam, Vishnu
PloS one, vol. 7, (no. 2), pp. e31073, 2012-00-00. | Journal Article
Neurotoxic Effects of Methamphetamine
Thrash, BessyKaruppagounder, Senthilkumar SUthayathas, SubramaniamSuppiramaniam, Vishnu and Dhanasekaran, Muralikrishnan
Neurochemical Research, vol. 35, (no. 1), pp. 171-179, 2010. | Journal Article
Centella asiatica extract selectively decreases amyloid β levels in hippocampus of Alzheimer's disease animal model
Dhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanHolcomb, Leigh AHitt, Angie RTharakan, BinuPorter, Jami WYoung, Keith A and Manyam, Bala V
Phytotherapy research., vol. 23, (no. 1), pp. 14-19, 2009. | Journal Article
Methamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity: the road to Parkinson's disease.
Thrash, BessyThiruchelvan, KariharanAhuja, ManujSuppiramaniam, Vishnu and Dhanasekaran, Muralikrishnan
Pharmacological reports : PR, vol. 61, (no. 6), pp. 966-77, 2009 Nov-Dec. | Journal Article
Amyloid beta peptides and glutamatergic synaptic dysregulation
Parameshwaran, KodeeswaranDhanasekaran, Muralikrishnan and Suppiramaniam, Vishnu
Experimental Neurology, vol. 210, (no. 1), pp. 7-13, 2008. | Journal Article
Effect of dopaminergic neurotoxin MPTP/MPP+ on coenzyme Q content.
Dhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanKaruppagounder, Senthilkumar SUthayathas, SubramaniamWold, Loren EParameshwaran, KodeeswaranJayachandra Babu, RSuppiramaniam, Vishnu and Brown Borg, Holly M
Life sciences, vol. 83, (no. 3-4), pp. 92-5, 2008/Jul/18. | Journal Article
Effect of dopaminergic neurotoxin MPTP/MPP super(+) on coenzyme Q content
Dhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanKaruppagounder, Senthilkumar SUthayathas, SubramaniamWold, Loren EParameshwaran, KodeeswaranBabu, RJayachandraSuppiramaniam, Vishnu and Brown Borg, Holly M
Life Sciences, vol. 83, (no. 3-4), pp. 92-95, 2008. | Journal Article
Role of Lipoamide Dehydrogenase and Metallothionein on 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-induced Neurotoxicity
Dhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanAlbano, Christian BPellet, LoriKaruppagounder, Senthilkumar SUthayathas, SubramaniamSuppiramaniam, VishnuBrown Borg, Holly M and Ebadi, Manuchair
Neurochemical Research, vol. 33, (no. 6), pp. 980-984, 2008. | Journal Article
Amyloid beta -peptide A beta 1-42 but not A beta 1-40 attenuates synaptic AMPA receptor function
Parameshwaran, KodeeswaranSims, CatrinaKanju, PatrickVaithianathan, ThirumaliniShonesy, Brian CDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanBahr, Ben A and Suppiramaniam, Vishnu
Synapse, vol. 61, (no. 6), pp. 367-374, 2007. | Journal Article
Amyloid beta-peptide Abeta(1-42) but not Abeta(1-40) attenuates synaptic AMPA receptor function.
Parameshwaran, KodeeswaranSims, CatrinaKanju, PatrickVaithianathan, ThirumaliniShonesy, Brian CDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanBahr, Ben A and Suppiramaniam, Vishnu
Synapse (New York, N.Y.), vol. 61, (no. 6), pp. 367-74, 2007/Jun. | Journal Article
Evaluation of neuroprotective and anti-fatigue effects of sildenafil
Uthayathas, SubramaniamKaruppagounder, Senthilkumar STamer, Sibel IParameshwaran, KodeeswaranDegim, TuncerSuppiramaniam, Vishnu and Dhanasekaran, Muralikrishnan
Life Sciences, vol. 81, (no. 12), pp. 988-992, 2007. | Journal Article
Versatile effects of sildenafil: recent pharmacological applications.
Uthayathas, SubramaniamUthayathas, SubramaniamKaruppagounder, Senthilkumar SKaruppagounder, Senthilkumar SThrash, Bessy MThrash, Bessy MParameshwaran, KodeeswaranParameshwaran, KodeeswaranSuppiramaniam, VishnuSuppiramaniam, VishnuDhanasekaran, Muralikrishnan and Dhanasekaran, Muralikrishnan
Pharmacological reports : PR, vol. 59, (no. 2), pp. 150-63, 2007 Mar-Apr. | Journal Article
Ebselen effects on MPTP-induced neurotoxicity.
Dhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanUthayathas, SubramaniamKaruppagounder, Senthilkumar SParameshwaran, KodeeswaranSuppiramaniam, VishnuEbadi, Manuchair and Brown Borg, Holly M
Brain research, vol. 1118, (no. 1), pp. 251-4, 2006/Nov/6. | Journal Article
Modulatory effects of dextran sulfate and fucoidan on binding and channel properties of AMPA receptors isolated from rat brain
Suppiramaniam, VishnuVaithianathan, ThirumaliniManivannan, KandiahDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanParameshwaran, Kodeeswaran and Bahr, Ben A
Synapse, vol. 60, (no. 6), pp. 456-464, 2006. | Journal Article
Trichopus zeylanicus combats fatigue without amphetamine-mimetic activity.
Tharakan, BinuDhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanBrown Borg, Holly M and Manyam, Bala V
Phytotherapy research : PTR, vol. 20, (no. 3), pp. 165-8, 2006/Mar. | Journal Article
P2-072 The effect of Bacopa monniera extract on neuropathology in the doubly transgenic PSAPP Alzheimer's disease mouse model
Holcomb, Leigh ADhanasekaran, MuralikrishnanYoung, Keith A and Manyam, Bala V
Neurobiology of Aging, vol. 25, pp. S244, 2004. | Journal Article