24 Publications
Enhancing anticancer activity of checkpoint immunotherapy by targeting RAS
Ward, ABWard, Antonio BWard, Antonio BKeeton, AbKeeton, Adam BKeeton, Adam BChen, XChen, XiChen, XiMattox, TEMattox, Tyler EMattox, Tyler EColey, ABColey, Alex BColey, Alex BMaxuitenko, Yulia YMaxuitenko, Yulia YMaxuitenko, YYBuchsbaum, Donald JBuchsbaum, Donald JBuchsbaum, DjRandall, Troy DRandall, Troy DRandall, TDZhou, GangZhou, GangZhou, GPiazza, Gary APiazza, GA and Piazza, Gary A
Medcomm, vol. 1, (no. 2), pp. 121-128, Sep 2020. | Journal Article
Isatin-benzoazine molecular hybrids as potential antiproliferative agents: synthesis and in vitro pharmacological profiling
Abdel-Aziz, Hatem AAbdel-Aziz, Hatem AEldehna, Wagdy MEldehna, Wagdy MKeeton, Adam BKeeton, Adam BPiazza, Gary APiazza, Gary AKadi, Adnan AKadi, Adnan AAttwa, Mohamed WAttwa, Mohamed WAbdelhameed, Ali SAbdelhameed, Ali SAttia, Mohamed I and Attia, Mohamed I
Drug Design, Development and Therapy, vol. 11, pp. 2333-2346, 2017. | Journal Article
New hydrazonoindolin-2-ones: Synthesis, exploration of the possible anti-proliferative mechanism of action and encapsulation into PLGA microspheres
Attia, Mohamed IAttia, Mohamed IEldehna, Wagdy MEldehna, Wagdy MAfifi, Samar AAfifi, Samar AKeeton, Adam BKeeton, Adam BPiazza, Gary APiazza, Gary AAbdel-Aziz, Hatem A and Abdel-Aziz, Hatem A
PLoS One, vol. 12, (no. 7), Jul 2017. | Journal Article
Phosphodiesterase 10A: a novel target for selective inhibition of colon tumor cell growth and β-catenin-dependent TCF transcriptional activity.
Li, NLee, KXi, YZhu, BGary, B DRamírez-Alcántara, VGurpinar, ECanzoneri, J CFajardo, ASigler, SPiazza, J TChen, XAndrews, JThomas, MLu, WLi, YLaan, D JMoyer, M PRusso, SEberhardt, B TYet, LKeeton, A BGrizzle, W E and Piazza, G A
Oncogene, vol. 34, (no. 12), pp. 1499-1509, March 19, 2015. | Journal Article
Suppression of β-catenin/TCF transcriptional activity and colon tumor cell growth by dual inhibition of PDE5 and 10.
Li, NanChen, XiZhu, BingRamírez-Alcántara, VerónicaCanzoneri, Joshua CLee, KevinSigler, SaraGary, BernardLi, YongheZhang, WeiMoyer, Mary PSalter, E AlanWierzbicki, AndrzejKeeton, Adam B and Piazza, Gary A
Oncotarget, vol. 6, (no. 29), pp. 27403-27415, September 29, 2015. | Journal Article
NSAIDs inhibit tumorigenesis, but how?
Gurpinar, EvrimGrizzle, William E and Piazza, Gary A
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, vol. 20, (no. 5), pp. 1104-1113, March 1, 2014. | Journal Article
The role of cyclic nucleotide signaling pathways in cancer: targets for prevention and treatment.
Fajardo, Alexandra MPiazza, Gary A and Tinsley, Heather N
Cancers, vol. 6, (no. 1), pp. 436-458, February 26, 2014. | Journal Article
6-Aryl and heterocycle quinazoline derivatives as potent EGFR inhibitors with improved activity toward gefitinib-sensitive and -resistant tumor cell lines.
Hamed, Mostafa MAbouElElla, D.A.Abou El Ella, Dalal AKeeton, Adam BPiazza, Gary AAbadi, Ashraf HHartmann, Rolf W and Engel, Matthias
ChemMedChem, vol. 8, (no. 9), pp. 1495-1504, September 2013. | Journal Article
Hypoxia-regulated microRNAs in human cancer
Shen, GuominShen, GuominLi, XiaoboLi, XiaoboJia, Yong-fengJia, Yong-fengPiazza, Gary APiazza, Gary AXi, Yaguang and Xi, Yaguang
Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, vol. 34, (no. 3), pp. 336-41, Mar 2013. | Journal Article
MicroRNA and cancer chemoprevention.
Yi, BinPiazza, Gary ASu, Xiulan and Xi, Yaguang
Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.), vol. 6, (no. 5), pp. 401-409, May 2013. | Journal Article
MicroRNAs are involved in the self-renewal and differentiation of cancer stem cells
Wang, Zheng-mingWang, Zheng-mingDu, Wen-junDu, Wen-junPiazza, Gary APiazza, Gary AXi, Yaguang and Xi, Yaguang
Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, vol. 34, (no. 11), pp. 1374-80, Nov 2013. | Journal Article
Sulindac selectively inhibits colon tumor cell growth by activating the cGMP/PKG pathway to suppress Wnt/β-catenin signaling.
Li, NanXi, YaguangTinsley, Heather NGurpinar, EvrimGary, Bernard DZhu, BingLi, YongheChen, XiKeeton, Adam BAbadi, Ashraf HMoyer, Mary PGrizzle, William EChang, Wen-ChiClapper, Margie L and Piazza, Gary A
Molecular cancer therapeutics, vol. 12, (no. 9), pp. 1848-59, 2013/Sep. | Journal Article
A novel sulindac derivative that potently suppresses colon tumor cell growth by inhibiting cGMP phosphodiesterase and β-catenin transcriptional activity.
Whitt, Jason DLi, NanTinsley, Heather NChen, XiZhang, WeiLi, YongheGary, Bernard DKeeton, Adam BXi, YaguangAbadi, Ashraf HGrizzle, William E and Piazza, Gary A
Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.), vol. 5, (no. 6), pp. 822-833, June 2012. | Journal Article
Aquaporins mediate the chemoresistance of human melanoma cells to arsenite
Gao, LinGao, LinGao, LinGao, YanhuiGao, YanhuiGao, YanhuiLi, XiaoboLi, XiaoboLi, XiaoboHowell, PaulHowell, PaulHowell, PaulKumar, RajeevKumar, RajeevKumar, RajeevSu, XiulanSu, XiulanSu, XiulanVlassov, Alexander VVlassov, Alexander VVlassov, Alexander VPiazza, Gary APiazza, Gary APiazza, Gary ARiker, Adam IRiker, Adam IRiker, Adam ISun, DianjunSun, DianjunSun, DianjunXi, YaguangXi, Yaguang and Xi, Yaguang
Molecular Oncology, vol. 6, (no. 1), pp. 81-87, Feb 2012. | Journal Article
Novel Therapeutics: NSAIDs, Derivatives, and Phosphodiesterases.
Tinsley, Heather N and Piazza, Gary A
Current colorectal cancer reports, vol. 8, (no. 4), pp. 325-330, December 2012. | Journal Article
Sulindac inhibits tumor cell invasion by suppressing NF-κB-mediated transcription of microRNAs.
Li, XLi, X.Gao, L.Gao, LCui, Q.Cui, QGary, B DGary, B.D.Dyess, D LDyess, D.L.Taylor, WTaylor, W.Shevde, L.A.Shevde, L ASamant, R SSamant, R.S.Dean-Colomb, WDean-Colomb, W.Piazza, G.A.Piazza, G AXi, Y. and Xi, Y
Oncogene, vol. 31, (no. 48), pp. 4979-4986, November 29, 2012. | Journal Article
Inhibition of PDE5 by sulindac sulfide selectively induces apoptosis and attenuates oncogenic Wnt/β-catenin-mediated transcription in human breast tumor cells.
Tinsley, Heather NGary, Bernard DKeeton, Adam BLu, WenyanLi, Yonghe and Piazza, Gary A
Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.), vol. 4, (no. 8), pp. 1275-1284, August 2011. | Journal Article
Colon tumor cell growth-inhibitory activity of sulindac sulfide and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is associated with phosphodiesterase 5 inhibition.
Tinsley, Heather NGary, Bernard DThaiparambil, JoseLi, NanLu, WenyanLi, YongheMaxuitenko, Yulia YKeeton, Adam B and Piazza, Gary A
Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.), vol. 3, (no. 10), pp. 1303-1313, October 2010. | Journal Article
NSAIDs: Old Drugs Reveal New Anticancer Targets
Piazza, Gary AKeeton, Adam BTinsley, Heather NWhitt, Jason DGary, Bernard DMathew, BiniSingh, RajGrizzle, William E and Reynolds, Robert C
(pp. 1652-1667). 2010
A novel sulindac derivative that does not inhibit cyclooxygenases but potently inhibits colon tumor cell growth and induces apoptosis with antitumor activity.
Piazza, Gary AKeeton, Adam BTinsley, Heather NGary, Bernard DWhitt, Jason DMathew, BiniThaiparambil, JoseCoward, LoriGorman, GregoryLi, YongheSani, BrahmaHobrath, Judith VMaxuitenko, Yulia Y and Reynolds, Robert C
Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.), vol. 2, (no. 6), pp. 572-580, June 2009. | Journal Article
Suppression of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling inhibits prostate cancer cell proliferation.
Lu, WenyanTinsley, Heather NKeeton, AdamQu, ZhicanPiazza, Gary A and Li, Yonghe
European journal of pharmacology, vol. 602, (no. 1), pp. 8-14, January 5, 2009. | Journal Article
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitors for prostate cancer chemoprevention.
Basler, Joseph W and Piazza, Gary A
The Journal of urology. , vol. 171, (no. 2 Pt 2), pp. S59-62; discussion S62-3, 2004/Feb. | Journal Article
Sulindac sulfone induced regression of rectal polyps in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis.
Stoner, Gary DBudd, G. TGanapathi, RamDeYoung, BDeyoung, Barry RKresty, Laura ANitert, MFryer, BChurch, J MProvencher, KPamukcu, RPiazza, GHawk, EKelloff, GElson, P and van Stolk, R U
Advances in experimental medicine and biology, vol. 470, pp. 45-53, 1999. | Journal Article
Effects of sulindac and its metabolites on growth and apoptosis in human mammary epithelial and breast carcinoma cell lines
Han, Edward KArber, NadirYamamoto, HirofumiLim, Jin TDelohery, TomPamukcu, RifatPiazza, Gary AXing, Wang Q and Weinstein, I B
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, vol. 48, (no. 3), pp. 195-203, Apr 1998. | Journal Article