
Highway design, traffic engineering, highway safety, traffic accident reconstruction. My activities have focused on truck size and weight issues, geometric design of streets and highways, and traffic signs, signals and markings.This research has also been conducted regarding transportation systems management: strategies, actions, decision-making, implementation and economic evaluation. Highway Design, Highway Safety, Risk Management, Tort Liability, Traffic Engineering, Transportation Systems Management (TSM)

Past Affiliations

Vice President for Research & Economic Development, Office of the Vice President for Research & Economic Development, Auburn University
November 2008 - Present

Vice President, Office of the Vice President for Research & Economic Development, Auburn University

Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Penn State University Park, The Pennsylvania State University (past)

Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Penn State University Park, The Pennsylvania State University (past)

Associate Dean , Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Penn State University Park, The Pennsylvania State University (past)

Vice President for Research, Office of the Vice President for Research, Auburn University

highway geometric design highway geometric design policies and standards traffic accident reconstruction highway tort claims/cases traffic engineering transportation engineering highway engineering