15 Publications
Voriconazole Disposition After Single and Multiple, Oral Doses in Healthy, Adult Red-tailed Hawks ( Buteo jamaicensis ).
Gentry, JordanGentry, JordanMontgerard, ChristyMontgerard, ChristyCrandall, ElizabethCrandall, ElizabethCruz-Espindola, CrisantaCruz-Espindola, CrisantaBoothe, DawnBoothe, DawnBellah, Jamie and Bellah, Jamie
Journal of avian medicine and surgery, vol. 28, (no. 3), pp. 201-208, September 2014. | Journal Article
Fusion podoplasty for the management of chronic pedal conditions in seven dogs and one cat.
Papazoglou, Lysimachos GEllison, G.W.Farese, James PBellah, Jamie RCoomer, Alastair R and Lewis, Daniel D
Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, vol. 47, (no. 6), pp. e199-205, 2011 Nov-Dec. | Journal Article
Use of a locking compression plate as an external fixator for repair of a tarsometatarsal fracture in a bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus).
Montgomery, Ronald DCrandall, Elizabeth and Bellah, Jamie R
Journal of avian medicine and surgery, vol. 25, (no. 2), pp. 119-25, 2011/Jun. | Journal Article
Biphasic thymus response by kittens inoculated with feline immunodeficiency virus during fetal development.
Johnson, Calvin MPapadi, G PTompkins, WayneSellon, R KOrandle, Marlene SBellah, Jamie R and Bubenik, L J
Veterinary pathology, vol. 35, (no. 3), pp. 191-201, 1998/May. | Journal Article
How and when to perform lateral and vertical ear canal resection.
Bellah, Jamie R
Veterinary medicine., vol. 92, (no. 6), pp. 535-538, 540-543, 1997. | Journal Article
Pulmonary lobectomy in the management of pneumonia in five cats.
Murphy, S TMathews, K GEllison, G.W. and Bellah, Jamie R
The Journal of small animal practice, vol. 38, (no. 4), pp. 159-62, 1997/Apr. | Journal Article
When should you recommend total ear canal ablation and lateral bulla osteotomy?
Bellah, Jamie R
Veterinary medicine., vol. 92, (no. 6), pp. 544-550, 1997. | Journal Article
Treatment of perianal fistulas with ND:YAG laser--results in twenty cases.
Ellison, G.W.Bellah, Jamie RStubbs, W P and Van Gilder, J
Veterinary surgery : VS : the official journal of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons, vol. 24, (no. 2), pp. 140-7, 1995 Mar-Apr. | Journal Article
192Iridium brachytherapy, using an intracavitary afterload device, for treatment of intranasal neoplasms in dogs.
Thompson, J.P.Ackerman, N.Bellah, Jamie RBeale, B.S. and Ellison, Gary W
American journal of veterinary research., vol. 53, (no. 4), pp. 617-622, 1992. | Journal Article
Bellah JR, Bell G. Serum amylase and lipase activities after exploratory laparotomy in dogs. AJVR 1989; 50:1638-1641
Bellah, Jamie R
Bellah, J.R., Spencer, C.P., Brown, D.J., and Whitton, D.L. Congenital cranioventral abdominal wall, caudal sternal, diaphragmatic, pericardial, and intracardiac defects in Cocker Spaniel littermates. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 1989; 194:1741-1746
Bellah, Jamie R
Bellah, J.R., Whitton, D.L., Ellison, G.W., and Phillips, L. Surgical correction of concomitant cranial ventral abdominal wall, caudal sternal, diaphragmatic, and pericardial defects in young dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 1989; 195:1722-1726
Bellah, Jamie R
Congenital cranioventral abdominal wall, caudal sternal, diaphragmatic, pericardial, and intracardiac defects in cocker spaniel littermates.
Bellah, Jamie RSpencer, C PBrown, D J and Whitton, D L
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 194, (no. 12), pp. 1741-6, 1989/Jun/15. | Journal Article
Surgical correction of concomitant cranioventral abdominal wall, caudal sternal, diaphragmatic, and pericardial defects in young dogs.
Bellah, Jamie RWhitton, D LEllison, G.W. and Phillips, L
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 195, (no. 12), pp. 1722-6, 1989/Dec/15. | Journal Article
Bellah, J.R., and Krahwinkel, D.J. Xylenol orange as a vital stain to determine viability of skin flaps. Veterinary Surgery, 14:1985;124-126
Bellah, Jamie R