32 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Making the Fitness Connection
Brock, Sheri J and Fittipaldi-Wert, Jeanine
Teaching Elementary Physical Education, vol. 16, (no. 4), pp. 15-16, Jul 2005. | Journal Article
Student Motivation in Physical Education: Breaking down BarriersMowling, Claire M⋅Brock, Sheri J⋅Eiler, Kim K and Rudisill, MaryJournal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance JOPERD, vol. 75, (no. 6), pp. 40, Aug 2004.
| Journal Article
Student Motivation in Physical Education: Breaking Down BarriersMowling, Claire M⋅Eiler, Kim K⋅Brock, Sheri J and Rudisill, MaryJournal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 2004.
| Journal Article
Students' conceptions of fair play in Sport Education. (Pedagogy)
Brock, Sheri
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, vol. 74, (no. 1), pp. A-37, 20030301. | Journal Article
Sixth grade students' perceptions and experiences during a sport education unit (Dissertation)
Brock, Sheri J (2002).
Chapter 7. Teaching and Learning Basic Invasion-Game Tactics in 4th Grade: A Descriptive Study From Situated and Constraints Theoretical Perspectives
Rovegno, I.⋅Nevett, M.⋅Brock, Sheri J and Babiarz, M.
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, vol. 20, (no. 4), pp. 370-388, 2001. | Journal Article
Influence of the National Curriculum for Physical Education on inner-city teachers' behaviours associated with pupils' psychosocial developmentCurtner-Smith, Matthew⋅Curtner Smith, Matthew D⋅Brock, S J⋅Brock, Sheri⋅Lacon, S A and Lacon, SimonPerceptual and Motor Skills, vol. 89, (no. 1), pp. 127, 19990801.
| Journal Article