
Academic Areas:

  • Exercise Science
  • Kinesiology

Teaching Interests:

  • Exercise Physiology, Biochemistry of Exercise

I have two major tracks of research interest within the overall area of bioenergetics and regulation of metabolism during exercise: 1) the role of lactate in metabolism, and 2) exactly how the energy systems make the transition from resting to exercise conditions.

Key Words: Lactate Metabolism, O2 Uptake On-Kinetics/Mitochondrial Metabolism, Exercise Metabolism, Biochemistry of Exercise, Control of Blood Flow during Exercise, Exercise Fatigue

Another major interest of the lab is exactly how the energy systems make the transition from resting to exercise conditions; the energy expenditure can change by a factor of 100 times at the cellular level!

His research interests include:

  • Lactate Metabolism
  • O2 Uptake On-Kinetics/Mitochondrial Metabolism
  • Exercise Metabolism
  • Biochemistry of Exercise
  • Control of Blood Flow during Exercise
  • Exercise Fatigue
Past Affiliations
Physical Education, Allied Health
PhD, University of Tennessee, Zoology, 1976
BS, University of Tennessee, Zoology, 1972
health and safety education education or instruction (health or safety or medical)