27 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Enhancing Human Post‐Exposure Rabies Prophylaxis in Canine Rabies Endemic Regions With an Interactive Web Solution. Public Health Challenges
. | Journal Article
ZeroRabiesApp: Enhancing human post-exposure rabies prophylaxis in canine rabies endemic regions with an interactive web solution
Investigating Leptospira dynamics in a multi-host community using an agent-based modeling approach
Investigating Leptospira dynamics in a multi‐host community using an agent‐based modelling approach. Transboundary and Emerging DiseasesBelsare, Aniruddha V.⋅Gompper, Matthew E.⋅Mason, Meghan and Munoz Zanzi, Claudia.
| Journal Article
Getting in Front of Chronic Wasting Disease: Model-Informed Proactive Approach for Managing an Emerging Wildlife Disease
Frontiers in Veterinary Science. | Journal Article
Getting in Front of Chronic Wasting Disease: Model-Informed Proactive Approach for Managing an Emerging Wildlife Disease. Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Harvest strategies for the elimination of low prevalence wildlife diseasesMysterud, Atle⋅Mysterud, Atle⋅Viljugrein, Hildegunn⋅Viljugrein, Hildegunn⋅Rolandsen, Christer M⋅Rolandsen, Christer M⋅Belsare, Aniruddha V and Belsare, Aniruddha VRoyal Society Open Science.
| Journal Article
Reservoir hosts experiencing food stress alter transmission dynamics for a zoonotic pathogen
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. | Journal Article
An agent-based framework for improving wildlife disease surveillance: A case study of chronic wasting disease in Missouri white-tailed deer
Ecological Modelling. | Journal Article
Modelling the challenges of managing free-ranging dog populations
Ov CWD: An agent-based modeling framework for informing chronic wasting disease management in white-tailed deer populations
Belsare, Aniruddha V. and Stewart, Chad M.
Ecological Solutions and Evidence, vol. 1. | Journal Article
Size matters: Sample size assessments for chronic wasting disease surveillance using an agent-based modeling frameworkBelsare, Aniruddha⋅Gompper, Matthew⋅Keller, Barbara⋅Sumners, Jason⋅Hansen, Lonnie and Millspaugh, JoshuaMethodsX.
| Journal Article
An agent-based framework for improving wildlife disease surveillance: A case study of chronic wasting disease in Missouri white-tailed deer.Belsare, Aniruddha⋅Gompper, Matthew E⋅Keller, Barbara⋅Sumners, Jason⋅Hansen, Lonnie and Millspaugh, JoshuaCold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Genetic polymorphism of Baylisascaris procyonis in host infrapopulations and component populations in the Central USA
Al-Warid, Harith S.⋅Belsare, Aniruddha⋅Straka, Kelly⋅Gompper, Matthew E. and Eggert, Lori S.
Parasitology International, vol. 67, pp. 392–396. | Journal Article
Geographic distribution records of Macracanthorhynchus ingens (Archiacanthocephala: Oligacanthorhynchidae) from the Raccoon, Procyon lotor in North America
The Journal of Arkansas Academy of Science . | Journal Article
Geographic distribution records of Macracanthorhynchus ingens (Archiacanthocephala: Oligacanthorhynchidae) from the Raccoon, Procyon lotor in North America. The Journal of Arkansas Academy of Science
Belsare, Aniruddha
. | Journal Article
A model-based approach for investigation and mitigation of disease spillover risks to wildlife: Dogs, foxes and canine distemper in central India. Ecological Modelling
Belsare, Aniruddha
. | Journal Article
Epidemiology of viral pathogens of free-ranging dogs and Indian foxes in a human-dominated landscape in central India
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. | Journal Article
Epidemiology of viral pathogens of free-ranging dogs and Indian foxes in a human-dominated landscape in central India. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
Belsare, Aniruddha
. | Journal Article
To vaccinate or not to vaccinate: Lessons learned from an experimental mass vaccination of free-ranging dog populations. Animal Conservation
Belsare, Aniruddha
. | Journal Article
Assessing demographic and epidemiologic parameters of rural dog populations in India during mass vaccination campaigns.Belsare, Aniruddha V and Gompper, Matthew EPreventive veterinary medicine, vol. 111, (no. 1-2), pp. 139-146, August 1, 2013.
| Journal Article
Disease ecology of free-ranging dogs in central India: Implications for wildlife conservationBelsare, A. V.
Use of xylazine hydrochloride-ketamine hydrochloride for immobilization of indian fox (Vulpes Bengalensis) in field situations
Belsare, A.V. and Vanak, A.T.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, vol. 44, pp. 753-755. | Journal Article
The role of canine rabies in Human-Wolf conflict: Preliminary investigations in rural Maharashtra, IndiaBelsare, A.V. and Vanak, A. T.
Use of Xylazine Hydrochloride-Ketamine Hydrochloride for Immobilization of Wild Leopards (Panthera pardus fusca) in Emergency Situations
Belsare, Aniruddha V. and Athreya, Vidya R.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, vol. 41, pp. 331-333. | Journal Article