51 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
Consistent Nest Site Selection by Turtles across Habitats with Varying Levels of Human Disturbance. DiversityLópez-Pérez, Jorge E⋅Warner, Daniel A and Wolak, Matthew E.
| Journal Article
Tests for associations between sexual dimorphism and patterns of quantitative genetic variation in the water strider, Aquarius remigis. Heredity
. | Journal Article
The fitness consequences of wildlife conservation translocations: A meta-analysis
The fitness consequences of wildlife conservation translocations: a meta‐analysis. Biological Reviews
. | Journal Article
Genetic variation underlies plastic responses to global change drivers in the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Immigration counter‐acts local micro‐evolution of a major fitness component: Migration‐selection balance in free‐living song sparrows
Evolution Letters. | Journal Article
Rapid evolution of sexual size dimorphism facilitated by Y-linked genetic variance
Nature Ecology & Evolution. | Journal Article
Individuals’ expected genetic contributions to future generations, reproductive value, and short-term metrics of fitness in free-living song sparrows (Melospiza melodia )Reid, Jane M⋅Reid, Jane M⋅Nietlisbach, Pirmin⋅Nietlisbach, Pirmin⋅Wolak, Matthew E⋅Wolak, Matthew E⋅Keller, Lukas F⋅Keller, Lukas F⋅Arcese, Peter and Arcese, PeterEvolution Letters.
| Journal Article
Individual repeatability and heritability of divorce in a wild populationGermain, Ryan R⋅Wolak, Matthew⋅Wolak, Matthew E and Reid, Jane M
Individual repeatability and heritability of divorce in a wild population
Germain, Ryan R⋅Wolak, Matthew⋅Wolak, Matthew E and Reid, Jane M
Biology letters, vol. 14, (no. 6), pp. 20180061, 2018-06-00. | Journal Article
Individual repeatability and heritability of divorce in a wild population
Germain, Ryan R⋅Wolak, Matthew⋅Wolak, Matthew E and Reid, Jane M
Biology Letters. | Journal Article
Individual repeatability and heritability of divorce in a wild populationGermain, Ryan R⋅Wolak, Matthew⋅Wolak, Matthew E and Reid, Jane M
Is there indirect selection on female extra-pair reproduction through cross-sex genetic correlations with male reproductive fitness?
Reid, Jane M.⋅Wolak, Matthew and Wolak, Matthew E.
Evolution Letters. | Journal Article
Is there indirect selection on female extra-pair reproduction through cross-sex genetic correlations with male reproductive fitness?
Reid, Jane M.⋅Wolak, Matthew and Wolak, Matthew E.
Evolution Letters. | Journal Article
Sex-specific additive genetic variances and correlations for fitness in a song sparrow ( Melospiza melodia ) population subject to natural immigration and inbreedingWolak, Matthew⋅Arcese, Peter⋅Keller, Lukas F⋅Nietlisbach, Pirmin and Reid, Jane M
Sex-specific additive genetic variances and correlations for fitness in a song sparrow (Melospiza melodia ) population subject to natural immigration and inbreedingWolak, Matthew⋅Wolak, Matthew E⋅Wolak, Matthew E⋅Arcese, Peter⋅Arcese, Peter⋅Arcese, Peter⋅Keller, Lukas F.⋅Keller, Lukas F⋅Keller, Lukas F⋅Nietlisbach, Pirmin⋅Nietlisbach, Pirmin⋅Nietlisbach, Pirmin⋅Reid, Jane M⋅Reid, Jane M and Reid, Jane M.Evolution, vol. 72, (no. 10), pp. 2075, 2018-10-00.
| Journal Article
Sex-specific additive genetic variances and correlations for fitness in a song sparrow (Melospiza melodia ) population subject to natural immigration and inbreedingWolak, Matthew⋅Wolak, Matthew E⋅Wolak, Matthew E⋅Arcese, Peter⋅Arcese, Peter⋅Arcese, Peter⋅Keller, Lukas F.⋅Keller, Lukas F⋅Keller, Lukas F⋅Nietlisbach, Pirmin⋅Nietlisbach, Pirmin⋅Nietlisbach, Pirmin⋅Reid, Jane M⋅Reid, Jane M and Reid, Jane M.Evolution.
| Journal Article
The Contemporary Evolution of FitnessHendry, Andrew P.⋅Schoen, Daniel J.⋅Wolak, Matthew E. and Reid, Jane M.Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, vol. 49, pp. 457–476.
| Journal Article
Accounting for genetic differences among unknown parents in microevolutionary studies: how to include genetic groups in quantitative genetic animal models
Wolak, Matthew E⋅Wolak, Matthew E⋅Reid, Jane M⋅Reid, Jane M and Pol, Martijn
Journal of Animal Ecology, vol. 86, (no. 1), pp. 20, January 2017. | Journal Article
Accounting for genetic differences among unknown parents in microevolutionary studies: how to include genetic groups in quantitative genetic animal models
Wolak, Matthew E. and Reid, Jane M.
Journal of Animal Ecology, vol. 86, pp. 7--20. | Journal Article
The phenotypic correlates and quantitative genetics of masculinization in the rodent, Octodon degus
Roff, D A⋅Wolak, M E⋅Correa, L A and Soto-Gamboa, M
Heredity, vol. 119, pp. 206–206. | Journal Article
Accounting for genetic differences among unknown parents in microevolutionary studies: How to include genetic groups in quantitative genetic animal models.
Wolak, Matthew E⋅Wolak, Matthew E⋅Reid, Jane M⋅Reid, Jane M and Pol, Martijn
The Journal of animal ecology, October 12, 2016. | Journal Article
Colour ornamentation in the blue tit: quantitative genetic (co)variances across sexes
Charmantier, A⋅Wolak, M E⋅Grégoire, A⋅Fargevieille, A and Doutrelant, C
Heredity, vol. 118, pp. 125–134. | Journal Article
Direct and indirect genetic and fine-scale location effects on breeding date in song sparrows
Germain, Ryan R⋅Germain, Ryan R.⋅Wolak, Matthew E.⋅Wolak, Matthew E⋅Arcese, Peter⋅Arcese, Peter⋅Losdat, Sylvain⋅Losdat, Sylvain⋅Reid, Jane M⋅Reid, Jane M. and Sheldon, Ben
Journal of Animal Ecology, vol. 85, pp. 1613–1624. | Journal Article
Direct and indirect genetic and fine‐scale location effects on breeding date in song sparrows
Germain, Ryan R⋅Germain, Ryan R.⋅Wolak, Matthew E.⋅Wolak, Matthew E⋅Arcese, Peter⋅Arcese, Peter⋅Losdat, Sylvain⋅Losdat, Sylvain⋅Reid, Jane M⋅Reid, Jane M. and Sheldon, Ben
Journal of Animal Ecology, vol. 85, (no. 6), pp. 1624, November 2016. | Journal Article