Disinfection Agents
Water Treatment
Polymeric Biocides
Biocidal Coatings
Physical & Organic Chemistry: FTIR, catalysis, surface science, biocides, N-halamines

Our research primarily focuses on two areas - the syntheses and testing of novel N-halamine biocidal compounds and FTIR studies of the interactions of small molecules with catalytic films.

The first area involves chemistry applicable to industrial and commercial needs.

The second area involves attempts to bridge the gap between high-vacuum surface science and industrial catalytic chemistry. Disinfection Agents
Water Treatment
Polymeric Biocides
Biocidal Coatings

Organic Chemistry
We are synthesizing and testing new biocidal materials containing N-halamine functional groups. These can be used in cartridge filters for disinfecting water and air and for making biocidal coatings such as paints.
Past Affiliations

Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Sciences and Mathematics, Auburn University

Associate professor, Organic and Physical Chemistry
1978 - 1982

Assistant Professor, Organic and Physical Chemistry
1974 - 1978

Scientific Officer, Physical Chemistry, Office of Naval Research (ONR), United States Department of the Navy, United States Department of Defense (past)
1973 - 1974

Professor, Organic and Physical Chemistry
1982 - 2003

Assistant Professor, Physical Chemistry
1972 - 1973

Research Chemist, Johnson Spacecraft Center
1969 - 1972

PhD, University of Texas at Austin, Chemistry, 1969
biochemistry & molecular biology organic chemistry polymer chemistry

Scharnagel Professor of Physical Sciences (Research in Chemistry), Scharnagel Foundation (Auburn University), 2002-2005

Alumni Professor (Chemistry), Auburn University, 1979-1983

American Chemical Society
Paint Research Association