
Her research primarily involves using high field functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and psychophysiological techniques to investigate the interplay of emotions and cognition.

Current Research Projects:

  • Meta-analytic connectivity modeling (MACM).
  • Entropy and the brain.
  • Neurometabolic profile of pain processing in the anterior cingulate cortex using functional magnetic resonance spectroscopy (fMRS).
  • Coffee cherry virtual clinical trial.
  • Autonomic and central nervous system integration.
  • Effects of CBD on the brain.
  • Ultra-high field high-resolution fMRI of the human limbic system


Research interests:

  • Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) methods applied to the study of affective processing, emotion regulation, and the interplay of stress, emotion, and cognition; psychophysiology; identifying pathophysiological mechanisms underlying psychiatric disease; brain connectivity; neurofunctional topography of brain regions involved in emotion and cognition
PhD, Case Western Reserve University, Experimental Psychology, 2006
MA, Case Western Reserve University, Experimental Psychology, 2005
BA, Case Western Reserve University, Psychology and Biochemistry, 2002
ptsd fmri functional magnetic resonance imaging stem stem education outreach 7t diffusion tensor imaging dti biopac stem ed physiological psychology emotions psychophysiology affective development brain brain mental depression traumatic brain injury affective disorders anxiety disorders posttraumatic stress disorder emotional health neuroscience