129 Publications (Page 5 of 6)
Tumors of the nose and paranasal sinuses in cats: Thirty-two cases with comparisons to a national data base (1977-1987)Cox NR, Brawner WR, Powers RD, Wright JC and Wright, James C(pp. 339-347). 1991
Coverage of sixty core veterinary medical journals by ten indexing and abstracting tools.
Veenstra, R J and Wright, James C
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 196, (no. 12), pp. 1931-6, 1990/Jun/15. | Journal Article
Effectiveness of two commercial infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis vaccines.
Smith, P.C.⋅Blankenship, T.⋅Hoover, T.R.⋅Powe, T. and Wright, James C
American journal of veterinary research., vol. 51, (no. 7), pp. 1147-1150, 1990. | Journal Article
Effectiveness of two commersial infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis vaccinesSmith PC, Blankenship T, Hoover TR, Powe TA, Wright JC and Wright, James C(pp. 1147-1150). 1990
Maturation of spinal evoked potentials to tibial and ulnar nerve stimulation in clinically normal dogsWright, James C(pp. 1427-1432). 1990
Maturation of spinal-evoked potentials to tibial and ulnar nerve stimulation in clinically normal dogs.
Steiss, J E and Wright, James C
American journal of veterinary research, vol. 51, (no. 9), pp. 1427-32, 1990/Sep. | Journal Article
A review of the epidemiologic aspects of embryo transfer from Brucella abortus -infected cows.Stringfellow, David A and Wright, James CTheriogenology, vol. 31, (no. 5), pp. 997-1006, 1989/May.
| Journal Article
A review of the epidemiologic aspects of embryo transfer from Brucella abortus-infected cowsWright, James C(pp. 997-1006). 1989
Development of Dirofilaria immitis in Culex erraticusAfolabi JS, Ewing SA, Wright RE, Wright JC and Wright, James C(pp. 109). 1989
Dirofilariasis.Wright, James C⋅Hendrix, Charles M and Brown, R.G.Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association., vol. 194, (no. 5), pp. 644-648, 1989.
| Journal Article
Effect of early post partum treatment with prostaglandin F2 alpha on subsequent fertility in the dairy cowMcClary DG, Putnam MR, Wright JC, Sartin JL and Wright, James C(pp. 565-570). 1989
Effects of perinatal high dose dexamethasone on skeletal muscle development in ratsSteiss JE, Wright JC, Cox NR and Wright, James C(pp. 17-22). 1989
Effects of perinatal high dose dexamethasone on skeletal muscle development in rats.Steiss, J E⋅Wright, James C and Cox, Nancy RCanadian journal of veterinary research = Revue canadienne de recherche vétérinaire, vol. 53, (no. 1), pp. 17-22, 1989/Jan.
| Journal Article
Seroepidemiologic study of bluetongue serotyupe 2 in AlabamaWright JC, Lauerman LH, Nusbaum KE, Mullen GR and Wright, James C(pp. 113-119). 1989
The use of an ELISA test with Treponema hyodysenteriaeWright JC, Wild GR, Reed RB, Powe TA and Wright, James C(pp. 411-416). 1989
Zoonosis update: Human dirofilariasisWright JC, Hendrix CM, Brown RG and Wright, James C(pp. 644-648). 1989
A review of local journal use studies-An investigation into possible applicationsWright, James C(pp. 163-173). 1988
Preexposure immunization with intradermal human diploid cell rabies vaccineBernard KW, Mallonee J, Wright JC, et al and Wright, James C(pp. 1059-1063). 1987
Preexposure Immunization with Intradermal Human Diploid Cell Rabies Vaccine
Bernard, Kenneth W⋅Mallonee, Joe⋅Wright, James C⋅Reid, Frances L⋅Makintubee, Sue and al, et
JAMA, vol. 257, (no. 8), pp. 1059, Feb 27, 1987. | Journal Article
Immune response of sows and their offspring to pseudorabies virus: SN response to vaccination and field virus challengeWright JC, Thawley DG, Solorzano RF and Wright, James C(pp. 184-191). 1984
Evaluation of the micro-immunodiffusion test for the detection of antibody to pseudorabies virusJohnson ME, Thawley DG, Solorzano RF, Wright JC and Wright, James C(pp. 28-30). 1983
Use of fluorometric immunoassay to determine antibody response to Pasteurella haemolytica in vaccinated and unvaccinated feedlot cattleConfer AW, Wright JC, Cummins JM, Panciera RJ, Corstvet RE and Wright, James C(pp. 866-871). 1983
Field evaluation of test-and-removal and vaccination as control measures for pseudorabies in Missouri swineWright JC, Thawley DG, Solorzano RF and Wright, James C(pp. 420-425). 1982
Field evaluation of test-and-removal and vaccination as control measures for pseudorabies in Missouri swine.
Wright, James C⋅Thawley, D G and Solorzano, R F
Canadian journal of comparative medicine. Revue canadienne de médecine comparée, vol. 46, (no. 4), pp. 420-5, 1982/Oct. | Journal Article
Pseudorabies virus infection in raccoons: a review.
Thawley, D G and Wright, James C
Journal of wildlife diseases, vol. 18, (no. 1), pp. 113-6, 1982/Jan. | Journal Article