112 Publications (Page 1 of 5)
Foreword to Special Issue: Papers from the 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, October 30–November 3, 2023. Physics of Plasmas
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Introducing dusty plasma particle growth of nanospherical titanium dioxide. Applied Physics Letters
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Nonlinear dynamics in dusty plasmas subjected to photo-discharging. Journal of Plasma Physics
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Producing two-dimensional dust clouds and clusters using a movable electrode for complex plasma and fundamental physics experiments. Review of Scientific Instruments
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Trapping and actively transporting single particles of arbitrary properties in low-pressure rf plasmas with and without a magnetic field. Physics of Plasmas
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Formation of turing patterns in strongly magnetized electric discharges. Communications Physics
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Payload concepts for investigations of electrostatic dust motion on the lunar surface. Acta Astronautica
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Physics and applications of dusty plasmas: The Perspectives 2023. Physics of Plasmas
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Experimental observations of multiple modes of filamentary structures in the magnetized dusty plasma experiment (MDPX) device
Williams, S.⋅Thakur, S. Chakraborty⋅Menati, M. and Thomas, E.
Physics of Plasmas, vol. 29, pp. 012110. | Journal Article
The 2022 Plasma Roadmap: low temperature plasma science and technology
Adamovich, I⋅Agarwal, S⋅Ahedo, E⋅Alves, L L⋅Baalrud, S⋅Babaeva, N⋅Bogaerts, A⋅Bourdon, A⋅Bruggeman, P J⋅Canal, C⋅Choi, E H⋅Coulombe, S⋅Donkó, Z⋅Graves, D B⋅Hamaguchi, S⋅Hegemann, D⋅Hori, M⋅Kim, H-H⋅Kroesen, G M W⋅Kushner, M J⋅Laricchiuta, A⋅Li, X⋅Magin, T E⋅Thagard, S Mededovic⋅Miller, V⋅Murphy, A B⋅Oehrlein, G S⋅Puac, N⋅Sankaran, R M⋅Samukawa, S⋅Shiratani, M⋅Šimek, M⋅Tarasenko, N⋅Terashima, K⋅Jr, E Thomas⋅Trieschmann, J⋅Tsikata, S⋅Turner, M M⋅Walt, I J⋅Sanden, M C M and Woedtke, T
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 55, pp. 373001. | Journal Article
Controlled photo-discharge of dust in a complex plasma
Journal of Plasma Physics. | Journal Article
Rotation of a strongly coupled dust cluster in plasma by the torque of an electron beam
Physical Review E. | Journal Article
Variation of filamentation phenomenon in strongly magnetized plasma with various discharge parameters
Menati, Mohamad⋅Konopka, Uwe and Thomas, Edward
Contributions to Plasma Physics, vol. 61. | Journal Article
Correlation and spectrum of dust acoustic waves in a radio-frequency plasma using PK-4 on the International Space Station
Goree, J.⋅Liu, Bin⋅Pustylnik, M. Y.⋅Thomas, H. M.⋅Fortov, V. E.⋅Lipaev, A. M.⋅Molotkov, V. I.⋅Usachev, A. D.⋅Petrov, O. F.⋅Thoma, M. H.⋅Thomas, E.⋅Konopka, U. and Prokopiev, S.
Physics of Plasmas, vol. 27, pp. 123701. | Journal Article
Dynamics of dust particles confined in imposed potential structures in strongly magnetized, low-temperature plasmas.
Hall, Taylor and Thomas, Edward
Physical review. E, vol. 102, (no. 2-1), pp. 023208, August 2020. | Journal Article
Experimental observation and numerical investigation of filamentary structures in magnetized plasmas
Physics of Plasmas. | Journal Article
Final report: Collaborative Research: Advancing the Physics of Magnetized Dusty PlasmasThomas, Edward⋅Konopka, Uwe⋅Merlino, Robert and Rosenberg, MarleneOffice of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Microparticle cloud imaging and tracking for data-driven plasma science
Physics of Plasmas. | Journal Article
Test presentation of a high profile talk
Dust vortices in a direct current glow discharge plasma: a delicate balance between ion drag and Coulomb force
Journal of Plasma Physics. | Journal Article
Filamentation of capacitively coupled plasmas in large magnetic fields
Physics of Plasmas. | Journal Article
Influence of magnetic field strength on nanoparticle growth in a capacitively-coupled radio-frequency Ar/C2H2 discharge
Plasma Research Express. | Journal Article
Melting transition of two-dimensional complex plasma crystal in the DC glow discharge
Plasma Research Express. | Journal Article
Pattern formation in strongly magnetized plasmas: observations from the Magnetized Dusty Plasma Experiment (MDPX) device
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. | Journal Article
Methods for the characterization of imposed, ordered structures in MDPXHall, Taylor⋅Thomas, Edward⋅Avinash, Khare⋅Merlino, Robert and Rosenberg, MarlenePhysics of Plasmas.
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