
Research Areas: Biophysics, Neuroscience, Microscopy

My lab focuses on the principles that regulate intra-cellular transport of neuronal resource sharing. First, how do resources, such as synaptic vesicles, navigate the complex road system that supports neurons? There are many road-blocks or defects that inhibit transport, and resources must navigate them quickly. Second, how are resources directed to synapses that need them? Synapses are activated when they communicate with other neurons, and need more resources than non-activated synapses. Third, how do synapses capture and utilize the resources they need? Resources travel quickly to synapses that need them, but must still be captured by synapses before use

We are a lab interested in applying a physics paradigm to neuroscience problems. We explore phenomena in live functioning neurons. We look to illuminate the mechanistic properties that lead to neuronal function. Our lab currently focuses on the molecular level mechanisms of presynaptic function.

Our lab currently focuses on the hippocampus region of the brain.

PhD, University of Missouri, Physics, 2011
BS, University of Missouri, 2005
MS, University of Missouri