204 Publications (Page 7 of 9)
Selection, hybridization and genome manipulation in Siluroidei
Oneal Smitherman, RDunham, Rex A and Whitehead, Paul K
Aquatic Living Resources, vol. 9, (no. S1), pp. 102, 19961101. | Journal Article
Transgenic fish and its application in basic and applied research.
Chen, Thomas TVrolijk, N HLu, J KLin, C MReimschuessel, R and Dunham, Rex A
Biotechnology annual review, vol. 2, pp. 205-36, 1996. | Journal Article
Transgenic Fish and its Application in Basic and Applied Research
Chen, Thomas TVrolijk, Nicholas HLu, Jenn-KanLin, Chun-MeanReimschuessel, Renate and Dunham, Rex A
Biotechnology Annual Review, vol. 2, pp. 205-236, 1996. | Journal Article
Body composition of transgenic common carp, Cyprinus carpio, containing rainbow trout growth hormone gene
Chatakondi, N.Lovell, RTDuncan, PLHayat, M.Chen, Thomas TPowers, DAWeete, JDCummins, K. and Dunham, Rex A
Aquaculture, vol. 138, (no. 1-4), pp. 99-109, 1995. | Journal Article
Distribution of largemouth bass genotypes in South Carolina: Initial implications
Bulak, J.Schramm, HL JLeitner, J.Piper, R. GHilbish, T. and Dunham, Rex A
American Fisheries Society Symposium, vol. 15, 1995. | Journal Article
Failure of quantitative phenotypic characteristics to distinguish black crappie, white crappie, and their first-generation hybrid
Smith, SMMaceina, Michael JTravnichek, VH and Dunham, Rex A
North American Journal of Fisheries Management, vol. 15, (no. 1), pp. 121-125, 1995. | Journal Article
Heritabilities and genetic correlations of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, for tolerance to lethal levels of dissolved oxygen, ammonia and nitrite
Cadieu, GillesWilliams, J.C and Dunham, Rex A
Aquaculture, vol. 137, (no. 1), pp. 282, 1995. | Journal Article
Comparison of Culture Traits of Channel Catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, and Blue Catfish I. furcatus
Dunham, Rex AHyde, ChrisMasser, MichaelPlumb, John ASmitherman, R. OnealPerez, Raul and Ramboux, Anne C
Journal of Applied Aquaculture, vol. 3, (no. 3-4), pp. 268, 6/1/1994. | Journal Article
Hybridization and biochemical genetics of black and white crappies in the Southeastern USA
Dunham, Rex ANorgren, KGRobison, L.Smitherman, ROSteeger, T.Peterson, DC and Gibson, M.
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, vol. 123, (no. 2), pp. 141-149, 1994. | Journal Article
Natural Hybridization between Black Crappie and White Crappie in Weiss Lake, Alabama
SMITH, STEPHEN MMaceina, Michael J and Dunham, Rex A
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, vol. 123, (no. 1), pp. 71-79, 1994. | Journal Article
Response to Challenge with Edwardsiella ictaluri by Channel Catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, Selected for Resistance to E. ictaluri
Dunham, Rex ABrady, Yolanda and Vinitnantharat, Somsak
Journal of Applied Aquaculture, vol. 3, (no. 3-4), pp. 222, 6/1/1994. | Journal Article
Expression and inheritance of RSVLTR-rtGH1 complementary DNA in the transgenic common carp, Cyprinus carpio .
Chen, Thomas TKight, K.Lin, CMPowers, DAHayat, M.Chatakondi, N.Ramboux, ACDuncan, PL and Dunham, Rex A
Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, vol. 2, (no. 2), pp. 88-95, 1993. | Journal Article
Natural hybridization between black crappie and white crappie in Weiss Lake, Alabama
Smith, SMMaceina, Michael J and Dunham, Rex A
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, vol. 123, (no. 1), pp. 71-79, 1993. | Journal Article
Observations on controlled artificial spawning of channel catfish.
Dunham, Rex A
Progressive Fish-Culturist, vol. 55, (no. 1), pp. 60-61, 1993. | Journal Article
Structure of the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) growth hormone gene and its evolutionary implications
Tang, Y.Lin, CMChen, Thomas TKawauchi, H.Dunham, Rex A and Powers, DA
Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, vol. 2, (no. 4), pp. 198-206, 1993. | Journal Article
Chemical identification of catfish growth hormone and prolactin.
Watanabe, K.Igarashi, A.Noso, T.Chen, Thomas TDunham, Rex A and Kawauchi, H.
Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, vol. 1, (no. 3), pp. 239-249, 1992. | Journal Article
Electroporation: a method for transferring genes into the gametes of zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio), channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), and common carp (Cyprinus carpio).
Powers, D AHereford, LCole, TChen, Thomas TLin, C MKight, KCreech, K and Dunham, Rex A
Molecular marine biology and biotechnology, vol. 1, (no. 4-5), pp. 301-8, 1992 Aug-Oct. | Journal Article
Expression and inheritance of salmonid growth hormone genes in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus , and effects on performance traits.
Dunham, Rex ADuncan, PLClien, TTLin, CM and Powers, DA
pp. 83-84, 1992. | Journal Article
Introgression of the Florida largemouth bass genome into native populations in Alabama public lakes.
Dunham, Rex ATURNER, CJ and REEVES, WC
North American Journal of Fisheries Management, vol. 12, (no. 3), pp. 494-498, 1992. | Journal Article
Transfer, expression, and inheritance of salmonid growth hormone genes in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, and effects on performance traits.
Dunham, Rex ARamboux, A CDuncan, P LHayat, MChen, Thomas TLin, C MKight, KGonzalez-Villasenor, I and Powers, D A
Molecular marine biology and biotechnology, vol. 1, (no. 4-5), pp. 380-9, 1992 Aug-Oct. | Journal Article
"Gene-spliced" fish experiments.
Powers, D AChen, Thomas T and Dunham, Rex A
Science, vol. 254, (no. 5033), pp. 779, 1991/Nov/8. | Journal Article
"Gene-Spliced" Fish Experiments
Powers, DennisChen, Thomas and Dunham, Rex
Science, vol. 254, (no. 5033), pp. 779, 19911108. | Journal Article
Lack of Inheritance of Stumpbody and Taillessness in Channel Catfish
Progressive Fish-Culturist, vol. 53, (no. 2), pp. 101-105, 1991. | Journal Article
Studies on transgenic fish: gene transfer, expression, and inheritance.
Powers, D AGonzalez-Villasenor, L IZhang, P JChen, Thomas T and Dunham, Rex A
Biotechnology (Reading, Mass.), vol. 16, pp. 307-24, 1991. | Journal Article
Survival and integration rate of channel catfish and common carp embryos microinjected with DNA at various developmental stages
Hayat, MohammadJoyce, Christopher PTownes, Tim MChen, Thomas TPowers, Dennis A and Dunham, Rex A
Aquaculture, vol. 99, (no. 3), pp. 255, 1991. | Journal Article