2 Publications
The Development and Characterization of a Next-Generation Oncolytic Virus Armed with an Anti-PD-1 sdAb for Osteosarcoma Treatment In Vitro.
Higgins, Theresa APatton, Daniel JShimko-Lofano, Isabella MEller, Timothy LMolinari, RobertoSandey, ManinderIsmail, AliaaSmith, Bruce F and Agarwal, Payal
Cells, vol. 13, (no. 4), February 17, 2024. | Journal Article
miRNAs: Potential as Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets for Cancer
Chakrabortty, AtonuPatton, Daniel JSmith, Bruce FAgarwal, Payal and Agarwal, Payal
Genes, vol. 14, (no. 7), 2023. | Journal Article