
A long-term interest of our research is to delineate the mechanism of DSB repair and to ascertain its role in various DNA metabolic pathways. In particular, DSB repair takes place within complex organization of chromatin structures.

Research Interests:

  • detection and repair of DNA breaks with a focus on Homologous Recombination (HR) mediated DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair; interplay of DNA repair machinery and chromatin structures

Subject Areas:

  • Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
  • Biology
Past Affiliations

Assistant Professor, Medical Sciences Program, School of Medicine, Indiana University Bloomington

Associate Professor, Biochemistry Interdisciplinary Graduate Program, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry Department, College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington

Biochemistry, Biological Science, Cellular Biochemistry, Molecular Biochemistry
PhD, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2007
BS, Peking University, Beijing, China, Cell Biology and Genetics, 1998