30 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Alpha-proteobacteria cultivated from marine sponges display branching rod morphology.
Olson, Julie BHarmody, Dedra K and Mc Carthy, Peter J
FEMS microbiology letters, vol. 211, (no. 2), pp. 169-173, June 4, 2002. | Journal Article
Improved Recoverability of Microbial Colonies from Marine Sponge Samples
Olson, Julie BLord, CC and Mc Carthy, Perter
Microbial Ecology, vol. 40, (no. 2), pp. 139-147, 2000. | Journal Article
Ubiquity of heterotrophic diazotrophs in marine microbial mats
Olson, Julie BLitaker, RW and Paerl, Hans
Aquatic Microbial Ecology, vol. 19, (no. 1), pp. 29-36, 1999. | Journal Article
Community composition of nitrogen-fixing heterotrophic bacteria in microbial mat systems (Dissertation)
Olson, Julie B (1997).
Consortial N2 fixation: a strategy for meeting nitrogen requirements of marine and terrestrial cyanobacterial mats.
Steppe, T.F.Olson, Julie BPaerl, H.W.Litaker, R.W. and Belnap, J.
FEMS microbiology ecology., vol. 21, (no. 3), pp. 149-156, 1996. | Journal Article