48 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Testing for association in contingency tables with multiple column responses
Loughin, Thomas M and Scherer, Peter N
Biometrics, vol. 54, (no. 1), pp. 630, Jun 1998. | Journal Article
Testing for Association in Contingency Tables with Multiple Column Responses
Loughin, T. M. and Scherer, P. N. and Loughin, Thomas M
(pp. 630--637). 1998
The Effect of Different Bovine Diarrhea Virus Genotypes and Biotypes on the Metabolic Activity and Activation Status of Bovine Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
Hou, LiWilkerson, MelindaKapil, SanjayMosier, DerekShuman, WilmaReddy, J.RLoughin, Thomas Mand Minocha and Harish C.
(pp. 233-244). 1998
The Effect of Different Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Genotypes and Biotypes on the Metabolic Activity and Activation Status of Bovine Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
Hou, L.Wilkerson, M.Kapil, SanjayMosier, D.Shuman, W.Reddy, J. RLoughin, Thomas M and Minocha, Harish C
Viral Immunology, vol. 11, (no. 4), pp. 233-244, 1998. | Journal Article
A permutation test for effects in an unreplicated factorial design
Loughin, Thomas M and Noble, William
Technometrics, vol. 39, (no. 2), pp. 180, May 1997. | Journal Article
A Permutation Test for Effects in an Unreplicated Factorial Design
Loughin, T. M. and Noble, W. and Loughin, Thomas M
(pp. 180--190). 1997
Application of recombinant bovine viral diarrhea virus proteins in the diagnosis of bovine viral diarrhea infection in cattle
Reddy, J. RKwang, J.Okwumabua, O.Kapil, SanjayLoughin, Thomas MLechtenberg, KFChengappa, MM and Minocha, Harish C
Veterinary Microbiology, vol. 57, (no. 2-3), pp. 119-133, 1997. | Journal Article
Application of Recombinant Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Proteins in the Diagnosis of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Infection in Cattle
Reddy, J. R.Kwang, J.Okwumabua, O.Kapil, S.Loughin, Thomas MLechtenberg, K. F.Chengappa, M. M. and and Minocha, H. M.
(pp. 119--133). 1997
Bootstrapping regression parameters in multivariate survival analysis.
Loughin, Thomas M and Koehler, K J
Lifetime data analysis, vol. 3, (no. 2), pp. 157-77, 1997. | Journal Article
Bootstrapping Regression Parameters in Multivariate Survival Analysis
Loughin, T. M. and Koehler, K. J. and Loughin, Thomas M
(pp. 157-177). 1997
Combine Loss and Grain Cleanliness in Kansas Hard Red Winter Wheat
Herrman, T. J.Loughin, Thomas M and and Schrock, M. D.
(pp. 869-873). 1997
A Semiparametric Bootstrap for Proportional Hazards Models
Loughin, T. M. and Koehler, K. J. and Loughin, Thomas M
(pp. 207--212). 1996
Quality response to the control of leaf rust in Karl hard red winter wheat.
Herrman, TimBowden, R.L.Loughin, Thomas M and Bequette, R.K.
Cereal chemistry., vol. 73, (no. 2), pp. 235-238, 1996. | Journal Article
Sap Flow in Wheat under Free-Air CO_2 Enrichment
Senock, R. S.Ham, J. M.Loughin, Thomas MKimball, B. A.Hunsaker, D. J.Pinter, P. J.Wall, G. W. and and Garcia, R. L.
(pp. 147--158). 1996
A Residual Bootstrap for Regression Parameters in Proportional Hazards Models
Loughin, Thomas M
(pp. 367--384). 1995
Cleanout Properties of Sulfamethazine and Carbadox in Swine Feed
Herrman, T. J. , Behnke, K. C., and Loughin, T. M. and Loughin, Thomas M
(pp. 195--198). 1995
Development and validation of an empirical model to estimate the duration of dew periods.
Gleason, Mark LTaylor, Sterling ELoughin, Thomas M and Koehler, Kenneth J
Plant disease., vol. 78, (no. 10), pp. 1011-1016, 1994. | Journal Article
Development and Validation of an Empirical Model to Estimate the Duration of Dew Periods
Gleason, M. L., Taylor, S. E., Loughin, T. M., and Koehler, K. J. and Loughin, Thomas M
(pp. 1011--1016). 1994
Bootstrap applications in proportional hazards models (Dissertation)
Loughin, Thomas M (1993).
Reproductive success of American kestrels nesting along an interstate highway in central Iowa
Varland, DE and Loughin, Thomas M
Wilson Bulletin, vol. 105, (no. 3), pp. 465-474, 1993. | Journal Article
Use of habitat and perches, causes of mortality and time until dispersal in post-fledging American kestrels.
Varland, DEKlaas, EE and Loughin, Thomas M
Journal of Field Ornithology, vol. 64, (no. 2), pp. 169-178, 1993. | Journal Article
Social Hunting in Broods of Two and Five American Kestrels after Fledging
Varland, D. E., and Loughin, T. M. and Loughin, Thomas M
(pp. 74--80). 1992
Development of Foraging Behavior in the American Kestrel
Varland, D. E., Klaas, E. E., and Loughin, T. M. and Loughin, Thomas M
(pp. 9--17). 1991