121 Publications (Page 2 of 5)
Measurement of \ensuremathθ_13 in Double Chooz using neutron captures on hydrogen with novel background rejection techniques
Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y. and others
JHEP, vol. 01, pp. 163. | Journal Article
Muon capture on light isotopes measured with the Double Chooz detector
Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y. and others
Phys.Rev.C, vol. 93, pp. 054608. | Journal Article
^7Be Solar Neutrino Measurement with KamLAND
Gando, A. and others
Phys. Rev. C, vol. 92, pp. 055808. | Journal Article
A compact ultra-clean system for deploying radioactive sources inside the KamLAND detector
Banks, T.I. and others
Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A, vol. 769, pp. 88–96. | Journal Article
Design and Operation of A Setup with A Camera and Adjustable Mirror to Inspect the Sense-Wire Planes of the Time Projection Chamber Inside the MicroBooNE Cryostat
JINST, vol. 10, pp. T08006. | Journal Article
Background-independent measurement of \theta_13 in Double Chooz
Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y. and others
Phys.Lett.B, vol. 735, pp. 51–56. | Journal Article
Detection of Back-to-Back Proton Pairs in Charged-Current Neutrino Interactions with the ArgoNeuT Detector in the NuMI Low Energy Beam Line
Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R. and others
Phys.Rev.D, vol. 90, pp. 012008. | Journal Article
Heavy Quark and Neutrino Physics. Final report, 2011-2-14
Improved measurements of the neutrino mixing angle \theta_13 with the Double Chooz detector
collaboration, The Double ChoozAbe, Y.Abe, Y.othersAbe, Y.Anjos, J. C.Barriere, J. C.Anjos, J.C.Baussan, E.Barriere, J.C.Bekman, I.Baussan, E.Bekman, I.Bergevin, M.Bergevin, M.Bezerra, T. J. C.Bezerra, T.J.C.Bezrukov, L.Bezrukov, L.Blucher, E.Blucher, E.Buck, C.Buck, C.Busenitz, J.Cabrera, A.Busenitz, J.Caden, E.Cabrera, A.Camilleri, L.Caden, E.Carr, R.Camilleri, L.Carr, R.Cerrada, M.Cerrada, M.Chang, P. -J.Chang, P.-J.Chauveau, E.Chauveau, E.Chimenti, P.Chimenti, P.Collin, A. P.Collin, A.P.Conover, E.Conover, E.Conrad, J. M.Crespo-Anadon, J. I.Conrad, J.M.Crum, K.Crespo-Anadón, J.I.Cucoanes, A. S.Crum, K.Damon, E.Cucoanes, A.S.Damon, E.Dawson, J. V.Dhooghe, J.Dawson, J.V.Dietrich, D.Dhooghe, J.Djurcic, Z.Dietrich, D.Djurcic, Z.Dracos, M.Elnimr, M.Dracos, M.Elnimr, M.Etenko, A.Etenko, A.Fallot, M.Feilitzsch, F.Fallot, M.Felde, J.Feilitzsch, F.Felde, J.Fernandes, S. M.Fernandes, S.M.Fischer, V.Fischer, V.Franco, D.Franco, D.Franke, M.Furuta, H.Franke, M.Furuta, H.Gil-Botella, I.Gil-Botella, I.Giot, L.Goeger-Neff, M.Giot, L.Gonzalez, L. F. G.Göger-Neff, M.Goodenough, L.Gonzalez, L.F.G.Goodenough, L.Goodman, M. C.Goodman, M.C.Grant, C.Haag, N.Grant, C.Hara, T.Haag, N.Haser, J.Hara, T.Haser, J.Hofmann, M.Hofmann, M.Horton-Smith, G. A.Horton-Smith, G.A.Hourlier, A.Ishitsuka, M.Hourlier, A.Jochum, J.Ishitsuka, M.Jochum, J.Jollet, C.Jollet, C.Kaether, F.Kalousis, L. N.Kaether, F.Kalousis, L.N.Kamyshkov, Y.Kaplan, D. M.Kamyshkov, Y.Kaplan, D.M.Kawasaki, T.Kawasaki, T.Kemp, E.Kemp, E.Kerret, H.Kryn, D.Kerret, H.Kuze, M.Kryn, D.Kuze, M.Lachenmaier, T.Lane, C. E.Lachenmaier, T.Lasserre, T.Lane, C.E.Letourneau, A.Lasserre, T.Letourneau, A.Lhuillier, D.Lima, Jr.Lhuillier, D.Lindner, M.Lima, H.P.Lopez-Castao, J. M.Lindner, M.López-Castaño, J.M.LoSecco, J. M.LoSecco, J.M.Lubsandorzhiev, B.Lucht, S.Lubsandorzhiev, B.Lucht, S.Maeda, J.Maeda, J.Mariani, C.Maricic, J.Mariani, C.Martino, J.Maricic, J.Matsubara, T.Martino, J.Mention, G.Matsubara, T.Meregaglia, A.Mention, G.Meregaglia, A.Miletic, T.Miletic, T.Milincic, R.Minotti, A.Milincic, R.Nagasaka, Y.Minotti, A.Nikitenko, Y.Nagasaka, Y.Nikitenko, Y.Novella, P.Novella, P.Oberauer, L.Oberauer, L.Obolensky, M.Onillon, A.Obolensky, M.Onillon, A.Osborn, A.Palomares, C.Osborn, A.Palomares, C.Pepe, I. M.Perasso, S.Pepe, I.M.Perasso, S.Pfahler, P.Pfahler, P.Porta, A.Porta, A.Pronost, G.Pronost, G.Reichenbacher, J.Reichenbacher, J.Reinhold, B.Roehling, M.Reinhold, B.Röhling, M.Roncin, R.Roth, S.Roncin, R.Rybolt, B.Roth, S.Sakamoto, Y.Rybolt, B.Sakamoto, Y.Santorelli, R.Schilithz, A. C.Santorelli, R.Schoenert, S.Schilithz, A.C.Schönert, S.Schoppmann, S.Shaevitz, M. H.Schoppmann, S.Shaevitz, M.H.Sharankova, R.Shimojima, S.Sharankova, R.Shimojima, S.Shrestha, D.Shrestha, D.Sibille, V.Sibille, V.Sinev, V.Skorokhvatov, M.Sinev, V.Skorokhvatov, M.Smith, E.Spitz, J.Smith, E.Stahl, A.Spitz, J.Stancu, I.Stahl, A.Stancu, I.Stokes, L. F. F.Strait, M.Stokes, L.F.F.Strait, M.Stueken, A.Stüken, A.Suekane, F.Suekane, F.Sukhotin, S.Sumiyoshi, T.Sukhotin, S.Sumiyoshi, T.Sun, Y.Svoboda, R.Sun, Y.Svoboda, R.Terao, K.Tonazzo, A.Terao, K.Trinh Thi, H. H.Tonazzo, A.Trinh Thi, H.H.Valdiviesso, G.Vassilopoulos, N.Valdiviesso, G.Veyssiere, C.Vassilopoulos, N.Veyssiere, C.Vivier, M.Vivier, M.Wagner, S.Wagner, S.Walsh, N.Walsh, N.Watanabe, H.Wiebusch, C.Watanabe, H.Wiebusch, C.Winslow, L.Wurm, M.Winslow, L.Wurm, M.Yang, G.Yang, G.Yermia, F.Zimmer, V.Yermia, F. and Zimmer, V.
JHEP, vol. 10, pp. 086. | Journal Article
Measurements of Inclusive Muon Neutrino and Antineutrino Charged Current Differential Cross Sections on Argon in the NuMI Antineutrino Beam
Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R. and others
Phys.Rev.D, vol. 89, pp. 112003. | Journal Article
Ortho-positronium observation in the Double Chooz Experiment
Abe, YAbe, Y.othersDos Anjos, JBarriere, JBaussan, EBekman, IBergevin, MBezerra, TBezrukov, LBlucher, EBuck, CBusenitz, JCabrera, ACaden, ECamilleri, LCarr, RCerrada, MChang, P-jChauveau, EChimenti, PCollin, AConover, EConrad, JCrespo-anadón, JCrum, KCucoanes, ADamon, EDawson, JDhooghe, JDietrich, DDjurcic, ZDracos, MElnimr, MEtenko, AFallot, Mvon Feilitzsch, FFelde, JFernandes, SFischer, VFranco, DFranke, MFuruta, HGil-botella, IGiot, LGöger-neff, MGonzalez, LGoodenough, LGoodman, MGrant, CHaag, NHara, THaser, JHofmann, MHorton-smith, GHourlier, AIshitsuka, MJochum, JJollet, CKaether, FKalousis, LKamyshkov, YKaplan, DKawasaki, TKemp, Ede Kerret, HKryn, DKuze, MLachenmaier, TLane, CLasserre, TLetourneau, ALhuillier, DLima, HLindner, MLópez-castaño, JLosecco, JLubsandorzhiev, BLucht, SMaeda, JMariani, CMaricic, JMartino, JMatsubara, TMention, GMeregaglia, AMiletic, TMilincic, RMinotti, ANagasaka, YNikitenko, YNovella, POberauer, LObolensky, MOnillon, AOsborn, APalomares, CPepe, IPerasso, SPfahler, PPorta, APronost, GReichenbacher, JReinhold, BRöhling, MRoncin, RRoth, SRybolt, BSakamoto, YSantorelli, RSchilithz, ASchönert, SSchoppmann, SShaevitz, MSharankova, RShimojima, SShrestha, DSibille, VSinev, VSkorokhvatov, MSmith, ESpitz, JStahl, AStancu, IStokes, LStrait, MStüken, ASuekane, FSukhotin, SSumiyoshi, TSun, YSvoboda, RTerao, KTonazzo, ATrinh Thi, HValdiviesso, GVassilopoulos, NVeyssiere, CVivier, MWagner, SWalsh, NWatanabe, HWiebusch, CWinslow, LWurm, MYang, GYermia, F and Zimmer, V
JHEP, vol. 10, pp. 32. | Journal Article
Precision Muon Reconstruction in Double Chooz
Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y. and others
Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A, vol. 764, pp. 330–339. | Journal Article
A Study of Electron Recombination Using Highly Ionizing Particles in the ArgoNeuT Liquid Argon TPC
Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.Acciarri, R.othersAdams, C.Asaadi, J.Baller, B.Bolton, T.Bromberg, C.Cavanna, F.Church, E.Edmunds, D.Ereditato, A.Farooq, S.Fleming, B.Greenlee, H.Horton-Smith, G.James, C.Klein, E.Lang, K.Laurens, P.McKee, D.Mehdiyev, R.Page, B.Palamara, O.Partyka, K.Rameika, G.Rebel, B.Soderberg, M.Spitz, J.Szelc, A.M.Weber, M.Wojcik, M.Yang, T. and Zeller, G.P.
JINST, vol. 8, pp. P08005. | Journal Article
Direct measurement of backgrounds using reactor-off data in Double Chooz
Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.othersAberle, C.Dos Anjos, J.C.Barriere, J.C.Bergevin, M.Bernstein, A.Bezerra, T.J.C.Bezrukhov, L.Blucher, E.Bowden, N.S.Buck, C.Busenitz, J.Cabrera, A.Caden, E.Camilleri, L.Carr, R.Cerrada, M.Chang, P.-J.Chimenti, P.Classen, T.Collin, A.P.Conover, E.Conrad, J.M.Crespo-Anadón, J.I.Crum, K.Cucoanes, A.D'Agostino, M.V.Damon, E.Dawson, J.V.Dazeley, S.Dietrich, D.Djurcic, Z.Dracos, M.Durand, V.Ebert, J.Efremenko, Y.Elnimr, M.Erickson, A.Etenko, A.Fallot, M.Fechner, M.Von Feilitzsch, F.Felde, J.Fernandes, S.M.Fischer, V.Franco, D.Franke, A.J.Franke, M.Furuta, H.Gama, R.Gil-Botella, I.Giot, L.Göger-Neff, M.Gonzalez, L.F.G.Goodenough, L.Goodman, M.C.Goon, J.T.M.Greiner, D.Haag, N.Habib, S.Hagner, C.Hara, T.Hartmann, F.X.Haser, J.Hatzikoutelis, A.Hayakawa, T.Hofmann, M.Horton Smith, G.A.Hourlier, A.Ishitsuka, M.Jochum, J.Jollet, C.Jones, C.L.Kaether, F.Kalousis, L.N.Kamyshkov, Y.Kaplan, D.M.Kawasaki, T.Keefer, G.Kemp, E.De Kerret, H.Kibe, Y.Konno, T.Kryn, D.Kuze, M.Lachenmaier, T.Lane, C.E.Langbrandtner, C.Lasserre, T.Letourneau, A.Lhuillier, D.Lima, H.P.Lindner, M.López-Castaño, J.M.Losecco, J.M.Lubsandorzhiev, B.K.Lucht, S.McKee, D.Maeda, J.Maesano, C.N.Mariani, C.Maricic, J.Martino, J.Matsubara, T.Mention, G.Meregaglia, A.Meyer, M.Miletic, T.Milincic, R.Miyata, H.Mueller, T.A.Nagasaka, Y.Nakajima, K.Novella, P.Obolensky, M.Oberauer, L.Onillon, A.Osborn, A.Ostrovskiy, I.Palomares, C.Pepe, I.M.Perasso, S.Perrin, P.Pfahler, P.Porta, A.Potzel, W.Pronost, G.Reichenbacher, J.Reinhold, B.Remoto, A.Röhling, M.Roncin, R.Roth, S.Rybolt, B.Sakamoto, Y.Santorelli, R.Sato, F.Schönert, S.Schoppmann, S.Schwetz, T.Shaevitz, M.H.Shimojima, S.Shrestha, D.Sida, J.-L.Sinev, V.Skorokhvatov, M.Smith, E.Spitz, J.Stahl, A.Stancu, I.Stokes, L.F.F.Strait, M.Stüken, A.Suekane, F.Sukhotin, S.Sumiyoshi, T.Sun, Y.Svoboda, R.Terao, K.Tonazzo, A.Toups, M.Trinh Thi, H.H.Valdiviesso, G.Veyssiere, C.Wagner, S.Watanabe, H.White, B.Wiebusch, C.Winslow, L.Worcester, M.Wurm, M.Yermia, F. and Zimmer, V.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, vol. 87. | Journal Article
First Measurement of \theta_13 from Delayed Neutron Capture on Hydrogen in the Double Chooz Experiment
Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y. and others
Phys.Lett.B, vol. 723, pp. 66–70. | Journal Article
Analysis of a large sample of neutrino-induced muons with the ArgoNeuT detector
Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.othersAntonello, M.Baller, B.Bolton, T.Bromberg, C.Cavanna, F.Church, E.Edmunds, D.Ereditato, A.Farooq, S.Fleming, B.Greenlee, H.Guenette, R.Haug, S.Horton Smith, G.James, C.Klein, E.Lang, K.Laurens, P.Linden, S.McKee, D.Mehdiyev, R.Page, B.Palamara, O.Partyka, K.Rameika, G.Rebel, B.Rossi, B.Soderberg, M.Spitz, J.Szelc, A.M.Weber, M.Yang, T. and Zeller, G.P.
Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 7. | Journal Article
First measurements of inclusive muon neutrino charged current differential cross sections on argon
Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.othersAntonello, M.Baller, B.Bolton, T.Bromberg, C.Cavanna, F.Church, E.Edmunds, D.Ereditato, A.Farooq, S.Fleming, B.Greenlee, H.Guenette, R.Haug, S.Horton Smith, G.James, C.Klein, E.Lang, K.Laurens, P.Linden, S.McKee, D.Mehdiyev, R.Page, B.Palamara, O.Partyka, K.Patch, A.Rameika, G.Rebel, B.Rossi, B.Soderberg, M.Spitz, J.Szelc, A.M.Weber, M.Yang, T. and Zeller, G.
Physical Review Letters, vol. 108. | Journal Article
First test of Lorentz violation with a reactor-based antineutrino experiment
Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.othersAberle, C.Dos Anjos, J.C.Bergevin, M.Bernstein, A.Bezerra, T.J.C.Bezrukhov, L.Blucher, E.Bowden, N.S.Buck, C.Busenitz, J.Cabrera, A.Caden, E.Camilleri, L.Carr, R.Cerrada, M.Chang, P.-J.Chimenti, P.Classen, T.Collin, A.P.Conover, E.Conrad, J.M.Crespo-Anadón, J.I.Crum, K.Cucoanes, A.D'Agostino, M.V.Damon, E.Dawson, J.V.Dazeley, S.Dietrich, D.Djurcic, Z.Dracos, M.Durand, V.Ebert, J.Efremenko, Y.Elnimr, M.Erickson, A.Fallot, M.Fechner, M.Von Feilitzsch, F.Felde, J.Fischer, V.Franco, D.Franke, A.J.Franke, M.Furuta, H.Gama, R.Gil-Botella, I.Giot, L.Göger-Neff, M.Gonzalez, L.F.G.Goodman, M.C.Goon, J.T.Greiner, D.Haag, N.Habib, S.Hagner, C.Hara, T.Hartmann, F.X.Haser, J.Hatzikoutelis, A.Hayakawa, T.Hofmann, M.Horton Smith, G.A.Ishitsuka, M.Jochum, J.Jollet, C.Jones, C.L.Kaether, F.Kalousis, L.N.Kamyshkov, Y.Kaplan, D.M.Katori, T.Kawasaki, T.Keefer, G.Kemp, E.De Kerret, H.Konno, T.Kryn, D.Kuze, M.Lachenmaier, T.Lane, C.E.Lasserre, T.Letourneau, A.Lhuillier, D.Lima, H.P.Lindner, M.López-Castaño, J.M.Losecco, J.M.Lubsandorzhiev, B.K.Lucht, S.McKee, D.Maeda, J.Maesano, C.N.Mariani, C.Maricic, J.Martino, J.Matsubara, T.Mention, G.Meregaglia, A.Meyer, M.Miletic, T.Milincic, R.Miyata, H.Mueller, T.A.Nagasaka, Y.Nakajima, K.Novella, P.Obolensky, M.Oberauer, L.Onillon, A.Osborn, A.Ostrovskiy, I.Palomares, C.Pepe, I.M.Perasso, S.Perrin, P.Pfahler, P.Porta, A.Potzel, W.Pronost, G.Reichenbacher, J.Reinhold, B.Remoto, A.Röhling, M.Roncin, R.Roth, S.Rybolt, B.Sakamoto, Y.Santorelli, R.Sato, F.Schönert, S.Schoppmann, S.Schwetz, T.Shaevitz, M.H.Shrestha, D.Sida, J.-L.Sinev, V.Skorokhvatov, M.Smith, E.Spitz, J.Stahl, A.Stancu, I.Stokes, L.F.F.Strait, M.Stüken, A.Suekane, F.Sukhotin, S.Sumiyoshi, T.Sun, Y.Terao, K.Tonazzo, A.Toups, M.Trinh Thi, H.H.Valdiviesso, G.Veyssiere, C.Wagner, S.Watanabe, H.White, B.Wiebusch, C.Winslow, L.Worcester, M.Wurm, M.Yanovitch, E.Yermia, F. and Zimmer, V.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, vol. 86. | Journal Article
Indication of reactor ν ̄e disappearance in the double chooz experiment
Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.othersAberle, C.Akiri, T.Dos Anjos, J.C.Ardellier, F.Barbosa, A.F.Baxter, A.Bergevin, M.Bernstein, A.Bezerra, T.J.C.Bezrukhov, L.Blucher, E.Bongrand, M.Bowden, N.S.Buck, C.Busenitz, J.Cabrera, A.Caden, E.Camilleri, L.Carr, R.Cerrada, M.Chang, P.-J.Chimenti, P.Classen, T.Collin, A.P.Conover, E.Conrad, J.M.Cormon, S.Crespo-Anadón, J.I.Cribier, M.Crum, K.Cucoanes, A.D'Agostino, M.V.Damon, E.Dawson, J.V.Dazeley, S.Dierckxsens, M.Dietrich, D.Djurcic, Z.Dracos, M.Durand, V.Efremenko, Y.Elnimr, M.Endo, Y.Etenko, A.Falk, E.Fallot, M.Fechner, M.Von Feilitzsch, F.Felde, J.Fernandes, S.M.Franco, D.Franke, A.J.Franke, M.Furuta, H.Gama, R.Gil-Botella, I.Giot, L.Göger-Neff, M.Gonzalez, L.F.G.Goodman, M.C.Goon, J.T.Greiner, D.Guillon, B.Haag, N.Hagner, C.Hara, T.Hartmann, F.X.Hartnell, J.Haruna, T.Haser, J.Hatzikoutelis, A.Hayakawa, T.Hofmann, M.Horton Smith, G.A.Ishitsuka, M.Jochum, J.Jollet, C.Jones, C.L.Kaether, F.Kalousis, L.Kamyshkov, Y.Kaplan, D.M.Kawasaki, T.Keefer, G.Kemp, E.De Kerret, H.Kibe, Y.Konno, T.Kryn, D.Kuze, M.Lachenmaier, T.Lane, C.E.Langbrandtner, C.Lasserre, T.Letourneau, A.Lhuillier, D.Lima, H.P.Lindner, M.Liu, Y.López-Castanõ, J.M.Losecco, J.M.Lubsandorzhiev, B.K.Lucht, S.McKee, D.Maeda, J.Maesano, C.N.Mariani, C.Maricic, J.Martino, J.Matsubara, T.Mention, G.Meregaglia, A.Miletic, T.Milincic, R.Milzstajn, A.Miyata, H.Motta, D.Mueller, T.A.Nagasaka, Y.Nakajima, K.Novella, P.Obolensky, M.Oberauer, L.Onillon, A.Osborn, A.Ostrovskiy, I.Palomares, C.Peeters, S.J.M.Pepe, I.M.Perasso, S.Perrin, P.Pfahler, P.Porta, A.Potzel, W.Queval, R.Reichenbacher, J.Reinhold, B.Remoto, A.Reyna, D.Röhling, M.Roth, S.Rubin, H.A.Sakamoto, Y.Santorelli, R.Sato, F.Schönert, S.Schoppmann, S.Schwan, U.Schwetz, T.Shaevitz, M.H.Shrestha, D.Sida, J.-L.Sinev, V.Skorokhvatov, M.Smith, E.Spitz, J.Stahl, A.Stancu, I.Strait, M.Stüken, A.Suekane, F.Sukhotin, S.Sumiyoshi, T.Sun, Y.Sun, Z.Svoboda, R.Tabata, H.Tamura, N.Terao, K.Tonazzo, A.Toups, M.Trinh Thi, H.H.Veyssiere, C.Wagner, S.Watanabe, H.White, B.Wiebusch, C.Winslow, L.Worcester, M.Wurm, M.Yanovitch, E.Yermia, F.Zbiri, K. and Zimmer, V.
Physical Review Letters, vol. 108. | Journal Article
Reactor ν ̄e disappearance in the Double Chooz experiment
Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Abe, Y.Aberle, C.othersDos Anjos, J.C.Barriere, J.C.Bergevin, M.Bernstein, A.Bezerra, T.J.C.Bezrukhov, L.Blucher, E.Bowden, N.S.Buck, C.Busenitz, J.Cabrera, A.Caden, E.Camilleri, L.Carr, R.Cerrada, M.Chang, P.-J.Chimenti, P.Classen, T.Collin, A.P.Conover, E.Conrad, J.M.Crespo-Anadón, J.I.Crum, K.Cucoanes, A.D'Agostino, M.V.Damon, E.Dawson, J.V.Dazeley, S.Dietrich, D.Djurcic, Z.Dracos, M.Durand, V.Ebert, J.Efremenko, Y.Elnimr, M.Etenko, A.Fallot, M.Fechner, M.Von Feilitzsch, F.Felde, J.Franco, D.Franke, A.J.Franke, M.Furuta, H.Gama, R.Gil-Botella, I.Giot, L.Göger-Neff, M.Gonzalez, L.F.G.Goodman, M.C.Goon, J.T.Greiner, D.Haag, N.Hagner, C.Hara, T.Hartmann, F.X.Haser, J.Hatzikoutelis, A.Hayakawa, T.Hofmann, M.Horton Smith, G.A.Hourlier, A.Ishitsuka, M.Jochum, J.Jollet, C.Jones, C.L.Kaether, F.Kalousis, L.N.Kamyshkov, Y.Kaplan, D.M.Kawasaki, T.Keefer, G.Kemp, E.De Kerret, H.Kibe, Y.Konno, T.Kryn, D.Kuze, M.Lachenmaier, T.Lane, C.E.Langbrandtner, C.Lasserre, T.Letourneau, A.Lhuillier, D.Lima, H.P.Lindner, M.López-Castanõ, J.M.Losecco, J.M.Lubsandorzhiev, B.K.Lucht, S.McKee, D.Maeda, J.Maesano, C.N.Mariani, C.Maricic, J.Martino, J.Matsubara, T.Mention, G.Meregaglia, A.Miletic, T.Milincic, R.Miyata, H.Mueller, T.A.Nagasaka, Y.Nakajima, K.Novella, P.Obolensky, M.Oberauer, L.Onillon, A.Osborn, A.Ostrovskiy, I.Palomares, C.Pepe, I.M.Perasso, S.Perrin, P.Pfahler, P.Porta, A.Potzel, W.Reichenbacher, J.Reinhold, B.Remoto, A.Röhling, M.Roncin, R.Roth, S.Sakamoto, Y.Santorelli, R.Sato, F.Schönert, S.Schoppmann, S.Schwetz, T.Shaevitz, M.H.Shimojima, S.Shrestha, D.Sida, J-L.Sinev, V.Skorokhvatov, M.Smith, E.Spitz, J.Stahl, A.Stancu, I.Stokes, L.F.F.Strait, M.Stüken, A.Suekane, F.Sukhotin, S.Sumiyoshi, T.Sun, Y.Svoboda, R.Terao, K.Tonazzo, A.Toups, M.Trinh Thi, H.H.Valdiviesso, G.Veyssiere, C.Wagner, S.Watanabe, H.White, B.Wiebusch, C.Winslow, L.Worcester, M.Wurm, M.Yermia, F. and Zimmer, V.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, vol. 86. | Journal Article
Search for extraterrestrial antineutrino sources with the KamLAND detector
Gando, A.Gando, Y.othersIchimura, K.Ikeda, H.Inoue, K.Kibe, Y.Kishimoto, Y.Koga, M.Minekawa, Y.Mitsui, T.Morikawa, T.Nagai, N.Nakajima, K.Nakamura, K.Narita, K.Shimizu, I.Shimizu, Y.Shirai, J.Suekane, F.Suzuki, A.Takahashi, H.Takahashi, N.Takemoto, Y.Tamae, K.Watanabe, H.Xu, B.D.Yabumoto, H.Yoshida, H.Yoshida, S.Enomoto, S.Kozlov, A.Murayama, H.Grant, C.Keefer, G.Piepke, A.Banks, T.I.Bloxham, T.Detwiler, J.A.Freedman, S.J.Fujikawa, B.K.Han, K.Kadel, R.O'Donnell, T.Steiner, H.M.Dwyer, D.A.McKeown, R.D.Zhang, C.Berger, B.E.Lane, C.E.Maricic, J.Miletic, T.Batygov, M.Learned, J.G.Matsuno, S.Sakai, M.Horton Smith, G.A.Downum, K.E.Gratta, G.Efremenko, Y.Kamyshkov, Y.Perevozchikov, O.Karwowski, H.J.Markoff, D.M.Tornow, W.Heeger, K.M. and Decowski, M.P.
Astrophysical Journal, vol. 745. | Journal Article
The ArgoNeuT Detector in the NuMI Low-Energy beam line at Fermilab
Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.Anderson, C.othersAntonello, M.Baller, B.Bolton, T.Bromberg, C.Cavanna, F.Church, E.Edmunds, D.Ereditato, A.Farooq, S.Fleming, B.Greenlee, H.Guenette, R.Haug, S.Horton-Smith, G.James, C.Klein, E.Lang, K.Lathrop, A.Laurens, P.Linden, S.McKee, D.Mehdiyev, R.Page, B.Palamara, O.Partyka, K.Pordes, S.Rameika, G.Rebel, B.Rossi, B.Sanders, R.Soderberg, M.Spitz, J.Szelc, A.M.Weber, M.Wongjirad, T.Yang, T. and Zeller, G.P.
JINST, vol. 7, pp. P10019. | Journal Article
Constraints on θ13 from a three-flavor oscillation analysis of reactor antineutrinos at KamLAND
Gando, A.Gando, Y.Ichimura, K.Ikeda, H.Inoue, K.Kibe, Y.Kishimoto, Y.Koga, M.Minekawa, Y.Mitsui, T.Morikawa, T.Nagai, N.Nakajima, K.Nakamura, K.Narita, K.Shimizu, I.Shimizu, Y.Shirai, J.Suekane, F.Suzuki, A.Takahashi, H.Takahashi, N.Takemoto, Y.Tamae, K.Watanabe, H.Xu, B.D.Yabumoto, H.Yoshida, H.Yoshida, S.Enomoto, S.Kozlov, A.Murayama, H.Grant, C.Keefer, G.Piepke, A.Banks, T.I.Bloxham, T.Detwiler, J.A.Freedman, S.J.Fujikawa, B.K.Han, K.Kadel, R.O'Donnell, T.Steiner, H.M.Dwyer, D.A.McKeown, R.D.Zhang, C.Berger, B.E.Lane, C.E.Maricic, J.Miletic, T.Batygov, M.Learned, J.G.Matsuno, S.Sakai, M.Horton Smith, G.A.Downum, K.E.Gratta, G.Efremenko, Y.Perevozchikov, O.Karwowski, H.J.Markoff, D.M.Tornow, W.Heeger, K.M. and Decowski, M.P.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, vol. 83. | Journal Article
Measurement of the 8B Solar Neutrino Flux with the KamLAND Liquid Scintillator Detector
Abe, S. and others
Phys.Rev.C, vol. 84, pp. 035804. | Journal Article
Partial radiogenic heat model for Earth revealed by geoneutrino measurements
Gando, A.Gando, Y.Ichimura, K.Ikeda, H.Inoue, K.Kibe, Y.Kishimoto, Y.Koga, M.Minekawa, Y.Mitsui, T.Morikawa, T.Nagai, N.Nakajima, K.Nakamura, K.Narita, K.Shimizu, I.Shimizu, Y.Shirai, J.Suekane, F.Suzuki, A.Takahashi, H.Takahashi, N.Takemoto, Y.Tamae, K.Watanabe, H.Xu, B.D.Yabumoto, H.Yoshida, H.Yoshida, S.Enomoto, S.Kozlov, A.Murayama, H.Grant, C.Keefer, G.Piepke, A.Banks, T.I.Bloxham, T.Detwiler, J.A.Freedman, S.J.Fujikawa, B.K.Han, K.Kadel, R.O'Donnell, T.Steiner, H.M.Dwyer, D.A.McKeown, R.D.Zhang, C.Berger, B.E.Lane, C.E.Maricic, J.Miletic, T.Batygov, M.Learned, J.G.Matsuno, S.Sakai, M.Horton Smith, G.A.Downum, K.E.Gratta, G.Tolich, K.Efremenko, Y.Perevozchikov, O.Karwowski, H.J.Markoff, D.M.Tornow, W.Heeger, K.M. and Decowski, M.P.
Nature Geoscience, vol. 4, pp. 647-651. | Journal Article