85 Publications (Page 2 of 4)
Amplitudes for magnon scattering by vortices in two-dimensional weakly easy-plane ferromagnets
Sheka, D.D.Yastremsky, I.A.Ivanov, B.A.Wysin, G.M. and Mertens, F.G.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, vol. 69. | Journal Article
Vortex-vacancy interactions in two-dimensional easy-plane magnets
Wysin, G. M.
Physical Review B, vol. 68. | Journal Article
Magnon modes for a circular two-dimensional easy-plane ferromagnet in the cone state
Ivanov, B. A. and Wysin, G. M.
Physical Review B, vol. 65. | Journal Article
Relaxation schemes for normal modes of magnetic vortices: Application to the scattering matrix
Wysin, G.M.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, vol. 63. | Journal Article
Correlated molecular-field theory for Ising models
Wysin, G.M. and Kaplan, J.
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, vol. 61, pp. 6399-6403. | Journal Article
Onsager reaction-field theory for magnetic models on diamond and hcp lattices
Wysin, G.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, vol. 62, pp. 3251-3258. | Journal Article
Spin-wave damping in the two-dimensional ferromagnetic XY model
Wysin, G. M.Gouvea, M. E. and Pires, A. S. T.
Physical Review B, vol. 62, pp. 11585-11599. | Journal Article
Low-temperature static and dynamic behavior of the two-dimensional easy-axis Heisenberg model
Gouvea, M. E.Wysin, G. M.Leonel, S. A.Pires, A. S. T.Kamppeter, T. and Mertens, F. G.
Physical Review B, vol. 59, pp. 6229-6238. | Journal Article
Critical anisotropies of two-dimensional magnetic vortices
Wysin, G.M.
Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, vol. 240, pp. 95-99. | Journal Article
Free vortex and vortex-pair lifetimes in classical two-dimensional easy-plane magnets
Dimitrov, D.A. and Wysin, G.M.
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, vol. 10, pp. 7453-7465. | Journal Article
Localized magnon mode of in-plane magnetic vortices in easy-plane magnets
Wysin, G. M.Gouvea, M. E. and Pires, A. S. T.
Physical Review B, vol. 57, pp. 8274-8284. | Journal Article
Magnon modes and magnon-vortex scattering in two-dimensional easy-plane ferromagnets
Ivanov, B. A.Schnitzer, H. J.Mertens, F. G. and Wysin, G. M.
Physical Review B, vol. 58, pp. 8464-8474. | Journal Article
Onsager reaction field theory for the three-dimensional anisotropic XY model
Gouvea, M. E.Pires, A. S. T. and Wysin, G. M.
Physical Review B, vol. 58, pp. 2399-2402. | Journal Article
Comment on ?Static and dynamic simulation in the classical two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg model?
Gouve?a, M. and Wysin, G.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, vol. 56, pp. 14192-14194. | Journal Article
Numerical study of vortices in a two-dimensional XY model with in-plane magnetic field
Gouvea, M. E.Wysin, G. M. and Pires, A. S. T.
Physical Review B, vol. 55, pp. 14144-14147. | Journal Article
Static and dynamic simulation in the classical two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg model - Comment
Gouvea, M. E. and Wysin, G. M.
Physical Review B, vol. 56, pp. 14192-14194. | Journal Article
Comparison of vortex normal modes in easy-plane ferromagnets and antiferromagnets
Wysin, G. and Völkel, A.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, vol. 54, pp. 12921-12931. | Journal Article
Lifetime of vortices in two-dimensional easy-plane ferromagnets
Dimitrov, D. and Wysin, G.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, vol. 53, pp. 8539-8542. | Journal Article
Magnetic properties of superparamagnetic particles by a Monte Carlo method
Dimitrov, D. and Wysin, G.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, vol. 54, pp. 9237-9241. | Journal Article
Magnetic vortex mass in two-dimensional easy-plane magnets
Wysin, G. M.
Physical Review B, vol. 54, pp. 15156-15162. | Journal Article
Normal Modes and Soliton Resonance for Vortices in 2D Classical Antiferromagnets
Ivanov, B.A.Kolezhuk, A.K. and Wysin, G.M.
Physical Review Letters, vol. 76, pp. 511-514. | Journal Article
Magnetic properties of spherical fcc clusters with radial surface anisotropy
Dimitrov, D.A. and Wysin, G.M.
Physical Review B, vol. 51, pp. 11947-11950. | Journal Article
Normal modes of vortices in easy-plane ferromagnets
Wysin, G.M. and Völkel, A.R.
Physical Review B, vol. 52, pp. 7412-7427. | Journal Article
Collective-variable approach to the dynamics of nonlinear magnetic excitations with application to vortices
Völkel, A.R.Wysin, G.M.Mertens, F.G.Bishop, A.R. and Schnitzer, H.J.
Physical Review B, vol. 50, pp. 12711-12720. | Journal Article
Effects of surface anisotropy on hysteresis in fine magnetic particles
Dimitrov, D.A. and Wysin, G.M.
Physical Review B, vol. 50, pp. 3077-3084. | Journal Article