36 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Chemical Stability of Polymer-Ceramic Composite Membranes
Rezac, M.E., Miller, S.J., and Koros, W.J. and Rezac, Mary E
(pp. 165-170). 1995
Membrane-assisted dehydrogenation of normal butane
Rezac, M.E., Miller, S.J., and Koros, W.J. and Rezac, Mary E
(pp. 862-868). 1995
Membrane-assisted dehydrogenation of normal butane
Rezac, Mary EKoros William J and Miller Stephen J
(pp. 862-868). 1995
Thermo-mechanical stability of polymer-ceramic composite membranes
Rezac, M. E., Miller, S. J., and Koros, W. J. and Rezac, Mary E
(pp. 2159-2171). 1995
Update on the Aging of a Thin Polycarbonate-Ceramic Composite Membrane
Rezac, Mary E
Effect of Mild Solvent Post-Treatments on the Gas Transport Properties of Glassy Polymer Membranes
Rezac, M. E., LeRoux, J. R., Chen, H., Paul, D. R. and Koros, W. J. and Rezac, Mary E
(pp. 213-229). 1994
Membrane-assisted dehydrogenation of n-butane: Influence of membrane
Rezac, M.E., Miller, S.J., and Koros, W.J. and Rezac, Mary E
(pp. 193-201). 1994
Aging of thin polyimide-ceramic and polycarbonate-ceramic composite membranes
Rezac, Mary EPfromm, Peter HCostello, Lora M and Koros, W. Y
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, vol. 32, (no. 9), pp. 1921-6, 1993. | Journal Article
Aging of Thin Polyimide-Ceramic and Polycarbonate-Ceramic Composite Membranes
Rezac, M. E., Pfromm, P.H., Costello, L. M., and Koros, W. J. and Rezac, Mary E
(pp. 1921-1926). 1993
Polymer-ceramic composite membranes in reactor applications (Dissertation)
Rezac, Mary E (1993).
Preparation of Polymer-Ceramic Composite Membranes with Thin Defect-Free Separating Layers
Rezac, M. E. and Koros, W. J. and Rezac, Mary E
(pp. 1927 - 1938). 1992