41 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Isolation of natural organic matter from fresh waters using reverse osmosis and electrodialysis
Koprivnjak, JeanPerdue, E and Pfromm, Peter
Acta Geochimica, vol. 25, pp. 268, Mar 2006. | Journal Article
Activation of Subtilisin Carlsberg in Hexane By Lyophilization in the Presence of Fumed Silica
Würges, K.Pfromm, Peter HRezac, M.E. and Czermak, P.
(pp. 18-24). 2005
Decreasing Energy Intensity in Manufacturing
Wirth, J. G.Acoff, V.L.Clare, A. G.Davis, K. A.Gianaris, N. J.Groza, J.A.Hunt Jr., W. H.Pfaffmann, G. D.Pfromm, Peter HPlenge, W. W.Siirola, J. J.Sudarshan, T.S.Tressler, R. E. and Young, C.A.
Real time measurement and control of thermodynamic water activities for enzymatic catalysis in hexane
Kang, IJPfromm, Peter H and Rezac, Mary E
Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 119, (no. 2), pp. 147-154, 2005. | Journal Article
Membrane-assisted enzymatic production of galactosyl-oligosaccharides from lactose in a continuous process
Czermak, PeterEbrahimi, M.Grau, K.Netz, S.Sawatzki, G. and Pfromm, Peter H
Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 232, (no. 1-2), pp. 85-91, 2004. | Journal Article
Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of geranyl acetate in n-hexane with membrane-mediated water removal.
Bartling, KThompson, J UPfromm, Peter HCzermak, Peter and Rezac, Mary E
Biotechnology and bioengineering, vol. 75, (no. 6), pp. 676-81, 2001/Dec/20. | Journal Article
Ultrafiltration of E1 stage effluent for partial closure of the bleach plant
Falth, F.Pfromm, Peter H and Bryant, P.S.
Pulp & Paper Canada, vol. 102, (no. 1), pp. 46-48, 2001. | Journal Article
Materials Technologies for the Process Industries of the Future: Management Strategies and Research Opportunities
Wirth, J.G.Anderson, C.G.Hunter, O.Johnson, S.M.Lipsitt, H.A.Montanarelli, N.Nemzer, A.Paxton, H.W.Pfromm, Peter H and Quan, F.J.-Y.
Capacitance spectroscopy to characterize organic fouling of electrodialysis membranes
Watkins, E. J and Pfromm, Peter H
Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 162, (no. 1), pp. 213-218, 1999. | Journal Article
Development of an easily deinkable copy toner using soy-based copolyamides
Fan, Xiao-DongDeng, YulinWaterhouse, JohnPfromm, Peter H and Carr, Wallace W
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 74, (no. 6), pp. 1563-1570, 1999. | Journal Article
Fracture of toner due to paper swelling
Vander Wielen, Lorraine CPanek, Joel C and Pfromm, Peter H
TAPPI Journal, vol. 82, (no. 5), pp. 115-121, 1999. | Journal Article
Electrodialysis for chloride removal from the chemical recovery cycle of a Kraft pulp mill
Rapp, Hans-Jurgen and Pfromm, Peter H
J MEMBR SCI, vol. 146, (no. 2), pp. 249-261, 1998. | Journal Article
Influence of closure on the white water dissolved solids and the physical properties of recycled linerboard.
Vendries, E. and Pfromm, Peter H
Tappi journal., vol. 81, (no. 9), pp. 106-213, 1998. | Journal Article
Separation Technologies for the Industries of the Future
KellerBeebeFruehanLiMengerPezPfrommRousseauThomas and Pfromm, Peter H
Gas transport properties and aging of thin and thick films made from amorphous glassy polymers (Dissertation)
Pfromm, Peter H (1994).
Aging of thin polyimide-ceramic and polycarbonate-ceramic composite membranes
Rezac, Mary EPfromm, Peter HCostello, Lora M and Koros, W. Y
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, vol. 32, (no. 9), pp. 1921-6, 1993. | Journal Article