182 Publications (Page 4 of 8)
A hemocyte-specific integrin required for hemocytic encapsulation in the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta
Levin, DMBreuer, LNZhuang, S.Anderson, SANardi, James B and Kanost, Michael R
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, vol. 35, (no. 5), pp. 369-380, 2005. | Journal Article
Chitin synthase genes in Manduca sexta: characterization of a gut-specific transcript and differential tissue expression of alternately spliced mRNAs during development.
Hogenkamp, David GArakane, YasuyukiZimoch, LarsMerzendorfer, HansKramer, KarlBeeman, Richard WKanost, Michael RSpecht, Charles A and Muthukrishnan, S.
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology, vol. 35, (no. 6), pp. 529-40, 2005/Jun. | Journal Article
Clustering of adhesion receptors following exposure of insect blood cells to foreign surfaces.
Nardi, James BZhuang, ShufeiPilas, BarbaraBee, Charles M and Kanost, Michael R
Journal of insect physiology, vol. 51, (no. 5), pp. 555-64, 2005/May. | Journal Article
Identification of Plasma Proteases Inhibited by Manduca sexta Serpin-4 and Serpin-5 and Their Association with Components of the Prophenol Oxidase Activation Pathway
Tong, YourenJiang, Haobo and Kanost, Michael R
Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 280, (no. 15), pp. 14932-14942, 2005. | Journal Article
Laccase 2 is the phenoloxidase gene required for beetle cuticle tanning
Arakane, YasuyukiMuthukrishnan, S.Beeman, Richard WKanost, Michael R and Kramer, Karl
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 102, (no. 32), pp. 11337-11342, Aug 9, 2005. | Journal Article
Manduca sexta serpin-4 and serpin-5 inhibit the prophenol oxidase activation pathway: cDNA cloning, protein expression, and characterization.
Tong, Youren and Kanost, Michael R
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 280, (no. 15), pp. 14923-14931, April 15, 2005. | Journal Article
Molecular identification of a bevy of serine proteinases in Manduca sexta hemolymph.
Jiang, HaoboWang, YangGu, YongliGuo, XiaopingZou, ZhenScholz, FrankTrenczek, Tina E and Kanost, Michael R
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology, vol. 35, (no. 8), pp. 931-43, 2005/Aug. | Journal Article
Molecular identification of a bevy of serine proteinases in Manduca sexta hemolymph. [Erratum: 2005 Nov., v. 35, no. 11, p. 1308.]
Jiang, HaoboWang, Y.Gu, Y.Guo, X.Zou, ZhenScholz, F.Trenczek, Tina E and Kanost, Michael R
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology., vol. 35, (no. 8), pp. 931-943, 2005. | Journal Article
Pectinmethylesterase from the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae: cDNA isolation and sequencing, genetic origin, and expression of the recombinant enzyme.
Shen, ZhichengPappan, Kirk LMutti, Navdeep SHe, Qi-JiongDenton, MichaelZhang, YuKanost, Michael RReese, John C and Reeck, Gerald R
Journal of insect science (Online), vol. 5, pp. 21, 2005. | Journal Article
Pectinmethylesterase from the rice weevil, Sitophilus Oryzae: cDNA isolation and sequencing, genetic origin, and expression of the recombinant enzyme
Shen, Z.Pappan, Kirk LMutti, NSHe, Q.Denton, M.Zhang, Y.Kanost, Michael RReese, John C and Reeck, Gerald R
Journal of Insect Science (Tucson), vol. 5, (no. 21), pp. 1-9, 2005. | Journal Article
The Tribolium chitin synthase genes TcCHS1 and TcCHS2 are specialized for synthesis of epidermal cuticle and midgut peritrophic matrix
Arakane, YasuyukiMuthukrishnan, SubbaratnamKramer, KarlSpecht, CATomoyasu, YoshinoriLorenzen, MarcéKanost, Michael R and Beeman, Richard W
Insect Molecular Biology, vol. 14, (no. 5), pp. 453-463, 2005. | Journal Article
Bacterial challenge stimulates innate immune responses in extra-embryonic tissues of tobacco hornworm eggs
Gorman, MaureenKankanala, P. and Kanost, Michael R
Insect molecular biology., vol. 13, (no. 1), pp. 19-24, 2004. | Journal Article
Beta-1,3-glucan recognition protein-2 (betaGRP-2)from Manduca sexta; an acute-phase protein that binds beta-1,3-glucan and lipoteichoic acid to aggregate fungi and bacteria and stimulate prophenoloxidase activation.
Jiang, HaoboMa, CongcongLu, Zhi-Qiang and Kanost, Michael R
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology, vol. 34, (no. 1), pp. 89-100, 2004/Jan. | Journal Article
Characterization of cDNAs encoding putative laccase-like multicopper oxidases and developmental expression in the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, and the malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae.
Dittmer, NealSuderman, Richard JJiang, HaoboZhu, Yu-ChengGorman, MaureenKramer, Karl and Kanost, Michael R
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology, vol. 34, (no. 1), pp. 29-41, 2004/Jan. | Journal Article
Characterization of two chitin synthase genes of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, and alternate exon usage in one of the genes during development.
Arakane, YasuyukiHogenkamp, David GZhu, Yu CKramer, KarlSpecht, Charles ABeeman, Richard WKanost, Michael R and Muthukrishnan, S.
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology, vol. 34, (no. 3), pp. 291-304, 2004/Mar. | Journal Article
Immulectin-2, a pattern recognition receptor that stimulates hemocyte encapsulation and melanization in the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta
Yu, Xiao Qiang S and Kanost, Michael R
Developmental & Comparative Immunology, vol. 28, (no. 9), pp. 891-900, 2004. | Journal Article
Innate immune responses of a lepidopteran insect, Manduca sexta
Kanost, Michael RJiang, Haobo and Yu, Xiao Qiang S
Immunological Reviews, vol. 198, pp. 97-105, 2004. | Journal Article
Innate immune responses of a lepidopteran insect, Manduca sexta.
Kanost, Michael RJiang, Haobo and Yu, Xiao Qiang S
Immunological reviews. , vol. 198, pp. 97-105, 2004/Apr. | Journal Article
Innate Immunity in a Pyralid Moth: Functional evaluation of domains from a beta -1,3-glucan recognition protein
Fabrick, JABaker, James E and Kanost, Michael R
Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 279, (no. 25), pp. 26605-26611, 2004. | Journal Article
Innate immunity in a pyralid moth: functional evaluation of domains from A β-1,3-glucan recognition protein
Fabrick, J.A.Baker, James E and Kanost, Michael R
Journal of biological chemistry., vol. 279, (no. 25), pp. 26605-26611, 2004. | Journal Article
RNAi-induced silencing of embryonic tryptophan oxygenase in the Pyralid moth, Plodia interpunctella
Fabrick, Jeffrey AKanost, Michael R and Baker, James E
Journal of Insect Science (Tucson), vol. 4, (no. 15), pp. 1-9, 2004. | Journal Article
RNAi-induced silencing of embryonic tryptophan oxygenase in the Pyralid moth, Plodia interpunctella.
Fabrick, Jeffrey AKanost, Michael R and Baker, James E
Journal of insect science (Online), vol. 4, pp. 15, 2004. | Journal Article
cDNA cloning, purification, properties, and function of a beta -1,3-glucan recognition protein from a pyralid moth, Plodia interpunctella
Fabrick, JABaker, James E and Kanost, Michael R
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, vol. 33, (no. 6), pp. 579-594, 2003. | Journal Article
Characterization and cDNA cloning of three major proteins from pharate pupal cuticle of Manduca sexta
Suderman, RJAndersen, SOHopkins, Theodore LKanost, Michael R and Kramer, Karl
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology., vol. 33, (no. 3), pp. 331-343, 2003. | Journal Article
Hematopoietic organs of Manduca sexta and hemocyte lineages.
Nardi, James BPilas, BarbaraUjhelyi, ElizabethGarsha, Karl and Kanost, Michael R
Development genes and evolution, vol. 213, (no. 10), pp. 477-91, 2003/Oct. | Journal Article