49 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Three-dimensional solution structure of Cucurbita maxima trypsin inhibitor-V determined by NMR spectroscopy.
Cai, MGong, YKao, J L and Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy
Biochemistry, vol. 34, (no. 15), pp. 5201-11, 1995/Apr/18. | Journal Article
Natural abundance 15N NMR assignments delineate structural differences
Krishnamoorthi R, Nemmers S, Tobias B and Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy
(pp. 149-52). June 1992
Proton NMR studies of Cucurbita maxima trypsin inhibitors: evidence for
Krishnamoorthi R, Lin CL, Gong YX, VanderVelde D, Hahn K and Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy
(pp. 905-10). January 1992
Structural consequences of the natural substitution, E9K, on
Krishnamoorthi R, Lin CL, VanderVelde D and Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy
(pp. 4965-9). June 1992
A new protein inhibitor of trypsin and activated Hageman factor from
Krishnamoorthi R, Gong YX, Richardson M and Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy
(pp. 163-7). October 1990
A new protein inhibitor of trypsin and activated Hageman factor from pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) seeds.
Krishnamoorthi, RamaswamyGong, Y X and Richardson, M
FEBS letters, vol. 273, (no. 1-2), pp. 163-7, 1990/Oct/29. | Journal Article
Solvent isotope effects on NMR spectral parameters in high-spin ferric
La Mar GN, Chatfield MJ, Peyton DH, de Ropp JS, Smith WS, Krishnamoorthi R, Satterlee JD, Erman JE and Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy
(pp. 267-76). October 1988
Solvent isotope effects on NMR spectral parameters in high-spin ferric hemoproteins: an indirect probe for distal hydrogen bonding.
La Mar, G NChatfield, M JPeyton, David Hde Ropp, J SSmith, W SKrishnamoorthi, RamaswamySatterlee, James D and Erman, James E
Biochimica et biophysica acta, vol. 956, (no. 3), pp. 267-76, 1988/Oct/12. | Journal Article
Protein-structural heterogeneity in a non-allosteric monomeric insect
Peyton DH, Krishnamoorthi R, La Mar GN, Gersonde K, Smith KM, Parish DW and Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy
(pp. 377-83). October 1987
Protein-structural heterogeneity in a non-allosteric monomeric insect hemoglobin monitored by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Peyton, David HKrishnamoorthi, RamaswamyLa Mar, G NGersonde, KSmith, Kevin M and Parish, D W
European journal of biochemistry / FEBS, vol. 168, (no. 2), pp. 377-83, 1987/Oct/15. | Journal Article
Hydrogen-1 nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of Clostridium
Krishnamoorthi R, Markley JL, Cusanovich MA, Przysiecki CT and Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy
(pp. 50-4). January 1986
Hydrogen-1 nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of high-potential
Krishnamoorthi R, Markley JL, Cusanovich MA, Przysiecki CT, Meyer TE and Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy
(pp. 60-7). January 1986
Hydrogen-1 nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of high-potential iron-sulfur proteins from Ectothiorhodospira halophila and Ectothiorhodospira vacuolata: a comparative study of hyperfine-shifted resonances.
Krishnamoorthi, RamaswamyMarkley, John LCusanovich, M APrzysiecki, C T and Meyer, T E
Biochemistry, vol. 25, (no. 1), pp. 60-7, 1986/Jan/14. | Journal Article
One- and two-dimensional NMR spectral analysis of the consequences of single amino acid replacements in proteins.
Markley, John LCroll, D HKrishnamoorthi, RamaswamyOrtiz-Polo, GWestler, W MBogard, W C and Laskowski, M
Journal of cellular biochemistry, vol. 30, (no. 4), pp. 291-309, 1986. | Journal Article
A 1H NMR comparison of the met-cyano complexes of elephant and sperm whale
Krishnamoorthi R, La Mar GN, Mizukami H, Romero A and Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy
(pp. 8826-31). July 1984
A proton NMR investigation of the influence of distal glutamine on
Krishnamoorthi R, La Mar GN, Mizukami H, Romero A and Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy
(pp. 265-70). January 1984
A proton NMR investigation of the influence of distal glutamine on structural and dynamic properties of elephant metmyoglobin.
Krishnamoorthi, RamaswamyLa Mar, G NMizukami, H and Romero, A
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 259, (no. 1), pp. 265-70, 1984/Jan/10. | Journal Article
Identification of the titrating group in the heme cavity of myoglobin
Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy
(pp. 135-40). January 1984
Proton NMR investigation of the rate and mechanism of heme rotation in sperm whale myoglobin: Evidence for intramolecular reorientation about a heme twofold axis.
La Mar, GNToi, H. and Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy
Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 106, (no. 21), pp. 6395-6400, 1984. | Journal Article
Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy (1983).
Proton magnetic resonance study of the influence of heme 2,4 substituents
Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy
(pp. 177-83). November 1983
Proton magnetic resonance study of the influence of heme 2,4 substituents on the exchange rates of labile protons in the heme pocket of myoglobin.
La Mar, G N and Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy
Biophysical journal, vol. 44, (no. 2), pp. 177-83, 1983/Nov. | Journal Article
Proton NMR study of the mechanism of the heme-apoprotein reaction for myoglobin.
Jue, T.Krishnamoorthi, Ramaswamy and La Mar, GN
Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 105, (no. 17), pp. 5701-5703, 1983. | Journal Article
Proton nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of the conformation-dependent spin equilibrium in azide-ligated monomeric insect hemoglobins.
La Mar, GNKrishnamoorthi, RamaswamySmith, Kevin MGersonde, K. and Sick, H.
Biochemistry (Washington), vol. 22, (no. 26), pp. 6239-6246, 1983. | Journal Article