47 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Meta-analyses of the proportion of Japanese encephalitis virus infection in vectors and vertebrate hosts
Ana RS OliveiraLee W CohnstaedtErin StratheLuciana Etcheverry HernandezD Scott McVeyJose Piaggio and Natalia Cernicchiaro
Parasites & Vectors, vol. 10, (no. 1), pp. 418-15, Jan 1, 2017. | Journal Article
Spiral Plating Method To Quantify the Six Major Non-O157 Escherichia coli Serogroups in Cattle Feces
Shridhar, Pragathi BShridhar, Pragathi BNoll, Lance WNoll, Lance WCull, Charley ACull, Charley AShi, XiaorongShi, XiaorongCernicchiaro, NataliaCernicchiaro, NataliaRenter, David GRenter, David GBai, JianfaBai, JianfaNagaraja, T G and Nagaraja, T G
Journal of food protection, vol. 80, (no. 5), pp. 848-856, Apr 17, 2017. | Journal Article
Basic Reproduction Number and Transmission Dynamics of Common Serogroups of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli.
Chen, ShiChen, ShiSanderson, Michael WSanderson, Michael WLee, ChihoonLee, ChihoonCernicchiaro, NataliaCernicchiaro, NataliaRenter, David GRenter, David GLanzas, Cristina and Lanzas, Cristina
Applied and environmental microbiology, vol. 82, (no. 18), pp. 5612-5620, September 15, 2016. | Journal Article
Efficacy of a Salmonella Siderophore Receptor Protein Vaccine on Fecal Shedding and Lymph Node Carriage of Salmonella in Commercial Feedlot Cattle
Cernicchiaro, NataliaIves, Samuel EEdrington, Thomas SNagaraja, Tiruvoor G and Renter, David G
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, vol. 13, (no. 9), pp. 517-525, Sep 1, 2016. | Journal Article
Escherichia coli O104 in Feedlot Cattle Feces: Prevalence, Isolation and Characterization
Shridhar, PragathiShridhar, Pragathi BNoll, LanceNoll, Lance WShi, XiaorongShi, XiaorongCernicchiaro, NataliaCernicchiaro, NataliaRenter, David GRenter, DavidBai, JBai, JNagaraja, T G and Nagaraja, T
PLoS One, vol. 11, (no. 3), Mar 2016. | Journal Article
Meta-analysis of the effects of laidlomycin propionate, fed alone or in combination with chlortetracycline, compared with monensin sodium, fed alone or in combination with tylosin, on growth performance, health, and carcass outcomes in finishing steers in North America
Cernicchiaro, NCorbin, MQuinn, MProuty, FBranine, M and Renter, D G
Journal of animal science, vol. 94, (no. 4), pp. 1662, Apr 2016. | Journal Article
Presence of pathogenic Escherichia coli is correlated with bacterial community diversity and composition on pre-harvest cattle hides.
Chopyk, JessicaMoore, Ryan MDiSpirito, ZacharyStromberg, Zachary RLewis, Gentry LRenter, David GCernicchiaro, NataliaMoxley, Rodney A and Wommack, K Eric
Microbiome, vol. 4, pp. 9, March 22, 2016. | Journal Article
Prevalence and Level of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli in Culled Dairy Cows at Harvest.
Stromberg, Zachary RLewis, Gentry LAly, Sharif SLehenbauer, Terry WBosilevac, Joseph MCernicchiaro, Natalia and Moxley, Rodney A
Journal of food protection, vol. 79, (no. 3), pp. 421-431, March 2016. | Journal Article
A Comparison of Culture- and PCR-Based Methods to Detect Six Major Non-O157 Serogroups of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli in Cattle Feces.
Noll, Lance WShridhar, Pragathi BDewsbury, Diana MShi, XiaorongCernicchiaro, NataliaRenter, David G and Nagaraja, T G
PloS one, vol. 10, (no. 8), pp. e0135446, 2015. | Journal Article
Spatial epidemiology of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in dairy cattle in relation to night roosts Of Sturnus vulgaris (European Starling) in Ohio, USA (2007-2009).
Swirski, A LPearl, D LWilliams, M LHoman, H JLinz, G MCernicchiaro, N and LeJeune, J T
Zoonoses and public health, vol. 61, (no. 6), pp. 427-435, September 2014. | Journal Article
Evaluation of economic and performance outcomes associated with the number of treatments after an initial diagnosis of bovine respiratory disease in commercial feeder cattle.
Cernicchiaro, NataliaWhite, Brad JRenter, David G and Babcock, Abram H
American journal of veterinary research, vol. 74, (no. 2), pp. 300-9, 2013/Feb. | Journal Article
Hierarchical Bayesian modeling of heterogeneous variances in average daily weight gain of commercial feedlot cattle.
Cernicchiaro, NataliaRenter, David GXiang, SWhite, B J and Bello, N M
Journal of animal science, vol. 91, (no. 6), pp. 2910-9, 2013/Jun. | Journal Article
Precision and accuracy of clinical illness scores, compared with pulmonary consolidation scores, in Holstein calves with experimentally induced Mycoplasma bovis pneumonia.
Amrine, David EWhite, Brad JLarson, RobertAnderson, David EMosier, Derek A and Cernicchiaro, Natalia
American journal of veterinary research, vol. 74, (no. 2), pp. 310-5, 2013/Feb. | Journal Article
Prevalence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and associated virulence genes in feces of commercial feedlot cattle.
Cernicchiaro, NataliaCull, Charley APaddock, Zachary DShi, XiaorongBai, JianfaNagaraja, Tiruvoor G and Renter, David G
Foodborne pathogens and disease, vol. 10, (no. 10), pp. 835-41, 2013/Oct. | Journal Article
Association of wild bird density and farm management factors with the prevalence of E. coli O157 in dairy herds in Ohio (2007-2009).
Cernicchiaro, NataliaPearl, D LMcEwen, S AHarpster, LHoman, H JLinz, G M and Lejeune, J T
Zoonoses and public health, vol. 59, (no. 5), pp. 320-9, 2012/Aug. | Journal Article
Perioperative risk factors for mortality and length of hospitalization in mares with dystocia undergoing general anesthesia: a retrospective study.
Rioja, EvaCernicchiaro, NataliaCosta, Maria C and Valverde, Alexander
The Canadian veterinary journal. La revue vétérinaire canadienne, vol. 53, (no. 5), pp. 502-10, 2012/May. | Journal Article
Prevalence of zoonotic bacteria in wild and farmed aquatic species and seafood: a scoping study, systematic review, and meta-analysis of published research.
Tuševljak, NatašaRajić, AndrijanaWaddell, LisaDutil, LucieCernicchiaro, NataliaGreig, JudyWilhelm, Barbara JWilkins, WendyTotton, SarahUhland, F CAvery, Brent and Mc Ewen, Scott A
Foodborne pathogens and disease, vol. 9, (no. 6), pp. 487-97, 2012/Jun. | Journal Article
Zoonotic bacteria, antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance in ornamental fish: a systematic review of the existing research and survey of aquaculture-allied professionals
Weir, M.Rajic, A.Dutil, L.Cernicchiaro, NataliaUhland, FCMercier, B. and Tusevljak, N.
Epidemiology and Infection, vol. 140, (no. 2), pp. 192-206, 2012. | Journal Article
Assessment of diagnostic tools for identifying cattle shedding and super-shedding Escherichia coli O157:H7 in a longitudinal study of naturally infected feedlot steers in Ohio.
Cernicchiaro, NataliaPearl, David LMc Ewen, Scott A and LeJeune, Jeffrey T
Foodborne pathogens and disease, vol. 8, (no. 2), pp. 239-48, 2011/Feb. | Journal Article
A randomized controlled trial to assess the impact of dietary energy sources, feed supplements, and the presence of super-shedders on the detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in feedlot cattle using different diagnostic procedures.
Cernicchiaro, NataliaPearl, David LMc Ewen, Scott AZerby, Henry NFluharty, Francis LLoerch, Steve CKauffman, Michael DBard, Jaime L and LeJeune, Jeffrey T
Foodborne pathogens and disease, vol. 7, (no. 9), pp. 1071-81, 2010/Sep. | Journal Article
Risk factors associated with Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Ontario beef cow-calf operations.
Cernicchiaro, NataliaPearl, D LGhimire, SGyles, C LJohnson, R PLeJeune, J TZiebell, K and McEwen, S A
Preventive veterinary medicine, vol. 92, (no. 1-2), pp. 106-15, 2009/Nov/1. | Journal Article
Evaluation of a Rapid Fecal PCR Test for Detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in Dairy Cattle
Wells, Scott JCollins, Michael TFaaberg, Kay SWees, CarrieTavornpanich, SarayaPetrini, Kristine RCollins, James ECernicchiaro, Natalia and Whitlock, Robert H
Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, vol. 13, (no. 10), pp. 1125-1130, 2006. | Journal Article