80 Publications (Page 2 of 4)
Soil response to track and wheel tractor traffic.
Thangavadivelu, S.Barnes, P.Slocombe, J.Higgins, James J and Stone, Loyd R
Paper, (no. 921585), 1992. | Journal Article
Modeled Crop Water Use and Soil Water Drainage
Buller, O.Manges, H. LStone, Loyd R and Williams, J. R
Agricultural Water Management AWMADF, vol. 19, (no. 2), pp. 117-134, 1991. | Journal Article
Modeled Crop Water Use and Soil Water Drainage
Buller, O.Manges, HLStone, Loyd R and Williams, J. R
Agricultural Water Management AWMADF, 1991. | Journal Article
Soil properties after twenty years of fertilization with different nitrogen sources
DarusmanStone, Loyd RWhitney, DAJanssen, KA and Long, JH
Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 55, (no. 4), pp. 1097-1100, 1991. | Journal Article
Fraction of thermal units as the base for an evapotranspiration crop coefficient curve for corn.
Amos, B.Stone, Loyd R and Bark, L.D.
Agronomy journal., vol. 81, (no. 5), pp. 713-717, 1989. | Journal Article
Fraction of Thermal Units as the Base for an Evapotranspiration Crop Coefficient Curve for Corn
Amos, B.Stone, Loyd R and Bark, LD
Agronomy Journal AGJOAT Vol. 81, 1989. | Journal Article
Comparative water use characteristics of six row crops.
Hattendorf, M.J.Redelfs, M.S.Amos, B.Stone, Loyd R and Gwin, R.E. J
Agronomy journal., vol. 80, (no. 1), pp. 80-85, 1988. | Journal Article
Penetration resistance, root growth, and water content in a subsoiled claypan.
Grecu, S.J.Kirkham, M. BKanemasu, E.T.Sweeney, D.W.Stone, Loyd R and Milliken, G.A.
Zeitschrift fur Acker- und Pflanzenbau., vol. 161, (no. 3), pp. 195-206, 1988. | Journal Article
Root growth in a claypan with a perennial-annual rotation.
Grecu, S.J.Kirkham, M. BKanemasu, E.T.Sweeney, D.W.Stone, Loyd R and Milliken, G.A.
Soil Science Society of America journal., vol. 52, (no. 2), pp. 488-494, 1988. | Journal Article
Root Growth in a Claypan with a Perennial-Annual Rotation
Grecu, SJKirkham, M. BKanemasu, ETSweeney, DW and Stone, Loyd R
Soil Science Society of America SSSDJ4 Vol. 52, 1988. | Journal Article
Dormant-season irrigation: grain yield, water use, and water loss.
Stone, Loyd RGwin, R.E. JGallagher, P.J. and Hattendorf, M.J.
Agronomy journal., vol. 79, (no. 4), pp. 632-636, 1987. | Journal Article
Greenness-leaf area index relationships of seven row crops.
Redelfs, M.S.Stone, Loyd RKanemasu, E.T. and Kirkham, M. B
Agronomy journal., vol. 79, (no. 2), pp. 254-259, 1987. | Journal Article
Corn Yield and Water Use as Influenced by Irrigation Level, N Rate, and Plant Population Density
Bakelana, KBStone, Loyd RWassom, CE and Dayton, AD
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science Vol. 89, 1986. | Journal Article
Comparison of water status and evapotranspiration of six row crops.
Kirkham, M. BRedelfs, M.S.Stone, Loyd R and Kanemasu, E.T.
Field crops research., vol. 10, (no. 3), pp. 257-268, 1985. | Journal Article
Amount of profile water in early spring resulting from increased profile water in fall
Stone, Loyd RCarlson, CGHanson, TLGwin, REGallagher, P. and Horton, ML
Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 47, (no. 2), pp. 305-309, 1983. | Journal Article
Amount of Profile Water in Early Spring Resulting from Increased Profile Water in Fall
Stone, Loyd RCarlson, CGHanson, TLGwin, REJr and Gallagher, P.
Soil Science Society of America Journal Vol. 47, 1983. | Journal Article
Amount of profile water in early spring resulting from increased profile water in fall in soil.
Stone, Loyd RCarlson, C.G.Hanson, T.L.Gwin, R.E. JGallagher, P. and Horton, M.L.
Journal - Soil Science Society of America., vol. 47, (no. 2), pp. 305-309, 1983. | Journal Article
Canopy temperature and growth of differentially irrigated alfalfa.
Kirkham, M. BJohnson, D.E. JKanemasu, E.T. and Stone, Loyd R
Agricultural meteorology., vol. 29, (no. 4), pp. 235-246, 1983. | Journal Article
Corn yield as influenced by in-season application of nitrogen with limited irrigation.
Anderson, C.K.Stone, Loyd R and Murphy, L.S.
Agronomy journal., vol. 74, (no. 2), pp. 396-401, 1982. | Journal Article
Influence of fertilizer nitrogen source on soil physical and chemical properties.
Intrawech, A.Stone, Loyd REllis, R. J and Whitney, D.A.
Journal - Soil Science Society of America., vol. 46, (no. 4), pp. 832-840, 1982. | Journal Article
Corn and grain sorghum yield response to limited irrigation.
Stone, Loyd RGwin, R.E. J and Dillon, M.A.
Journal of soil and water conservation., (no. 5), pp. 235-238, 1978. | Journal Article
Irrigation water movement below the corn root zone in Crete silt loam.
Stone, Loyd RRaney, R.J.Kanemasu, E.T. and Powers, W.L.
Journal of soil and water conservation, vol. 33, (no. 6), pp. 294-296, 1978. | Journal Article
Irrigation Water Movement Below the Corn Root Zone in Crete Silt Loam
Stone, Loyd RRaney, RJKanemasu, ET and Powers, WL
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Vol. 33, 1978. | Journal Article
Root and top growth of irrigated and nonirrigated grain sorghum.
Kaigama, B.K.Teare, I.D.Stone, Loyd R and Powers, W.L.
Crop science., (no. 4), pp. 555-559, 1977. | Journal Article
Evapotranspiration model tested for soybean and sorghum
Kanemasu, ETStone, Loyd R and Powers, WL
Agronomy Journal, Madison, WI., vol. 68, (no. 4), pp. 569-572, 1976. | Journal Article