67 Publications (Page 3 of 3)
Laboratory Scale Electrostatically Assisted Wet Scrubber for Controlling Dust in Livestock Buildings
Almuhanna, E. AMaghirang, Ronaldo GMurphy, J. P and Erickson, L. E
Applied Engineering in Agriculture, vol. 25, (no. 5), pp. 745-750, 2009. | Journal Article
Photo-catalytic degradation of Rhodamine B on C-, S-, N-, and Fe-doped TiO sub(2) under visible-light irradiation
Yang, XiangxinCao, ChundiErickson, Larry EHohn, Keith LMaghirang, Ronaldo G and Klabunde, Kenneth J
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, vol. 91, (no. 3-4), pp. 657-662, 2009. | Journal Article
Relative Chargeability of Nanostructured and Conventional Particles by Tribocharging
Pjesky, S. C and Maghirang, R. G
Particulate Science and Technology, vol. 27, (no. 2), pp. 193-202, Apr 1, 2009. | Journal Article
Simultaneous Monitoring of Stored Grain with Relative Humidity, Temperature, and Carbon Dioxide Sensors
H. B. GonzalesP. R. Armstrong and R. G. Maghirang
Applied Engineering in Agriculture, vol. 25, (no. 4), pp. 595-604, 2009. | Journal Article
Size Distribution and Rate of Dust Generated during Grain Elevator Handling
Boac, Josephine MinaMaghirang, Ronaldo GCasada, M.E.Wilson, J.D. and Jung, Y.S.
Applied engineering in agriculture., vol. 25, (no. 4), pp. 533-541, 2009. | Journal Article
Technical note: Smoke dissipation by solid particles and charged water spray in enclosed spaces
Maghirang, Ronaldo G and Razote, E. B
Fire Safety Journal, vol. 44, (no. 4), pp. 668-671, 2009. | Journal Article
Effectiveness of Electrostatically Charged Water Spray in Reducing Dust Concentration in Enclosed Spaces
Almuhanna, Emad AMaghirang, Ronaldo GMurphy, James P and Erickson, Larry E
Transactions of the ASAE, vol. 51, (no. 1), pp. 279-286, 2008. | Journal Article
Laboratory evaluation of the effectiveness of nanostructured and conventional particles in clearing smoke in enclosed spaces
Yadav, R.Maghirang, Ronaldo GErickson, L. EKakumanu, B. and Castro, S. G
Fire Safety Journal, vol. 43, (no. 1), pp. 36-41, 2008. | Journal Article
Synthesis of visible-light-active TiO2-based photocatalysts by carbon and nitrogen doping
Yang, XiangxinCao, ChundiErickson, LarryHohn, KeithMaghirang, Ronaldo and Klabunde, Kenneth
Journal of Catalysis, vol. 260, (no. 1), pp. 128-133, Nov 15, 2008. | Journal Article
Laboratory Evaluation Of The Dust-Emission Potential Of Cattle Feedlot Surfaces
Razote, E. BMaghirang, Ronaldo GPredicala, Bernardo ZMurphy, J. PAuvermann, Brent WHamer III, J. P and Hargrove, W. L
Transactions of the ASABE., vol. 49, (no. 4), pp. 1117-1124, 2006. | Journal Article
Measurement of Particulate Matter Emission Rates from Mechanically Ventilated Swine Barns
Predicala, Bernardo Z and Maghirang, Ronaldo G
Transactions of the ASAE., vol. 47, (no. 2), pp. 557-565, 2004. | Journal Article
Measurement of Particulate Matter Emissions from Corn Receiving Operations with Simulated Hopper-Bottom Trucks
Billate, R.D.Maghirang, Ronaldo G and Casada, Mark
Transactions of the ASAE, vol. 47, (no. 2), pp. 521-529, 2004. | Journal Article
Field Comparison of Inhalable and Total Dust Samplers for Assessing Airborne Dust in Swine Confinement Barns.
Predicala, Bernardo Z and Maghirang, Ronaldo G
Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, vol. 18, (no. 9), pp. 694-701, 2003. | Journal Article
Numerical Simulation Of Particulate Matter Emissions From Mechanically Ventilated Swine Barns.
Predicala, Bernardo Z and Maghirang, Ronaldo G
Transactions of the ASAE., vol. 46, (no. 6), pp. 1685-1694, 2003. | Journal Article
Assessment of Bioaerosols in Swine Barns by Filtration and Impaction
Predicala, Bernardo ZUrban, James EMaghirang, Ronaldo GJerez, SB and Goodband, RD
Current Microbiology, vol. 44, (no. 2), pp. 136-140, 2002. | Journal Article
Relative ventilation effectiveness in a mechanically ventilated airspace under isothermal conditions.
Maghirang, Ronaldo GJerez, S. B and Predicala, Bernardo Z
Transactions of the ASAE, vol. 44, (no. 3), pp. 691-696, 2001. | Journal Article
n.d.no date or unknown
Characterization of Volatile Organic Compounds on Airborne Dust in a Swine Finishing Barn
Razote, E.B.Maghirang, Ronaldo GSeitz, L.M. and Jeon, I.J.
Transactions of the ASAE, vol. 47, (no. 4), pp. 1231-1238. | Journal Article