49 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Growth, carcass traits, boar odor and testicular and endocrine functions of male pigs fed a progestogen, altrenogest.
Kluber, E FMinton, J EStevenson, Jeffrey SHunt, M CDavis, Duane LHoagland, T A and Nelssen, J L
Journal of animal science, vol. 66, (no. 2), pp. 470-8, 1988/Feb. | Journal Article
Endocrine changes before and after weaning in response to boar exposure and altered suckling in sows.
Newton, E AStevenson, Jeffrey SMinton, J E and Davis, Duane L
Journal of reproduction and fertility, vol. 81, (no. 2), pp. 599-609, 1987/Nov. | Journal Article
Estrous and litter traits in gilts altered by altrenogest, flushing and pubertal status.
Davis, Duane LStevenson, Jeffrey SPollmann, D S and Allee, G L
Journal of animal science, vol. 64, (no. 4), pp. 1117-26, 1987/Apr. | Journal Article
Influence of duration of litter separation and boar exposure on estrous expression of sows during and after lactation.
Newton, E AStevenson, Jeffrey S and Davis, Duane L
Journal of animal science, vol. 65, (no. 6), pp. 1500-6, 1987/Dec. | Journal Article
Altrenogest and fat for summer breeding of primiparous sows.
Stevenson, Jeffrey SDavis, Duane L and Pollmann, D S
Journal of animal science, vol. 61, (no. 2), pp. 480-6, 1985/Aug. | Journal Article
Body growth and testicular characteristics of boars fed a synthetic progestogen, altrenogest.
Kluber, E FPollmann, D SDavis, Duane L and Stevenson, Jeffrey S
Journal of animal science, vol. 61, (no. 6), pp. 1441-7, 1985/Dec. | Journal Article
Catechol estrogen formation by pig blastocysts during the preimplantation period: biochemical characterization of estrogen-2/4-hydroxylase and correlation with aromatase activity.
Mondschein, J SHersey, R MDey, Sudhansu KDavis, Duane L and Weisz, J
Endocrinology, vol. 117, (no. 6), pp. 2339-46, 1985/Dec. | Journal Article
Mating behavior, boar-to-boar behavior during rearing and soundness of boars penned individually or in groups from 6 to 27 weeks of age.
Tonn, S RDavis, Duane L and Craig, J V
Journal of animal science, vol. 61, (no. 2), pp. 287-96, 1985/Aug. | Journal Article
Reproductive traits of sows penned individually or in groups until 35 days after breeding.
Schmidt, W EStevenson, Jeffrey S and Davis, Duane L
Journal of animal science, vol. 60, (no. 3), pp. 755-9, 1985/Mar. | Journal Article
Scheduled breeding of gilts after estrous synchronization with altrenogest.
Davis, Duane LStevenson, Jeffrey S and Schmidt, W E
Journal of animal science, vol. 60, (no. 3), pp. 599-602, 1985/Mar. | Journal Article
Influence of reduced litter size and daily litter separation on fertility of sows at 2 to 5 weeks postpartum.
Stevenson, Jeffrey S and Davis, Duane L
Journal of animal science, vol. 59, (no. 2), pp. 284-93, 1984/Aug. | Journal Article
Embryo transfer for conserving valuable genetic material from swine herds with pseudorabies.
James, JEJames, DMMartin, PAReed, DE and Davis, Duane L
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 181, (no. 1), pp. 525-528, 1983. | Journal Article
Embryo transfer for conserving valuable genetic material from swine herds with pseudorabies.
James, J EJames, D MMartin, P AReed, D E and Davis, Duane L
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 183, (no. 5), pp. 525-8, 1983/Sep/1. | Journal Article
Influence of supplemental light on sow performance during and after lactation.
Stevenson, Jeffrey SPollmann, D SDavis, Duane L and Murphy, J P
Journal of animal science, vol. 56, (no. 6), pp. 1282-6, 1983/Jun. | Journal Article
Estrous synchronization and fertility in gilts after 14- or 18-day feeding of altrenogest beginning at estrus or diestrus.
Stevenson, Jeffrey S and Davis, Duane L
Journal of animal science, vol. 55, (no. 1), pp. 119-23, 1982/Jul. | Journal Article
Influence of supplemental light on sow performance during and after lactation.
Stevenson, Jeffrey SPollmann, D.S.Davis, Duane L and Murphy, J.P.
Report of progress - Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science., (no. 422), pp. 41-43, 1982. | Journal Article
Reproductive development in young boars exposed to sexually mature, nonpregnant sows and gilts.
Nelssen, J LDavis, Duane LCraig, J V and Hines, R H
Theriogenology, vol. 17, (no. 5), pp. 545-50, 1982/May. | Journal Article
Effects of serum on swine morulae and blastocysts in vitro.
Robl, J.M. and Davis, Duane L
Journal of animal science., vol. 52, (no. 6), pp. 1450-1456, 1981. | Journal Article
Culture and long-distance shipment of swine embryos.
James, J.E.Reeser, P.D.Davis, Duane LStraiton, E.C.Talbot, A.C. and Polge, C.
Theriogenology., vol. 14, (no. 6), pp. 463-469, 1980. | Journal Article
Induction of parturition in cattle with long and short acting corticoids and estradiol benzoate.
Davis, Duane LKesler, D.J.Jenkins, A.L.Garverick, H.A.Massey, J.W.Bierschwal, C.J. and Day, B.N.
Journal of animal science., vol. 49, (no. 2), pp. 560-566, 1979. | Journal Article
Cleavage and blastocyst formation by pig eggs in vitro.
Davis, Duane L and Day, B N
Journal of animal science, vol. 46, (no. 4), pp. 1043-53, 1978/Apr. | Journal Article
Cleavage and blastocyst formation by pig eggs in vitro.
Davis, Duane L and Day, B.N.
Journal of animal science., (no. 4), pp. 1043-1053, 1978. | Journal Article
Davis, Duane L (1977).
Influence of winter nutrition on beef cow reproduction.
Davis, Duane LSchalles, R.R.Kiracofe, G.H. and Good, D.L.
Journal of animal science., (no. 3), pp. 430-437, 1977. | Journal Article