77 Publications (Page 3 of 4)
Flow cytometry of Escherichia coli on microfluidic devices.
McClain, M ACulbertson, Christopher TJacobson, Stephen C and Ramsey, John M
Analytical chemistry, vol. 73, (no. 21), pp. 5334-8, 2001/Nov/1. | Journal Article
Flow Cytometry of Escherichia coli on Microfluidic Devices
McClain, Maxine AMcClain, Maxine A.Culbertson, Christopher T.Culbertson, Christopher TJacobson, Stephen C.Jacobson, Stephen CRamsey, J. Michael and Ramsey, J. Michael
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 73, pp. 5334–5338. | Journal Article
Rapid Cellular Assays on Microfabricated Fluidic Devices
Culbertson, Christopher T.Alarie, J. P.McClain, Maxine A.Jacobson, Stephen C. and Ramsey, J. Michael
(pp. 285–286). Springer Science \mathplus Business Media
Single Cell Lysis on Microfluidic Devices
McClain, Maxine A.Culbertson, Christopher T.Jacobson, Stephen C. and Ramsey, J. Michael
(pp. 301–302). Springer Science \mathplus Business Media
Two-dimensional electrochromatography/capillary electrophoresis on a microchip.
Gottschlich, NJacobson, Stephen CCulbertson, Christopher T and Ramsey, John M
Analytical chemistry, vol. 73, (no. 11), pp. 2669-74, 2001/Jun/1. | Journal Article
Effects of the electric field distribution on microchip valving performance.
Alarie, J PJacobson, Stephen CCulbertson, Christopher T and Ramsey, John M
Electrophoresis, vol. 21, (no. 1), pp. 100-6, 2000/Jan. | Journal Article
Electroosmotically Induced Hydraulic Pumping on Microchips:  Differential Ion Transport
Culbertson, Christopher T.Ramsey, Roswitha S. and Ramsey, J. Michael
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 72, pp. 2285–2291. | Journal Article
Electrophoretic separation of proteins on microchips
Liu, YingjieLiu, YingjieFoote, Robert S.Foote, Robert SCulbertson, Christopher T.Culbertson, Christopher TJacobson, Stephen CJacobson, Stephen C.Ramsey, Roswitha S.Ramsey, Roswitha SRamsey, J. Michael and Ramsey, J. Michael
J. Micro. Sep., vol. 12, pp. 407–411. | Journal Article
High Efficiency Separations on Microchip Devices
Culbertson, Christopher T.Jacobson, Stephen C. and Ramsey, J. Michael
(pp. 221–224). Springer Science \mathplus Business Media
Integrated microchip-device for the digestion, separation and postcolumn labeling of proteins and peptides.
Gottschlich, NCulbertson, Christopher TMcKnight, T EJacobson, Stephen C and Ramsey, John M
Journal of chromatography. B, Biomedical sciences and applications, vol. 745, (no. 1), pp. 243-9, 2000/Aug/4. | Journal Article
Microchip devices for high-efficiency separations.
Culbertson, Christopher TJacobson, Stephen C and Ramsey, John M
Analytical chemistry, vol. 72, (no. 23), pp. 5814-9, 2000/Dec/1. | Journal Article
Microfabricated Fluidic Devices for Cellular Assays
Jacobson, Stephen C.McClain, Maxine A.Culbertson, Christopher T. and Ramsey, J. Michael
(pp. 107–110). Springer Science \mathplus Business Media
Microfabricated Intrachannel Electrical Contacts for Material Transport Control
Ramsey, J. MichaelJacobson, Stephen C.Culbertson, Christopher T. and Ramsey, Roswitha S.
(pp. 213–216). Springer Science \mathplus Business Media
Increasing the resolving power of capillary electrophoresis through electroosmotic flow control using radial fields
Culbertson, Christopher T. and Jorgenson, James W.
Journal of Microcolumn Separations, vol. 11, pp. 167–174. | Journal Article
Lowering the UV absorbance detection limit and increasing the sensitivity of capillary electrophoresis using a dual linear photodiode array detector and signal averaging
Culbertson, Christopher T. and Jorgenson, James W.
J. Micro. Sep., vol. 11, pp. 652–662. | Journal Article
Microchip flow cytometry using electrokinetic focusing.
Schrum, D PCulbertson, Christopher TJacobson, Stephen C and Ramsey, John M
Analytical chemistry, vol. 71, (no. 19), pp. 4173-7, 1999/Oct/1. | Journal Article
Separation of fluorescently derivatized deuterated isotopomers of phenylalanine using micellar electrokinetic chromatography and flow counterbalanced micellar electrokinetic chromatography
Culbertson, Christopher T. and Jorgenson, James W.
J. Micro. Sep., vol. 11, pp. 175–183. | Journal Article
Dispersion sources for compact geometries on microchips
Culbertson, Christopher TJacobson, Stephen C and Ramsey, John M
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 70, (no. 18), pp. 3781-3789, Sep 15, 1998. | Journal Article
Lowering the UV Absorbance Detection Limit in Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Using a Single Linear Photodiode Array Detector
Culbertson, Christopher T. and Jorgenson, James W.
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 70, pp. 2629–2638. | Journal Article
Microchip structures for submillisecond electrophoresis
Jacobson, Stephen CCulbertson, Christopher TDaler, Justin E and Ramsey, J. M
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 70, (no. 16), pp. 3476-3480, Aug 15, 1998. | Journal Article
Minimizing Dispersion Introduced by Turns on Microchips
Culbertson, Christopher T.Jacobson, Stephen C. and Ramsey, J. Michael
(pp. 161–164). Springer Science \mathplus Business Media
Rapid Electrophoretic and Chromatographic Analysis on Microchips
Jacobson, Stephen C.Kutter, Jörg P.Culbertson, Christopher T. and Ramsey, J. Michael
(pp. 315–318). Springer Science \mathplus Business Media
New methods for increasing the resolving power and lowering the UV absorbance detection limits in capillary electrophoresis (Dissertation)
Culbertson, Christopher T (1996).
Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Mono(2,2’,2’’-terpyridine) Complexes of Ruthenium(II)
Coe, Benjamin J.Thompson, David W.Culbertson, Christopher T.Schoonover, Jon R. and Meyer, Thomas J.
Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 34, pp. 3385–3395. | Journal Article
Flow Counterbalanced Capillary Electrophoresis
Culbertson, Christopher TCulbertson, Christopher T.Jorgenson, James W. and Jorgenson, James W
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 66, pp. 955–962. | Journal Article