122 Publications (Page 4 of 5)
Survey: Real-Time Tumor Motion Prediction for Image-Guided Radiation Treatment
Verma, PoonamVerma, PoonamVerma, PoonamWu, HuanmeiWu, HuanmeiWu, HuanmeiLanger, MarkLanger, MarkLanger, MarkDas, IndraDas, IndraDas, IndraSandison, GeorgeSandison, George and Sandison, George
Computing in Science & Engineering, vol. 13, (no. 5), pp. 35, 2011-Sept.-Oct.. | Journal Article
TH?E?BRB?04: Comparing the Effects of Tumor Motion Patterns and Beam Delivery Timing Between Scattering and Uniform Scanning Proton Beam
Zhao, Q.wu, H.Cheng, C. and Das, I.
Medical Physics, vol. 38, pp. 3866-3867. | Journal Article
A sector-integration method for dose/MU calculation in a uniform scanning proton beam.
Zhao, QingyaWu, HuanmeiWolanski, MarkPack, DanielJohnstone, Peter A and Das, Indra J
Physics in medicine and biology, vol. 55, (no. 3), pp. N87-95, 2010/Feb/7. | Journal Article
A state-based probabilistic model for tumor respiratory motion prediction.
Kalet, AlanKalet, AlanSandison, GeorgeSandison, GeorgeWu, HuanmeiWu, HuanmeiSchmitz, Ruth and Schmitz, Ruth
Physics in medicine and biology, vol. 55, (no. 24), pp. 7615-31, 2010/Dec/21. | Journal Article
Project based multidisciplinary education for undergraduates
Wu, H.
ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. | Conference Proceeding
Project based multidisciplinary education for undergraduates
Wu, H.
Project Based Multidisciplinary Education for Undergraduates
Wu, Huanmei
pp. 01220-7, 2010. | Journal Article
SU?GG?J?103: Development of Statistical/Mathematical Predictive Model for Lung Tumor Motion
Verma, P.wu, H.Langer, M. and Das, I.
Medical Physics, vol. 37, pp. 3169. | Journal Article
SU?GG?J?105: An Analysis of CyberKnife Prediction Accuracy
Pepin, E.wu, H.Zhang, Y. and Lord, B.
Medical Physics, vol. 37, pp. 3169. | Journal Article
SU?GG?J?16: Impacting Parameter Analysis for IMRT Quality
wu, H.Cao, M.Zhao, Q. and Das, I.
Medical Physics, vol. 37, pp. 3148. | Journal Article
SU?GG?J?87: State Based Motion Tracking and Prediction Using a Hidden Markov Model
Kalet, A.Sandison, G.Schmitz, R. and wu, H.
Medical Physics, vol. 37, pp. 3165. | Journal Article
SU?GG?T?268: The Effect of Scanning Pattern and Dose Rate on Output Factor for Uniform Scanning Proton Beam
Zhao, Q.wu, H.Pack, D.Cheng, C. and Das, I.
Medical Physics, vol. 37, pp. 3247. | Journal Article
TU?C?BRA?06: Analysis of Influential Factors of Dose Delivery to a Moving Tumor in Proton Radiotherapy Using Uniform Scanning Beam
Zhao, Q.wu, H.Das, I. and Cheng, C.
Medical Physics, vol. 37, pp. 3382-3383. | Journal Article
Mobile forensics in healthcare
Justice, C.Wu, H. and Walton, E.
2009 8th International Conference on Mobile Business, pp. 255-260. | Conference Proceeding
Quality assurance of internal/external tumor motion
Zhao, Q. and Wu, H.
3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2009. | Conference Proceeding
SU?FF?I?122: Assessment of Lung Tumors Treatment Accuracy Using CyberKnife Synchrony Model
wu, H.Zhang, Y.Zhao, Q. and Lord, B.
Medical Physics, vol. 36, pp. 2463. | Journal Article
SU?FF?J?115: Evaluation of Internal/External Correlation with Missed Volume
Wu, H.He, C.Zhao, Q.Berbeco, R.Shirato, H. and Nishioka, S.
Medical Physics, vol. 36, pp. 2502-2503. | Journal Article
SU?FF?T?234: A Simple Method for Quality Assurance of Proton Compensators
Zhao, Q.wu, H.Zhao, L. and Das, I.
Medical Physics, vol. 36, pp. 2574. | Journal Article
TH?C?BRD?02: MU Calculation for Uniform Scanning Proton Beam
Zhao, Q.wu, H.Wolanski, M.Hecksel, D.Pack, D. and Das, I.
Medical Physics, vol. 36, pp. 2795. | Journal Article
TU?C?303A?10: Site?Specific Volumetric Analysis of Lung Tumor Motion
Pepin, E.wu, H.Sandison, G.Langer, M. and Shirato, H.
Medical Physics, vol. 36, pp. 2726. | Journal Article
Correlation identification between internal/external motion signals
Wu, H.Zhao, Q.Berbeco, R.Nishioka, S.Shirato, H. and Jiang, S.B.
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 6913. | Conference Proceeding
Gating based on internal/external signals with dynamic correlation updates.
Wu, HuanmeiZhao, QingyaBerbeco, RossNishioka, SeikoShirato, Hiroki and Jiang, Steve
Physics in medicine and biology, vol. 53, (no. 24), pp. 7137-50, 2008/Dec/21. | Journal Article
Knowledge discovery from tumor respiratory motion data
Wu, H.Zhao, Q. and Zhao, L.
BioMedical Engineering and Informatics: New Development and the Future - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, BMEI 2008, vol. 1, pp. 297-301. | Conference Proceeding
SU?GG?J?78: Dynamic Internal/external Correlation Updates for Effective Gated Treatment with Reduced Internal Imaging
Wu, H.Zhao, Q.Berbeco, R.Shirato, H.Nishioka, S. and Jiang, S.
Medical Physics, vol. 35, pp. 2697. | Journal Article
TH?C?AUD C?03: Patient Setup Using 2D Projected Images and Setup Error Estimation
Zhao, Q.wu, H.Desrosiers, C.Cao, M.Mcmahon, R.Thai, V. and Langer, M.
Medical Physics, vol. 35, pp. 2972. | Journal Article