275 Publications (Page 10 of 11)
Knee ligament mechanical properties are not influenced by estrogen or its receptors
Warden, Stuart JSaxon, Leanne KCastillo, Alesha B and Turner, Charles H
American Journal of Physiology, vol. 53, (no. 5), pp. E1034-E1040, May 2006. | Journal Article
Knee ligament mechanical properties are not influenced by estrogen or its receptors.
Warden, Stuart JSaxon, Leanne KCastillo, Alesha B and Turner, Charles H
American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism, vol. 290, (no. 5), pp. E1034-40, 2006/May. | Journal Article
Knee ligament mechanical properties are not influenced by estrogen or its receptors.(TRANSLATIONAL PHYSIOLOGY)(Author abstract)
Castillo, AleshaTurner, CharlesSaxon, Leanne and Warden, Stuart
The American Journal of Physiology, vol. 290, (no. 5), pp. E1034, 20060501. | Journal Article
Low-amplitude, broad-frequency vibration effects on cortical bone formation in mice
Castillo, ABAlam, ImranulTanaka, ShigeoLevenda, J.Li, J.Warden, Stuart J and Turner, Charles H
Bone, vol. 39, (no. 5), pp. 1087-1096, 2006. | Journal Article
Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound accelerates and a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug delays knee ligament healing.
Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Accelerates and a Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug Delays Knee Ligament Healing
Warden, Stuart JAvin, Keith GBeck, Erin MDeWolf, Marie EHagemeier, Molly A and Martin, Kristin M
American Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 34, (no. 7), pp. 1094-1102, 2006. | Journal Article
Preliminary evaluation of a load-bearing BMP-2 carrier for segmental defect regeneration
Chu, T.G.Sargent, P.Warden, S.J.Turner, C.H. and Stewart, R.L.
(pp. 42-47)
Preliminary evaluation of a load-bearing BMP-2 carrier for segmental defect regeneration
Chu, T.G.Chu, T.G.Sargent, P.Sargent, P.Warden, S.J.Warden, S.J.Turner, C.H.Turner, C.H.Stewart, R.L. and Stewart, R.L.
Technical Papers of ISA, vol. 464, pp. 42-47. | Conference Proceeding
Preliminary evaluation of a load-bearing BMP-2 carrier for segmental defect regeneration
Chu, T.-M.G.Chu, T.G.Sargent, P.Sargent, P.Warden, S.J.Warden, S.J.Turner, C.H.Turner, C.H.Stewart, R.L. and Stewart, R.L.
(pp. 42-47)
Preliminary evaluation of a load-bearing BMP-2 carrier for segmental defect regeneration.
Chu, Tien Min GChu, T. M.G.Sargent, Peter BSargent, P.Warden, Stuart JWarden, S.J.Turner, C.H.Turner, Charles HStewart, Rena L and Stewart, R.L.
Biomedical sciences instrumentation, vol. 42, pp. 42-7, 2006. | Journal Article
Sports Medicine Australia Young Investigator Award
Warden, Stuart JWarden, Stuart JAvin, Keith GAvin, Keith GBeck, Erin MBeck, Erin MDeWolf, Marie EDeWolf, Marie EHagemeier, Molly AHagemeier, Molly AMartin, Kristin M and Martin, Kristin M
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 38, (no. Supplement), pp. S32, 2006-05-00. | Journal Article
Stress fractures: pathophysiology, epidemiology, and risk factors.
Warden, Stuart JWarden, Stuart JBurr, David BBurr, David BBrukner, Peter D and Brukner, Peter D
Current osteoporosis reports, vol. 4, (no. 3), pp. 103-9, 2006/Sep. | Journal Article
The Wnt Co-receptor LRP5 Is Essential for Skeletal Mechanotransduction but Not for the Anabolic Bone Response to Parathyroid Hormone Treatment
Sawakami, KimihikoRobling, AlexanderAi, MinrongPitner, Nathaniel DLiu, DaweiWarden, Stuart JLi, JiliangMaye, PeterRowe, David WDuncan, Randall LWarman, Matthew L and Turner, Charles H
Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 281, (no. 33), pp. 23698-23711, 2006. | Journal Article
Ultrasound produced by a conventional therapeutic ultrasound unit accelerates fracture repair.
Ultrasound Produced by a Conventional Therapeutic Ultrasound Unit Accelerates Fracture Repair
Warden, Stuart JWarden, StuartFuchs, RobynFuchs, RobynKessler, ChrisKessler, CKAvin, KGAvin, KeithCardinal, RyanCardinal, REStewart, RL and Stewart, Rena
Physical Therapy, vol. 86, (no. 8), pp. 1118-1127, 2006. | Journal Article
A comparison of mechanical properties derived from multiple skeletal sites in mice.
Schriefer, Jennifer LRobling, AlexanderWarden, Stuart JFournier, Adam JMason, James J and Turner, Charles H
Journal of biomechanics, vol. 38, (no. 3), pp. 467-75, 2005/Mar. | Journal Article
Bone Adaptation to a Mechanical Loading Program Significantly Increases Skeletal Fatigue Resistance
Warden, Stuart JWarden, Stuart JHurst, Julie AHurst, JASanders, MSSanders, Megan STurner, Charles HTurner, Charles HBurr, David BBurr, David BLi, J. and Li, Jiliang
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 20, (no. 5), pp. 809-816, 2005. | Journal Article
Cellular accommodation and the response of bone to mechanical loading
Schriefer, Jennifer LWarden, Stuart JSaxon, Leanne KRobling, Alexander and Turner, Charles H
Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 38, (no. 9), pp. 1838-1845, 2005. | Journal Article
Cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors : beneficial or detrimental for athletes with acute musculoskeletal injuries?
Warden, Stuart J
Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) , vol. 35, (no. 4), pp. 271-83, 2005. | Journal Article
Delayed- and non-union following opening wedge high tibial osteotomy: surgeons' results from 182 completed cases.
Warden, Stuart JWarden, Stuart JMorris, Hayden GMorris, Hayden GCrossley, Kay MCrossley, Kay MBrukner, Peter DBrukner, Peter DBennell, Kim L and Bennell, Kim
Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA, vol. 13, (no. 1), pp. 34-7, 2005/Jan. | Journal Article
Does exercise during growth influence osteoporotic fracture risk later in life?
Warden, S.J.Fuchs, R.K.Castillo, A.B. and Turner, C.H.
(pp. 344-346)
Does exercise during growth influence osteoporotic fracture risk later in life?
Warden, Stuart JFuchs, RobynCastillo, AB and Turner, Charles H
Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions, vol. 5, (no. 4), pp. 344-346, 2005. | Journal Article
Exercise-induced Bone Adaptation Significantly Increases Skeletal Fatigue Resistance
Warden, Stuart JWarden, Stuart JWarden, Stuart JHurst, Julie AHurst, Julie AHurst, Julie ASanders, Megan SSanders, Megan SSanders, Megan STurner, Charles HTurner, Charles HTurner, Charles HBurr, David BBurr, David BBurr, David BLi, JiliangLi, Jiliang and Li, Jiliang
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 37, (no. Supplement), pp. S452, 2005-05-00. | Journal Article
Inhibition of the Serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine) Transporter Reduces Bone Accrual during Growth
Warden, Stuart JRobling, AlexanderSanders, Megan SBliziotes, Michael and Turner, Charles H
Endocrinology, vol. 146, (no. 2), pp. 685-693, 2005. | Journal Article
Knee ligament healing is accelerated by low-intensity pulsed ultrasound and delayed by a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
Warden, Stuart JAvin, K.Beck, E.DeWolf, M.Hagemeier, M. and Martin, K.
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, vol. 8, (no. 4), 2005. | Journal Article