54 Publications (Page 2 of 3)
Zero modes of the generalized fermion-vortex system in a magnetic field
Lu, Chi-KenLu, C. K.Seradjeh, B. and Seradjeh, Babak
Physical Review B, vol. 89, (no. 24), 2014-06-00. | Journal Article
Transport signatures of Floquet Majorana fermions in driven topological superconductors.
Kundu, Arijit and Seradjeh, Babak
Physical review letters, vol. 111, (no. 13), pp. 136402, 2013/Sep/27. | Journal Article
Majorana edge modes of topological exciton condensate with superconductors
Seradjeh, Babak
Physical Review B, vol. 86, (no. 12), 2012-09-00. | Journal Article
Topological exciton condensate of imbalanced electrons and holes
Seradjeh, Babak
Physical Review B, vol. 85, (no. 23), 2012-06-00. | Journal Article
Proposed Aharonov-Casher interference measurement of non-Abelian vortices in chiralp-wave superconductors
Grosfeld, EytanSeradjeh, Babak and Vishveshwara, Smitha
Physical Review B, vol. 83, (no. 10), 2011-03-00. | Journal Article
Unpaired Majorana fermions in a layered topological superconductor
Seradjeh, Babak and Grosfeld, Eytan
Physical Review B, vol. 83, (no. 17), 2011-05-00. | Journal Article
Seradjeh, Wu, and Phillips Reply
Seradjeh, BabakWu, Jiansheng and Phillips, Philip
Physical Review Letters, vol. 104, (no. 5), 2010-02-00. | Journal Article
Creation and manipulation of anyons in a layered superconductor–two-dimensional electron gas system
Physical Review B. | Journal Article
Exciton condensation and charge fractionalization in a topological insulator film.
Seradjeh, BabakMoore, J E and Franz, Marcel
Physical review letters, vol. 103, (no. 6), pp. 066402, 2009/Aug/7. | Journal Article
Exciton Condensation and Charge Fractionalization in a Topological Insulator Film
Physical Review Letters. | Journal Article
Signatures of surface states in bismuth at high magnetic fields.
Seradjeh, BabakWu, Jiansheng and Phillips, Philip W
Physical review letters, vol. 103, (no. 13), pp. 136803, 2009/Sep/25. | Journal Article
Fractionalization in a square-lattice model with time-reversal symmetry
Physical Review B. | Journal Article
Fractional statistics of topological defects in graphene and related structures.
Seradjeh, Babak and Franz, Marcel
Physical review letters, vol. 101, (no. 14), pp. 146401, 2008/Oct/3. | Journal Article
Fractional Statistics of Topological Defects in Graphene and Related Structures
Physical Review Letters. | Journal Article
Midgap spectrum of the fermion–vortex system
Nuclear Physics B. | Journal Article
Vortices, zero modes, and fractionalization in the bilayer-graphene exciton condensate.
Seradjeh, BabakWeber, H and Franz, Marcel
Physical review letters, vol. 101, (no. 24), pp. 246404, 2008/Dec/12. | Journal Article
Vortices, Zero Modes, and Fractionalization in the Bilayer-Graphene Exciton Condensate
Physical Review Letters. | Journal Article
Anyons in a weakly interacting system
Weeks, CRosenberg, GiladSeradjeh, Babak and Franz, Marcel
Nature Physics, vol. 3, (no. 11), pp. 796-801, Nov 2007. | Journal Article
Excitons in QED3 and spin response in a phase-fluctuating d-wave superconductor
Seradjeh, Babak H and Herbut, Igor F
2007-01-29. | Journal Article
Antiferromagnetism, confinement and spin response in the QED(3) effective theory of high-temperature superconductivity (Dissertation)
Seradjeh, Babak (2006).
Antiferromagnetism, confinement and spin response in the QED(3) effective theory of high-temperature superconductivity. (Dissertation)
Seradjeh, Babak (2006).
Antiferromagnetism, confinement and spin response in the QED(3) effective theory of high-temperature superconductivity.
Seradjeh, Babak
Dissertation Abstracts International. Vol. 68, vol. 68, (no. 07), pp. 124 p., 2006. | Journal Article
Self-consistent theory of compact QED_3 with relativistic fermions
Case, Matthew JSeradjeh, Babak and Herbut, Igor F
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, vol. 49, (no. 1), 2004. | Journal Article
Self-consistent theory of compact QED3 with relativistic fermions
Case, Matthew JSeradjeh, Babak H and Herbut, Igor F
Nuclear Physics B, vol. 676, (no. 3), pp. 586, 2004-01-00. | Journal Article
Absence of U(1) spin liquids in two dimensions
Herbut, Igor FSeradjeh, Babak HSachdev, Subir and Murthy, Ganpathy
Physical Review B, vol. 68, (no. 19), 2003-11-00. | Journal Article