186 Publications (Page 1 of 8)
Pathophysiology of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw—A Minireview
Tetradis, SotiriosAllen, Matthew R and Ruggiero, Salvatore L
JBMR Plus, vol. 7, (no. 8), Aug 2023. | Journal Article
Pathophysiology of Medication‐Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw—A Minireview. JBMR Plus
. | Journal Article
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists: innovating support for early-career family caregivers. Journal of Clinical Investigation
Jagsi, ReshmaJagsi, ReshmaJagsi, ReshmaBeeland, T DeLeneBeeland, T DeLeneBeeland, T DeLeneSia, KevinSia, KevinSia, KevinSzczygiel, Lauren ASzczygiel, Lauren ASzczygiel, Lauren AAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RArora, Vineet MArora, Vineet MArora, Vineet MBair-Merritt, MeganBair-Merritt, MeganBair-Merritt, MeganBauman, Melissa DBauman, Melissa DBauman, Melissa DBogner, Hillary RBogner, Hillary RBogner, Hillary RDaumit, GailDaumit, GailDaumit, GailDavis, EsaDavis, EsaDavis, EsaFagerlin, AngelaFagerlin, AngelaFagerlin, AngelaFord, Daniel EFord, Daniel EFord, Daniel EGbadegesin, RasheedGbadegesin, RasheedGbadegesin, RasheedGriendling, KathyGriendling, KathyGriendling, KathyHartmann, KatherineHartmann, KatherineHartmann, KatherineHedayati, S SusanHedayati, S SusanHedayati, S SusanJackson, Rebecca DJackson, Rebecca DJackson, Rebecca DMatulevicius, SusanMatulevicius, SusanMatulevicius, SusanMugavero, Michael JMugavero, Michael JMugavero, Michael JNehl, Eric JNehl, Eric JNehl, Eric JNeogi, TuhinaNeogi, TuhinaNeogi, TuhinaRegensteiner, Judith GRegensteiner, Judith GRegensteiner, Judith GRubin, Michael ARubin, Michael ARubin, Michael ARubio, DorisRubio, DorisRubio, DorisSinger, KanakadurgaSinger, KanakadurgaSinger, KanakadurgaTucker Edmonds, BrownsyneTucker Edmonds, BrownsyneTucker Edmonds, BrownsyneVolerman, AnnaVolerman, AnnaVolerman, AnnaLaney, SandraLaney, SandraLaney, SandraPatton, CarriePatton, CarriePatton, CarrieEscobar Alvarez, SindyEscobar Alvarez, Sindy and Escobar Alvarez, Sindy
. | Journal Article
Non‐Additive Effects of combined NOX1 /4 inhibition and calcimimetic treatment on a rat model of chronic kidney disease‐mineral and bone disorder ( CKD‐MBD )
Damrath, John GDamrath, John GChen, Neal XChen, Neal XMetzger, Corinne EMetzger, Corinne ESrinivasan, ShruthiSrinivasan, ShruthiO’Neill, KalishaO’Neill, KalishaBiruete, AnnabelBiruete, AnnabelAvin, Keith GAvin, Keith GWallace, Joseph MWallace, Joseph MAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RMoe, Sharon M and Moe, Sharon M
JBMR Plus. | Journal Article
NMUR1 in the NMU-Mediated Regulation of Bone Remodeling
Yu-Tin, HsiaoYu-Tin, HsiaoManikowski, Kelli JManikowski, Kelli JSnyder, SamanthaGriffin, NicoleOrr, Ashley LHulsey, Elizabeth QBorn-Evers, GabriellaZukosky, TaraSquire, Maria EHum, Julia MMetzger, Corinne EAllen, Matthew RLowery, Jonathan W and Lowery, Jonathan W
Life, vol. 11, (no. 10), 2021. | Journal Article
The effect of single‐ versus group‐ micro‐CT scanning on detection of trabecular and cortical disease phenotypes in mouse bones
Kohler, RachelTastad, Carli AStacy, Alexander JSwallow, Elizabeth AMetzger, Corinne EAllen, Matthew R and Wallace, Joseph M
JBMR Plus. | Journal Article
N-acetylcysteine (NAC), an anti-oxidant, does not improve bone mechanical properties in a rat model of progressive chronic kidney disease-mineral bone disorder
Allen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RWallace, JosephWallace, JosephMcNerney, ErinMcNerney, ErinNyman, JeffryNyman, JeffryAvin, KeithAvin, KeithChen, NealChen, NealMoe, Sharon and Moe, Sharon
PLOS ONE. | Journal Article
Increased FGF23 protects against detrimental cardio-renal consequences during elevated blood phosphate in CKD
Clinkenbeard, Erica LClinkenbeard, Erica LNoonan, Megan LNoonan, Megan LThomas, Joseph CThomas, Joseph CNi, PuNi, PuHum, Julia MHum, Julia MAref, MohammadAref, MohammadSwallow, Elizabeth ASwallow, Elizabeth AMoe, Sharon MMoe, Sharon MAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RWhite, Kenneth E and White, Kenneth E
JCI Insight. | Journal Article
Mechanics of linear microcracking in trabecular bone
Hammond, Max A.Hammond, Max AHammond, M.A.Wallace, J.M.Wallace, Joseph MWallace, Joseph M.Allen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew R.Allen, M.R.Siegmund, T.Siegmund, Thomas and Siegmund, Thomas
Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 83, pp. 34–42. | Journal Article
Parathyroid suppression therapy normalizes chronic kidney disease-induced elevations in cortical bone vascular perfusion: a pilot study
Aref, M.W.Swallow, E.A.Metzger, C.E.Chen, N.Moe, S.M. and Allen, M.R.
Osteoporosis International, vol. 30, pp. 1693–1698. | Journal Article
Time course of rapid bone loss and cortical porosity formation observed by longitudinal \upmuCT in a rat model of CKD
McNerny, Erin M.B.McNerny, ErinMcNerny, ErinBuening, Dorothy T.Buening, DorothyBuening, DorothyAref, Mohammad W.Aref, MohammadAref, MohammadChen, NealChen, NealChen, Neal X.Moe, SharonMoe, SharonMoe, Sharon M.Allen, Matthew R.Allen, Matthew and Allen, Matthew
Bone, vol. 125, pp. 16–24. | Journal Article
Incorporating tissue anisotropy and heterogeneity in finite element models of trabecular bone altered predicted local stress distributions
Hammond, MaxHammond, MaxHammond, MaxHammond, M.A.Hammond, MaxWallace, JosephWallace, JosephWallace, JosephWallace, J.M.Wallace, JosephAllen, M.R.Allen, MatthewAllen, MatthewAllen, MatthewAllen, MatthewSiegmund, ThomasSiegmund, T.Siegmund, ThomasSiegmund, Thomas and Siegmund, Thomas
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, vol. 17, (no. 2), pp. 614, 20180400. | Journal Article
Reversal of loss of bone mass in old mice treated with mefloquine
Pacheco-Costa, RafaelPacheco-Costa, RafaelPacheco-Costa, RafaelDavis, Hannah MDavis, Hannah M.Davis, Hannah MAtkinson, Emily G.Atkinson, Emily GAtkinson, Emily GDilley, Julian EDilley, Julian EDilley, Julian E.Byiringiro, InnocentByiringiro, InnocentByiringiro, InnocentAref, Mohammad WAref, Mohammad WAref, Mohammad W.Allen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew R.Bellido, TeresitaBellido, TeresitaBellido, TeresitaPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian I. and Plotkin, Lilian I
Bone, vol. 114, pp. 22–31. | Journal Article
Skeletal vascular perfusion is altered in chronic kidney disease
Aref, Mohammad WAref, Mohammad W.Swallow, Elizabeth A.Swallow, Elizabeth AChen, Neal X.Chen, Neal XMoe, Sharon M.Moe, Sharon MAllen, Matthew R. and Allen, Matthew R
Bone Reports, vol. 8, pp. 215–220. | Journal Article
Assessment of regional bone tissue perfusion in rats using fluorescent microspheres
Aref, Mohammad W.Akans, Ethan and Allen, Matthew R.
Bone Reports, vol. 6, pp. 140–144. | Journal Article
Corrigendum to “Even with rehydration, preservation in ethanol influences the mechanical properties of bone and how bone responds to experimental manipulation” [Bone 97 (2017) 49–53]
Vesper, Evan OVesper, Evan OHammond, Max AHammond, Max AAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RWallace, Joseph M and Wallace, Joseph M
Bone, vol. 105, pp. 218, December 2017. | Journal Article
Effects of combination treatment with alendronate and raloxifene on skeletal properties in a beagle dog model
Allen, Matthew RAllen, MatthewAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RMcNerny, ErinMcNerny, ErinMcNerny, ErinMcNerny, ErinMcNerny, ErinMcNerny, ErinAref, MohammadAref, MohammadAref, MohammadAref, MohammadAref, MohammadAref, MohammadOrgan, Jason MOrgan, JasonOrgan, Jason MOrgan, Jason MOrgan, Jason MOrgan, Jason MNewman, Christopher LNewman, ChristopherNewman, Christopher LNewman, Christopher LNewman, Christopher LNewman, Christopher LMcGowan, BrianMcGowan, BrianMcGowan, BrianMcGowan, BrianMcGowan, BrianMcGowan, BrianJang, TimJang, TimJang, TimJang, TimJang, TimJang, TimBurr, David BBurr, David BBurr, DavidBurr, David BBurr, David BBurr, David BBrown, DrewBrown, Drew MBrown, Drew MBrown, Drew MBrown, Drew MBrown, Drew MHammond, MaxHammond, MaxHammond, MaxHammond, MaxHammond, MaxHammond, MaxTerrito, Paul RTerrito, Paul RTerrito, Paul RTerrito, Paul RTerrito, Paul RTerrito, PaulChen, LinLin, ChenLin, ChenLin, ChenLin, ChenLin, ChenLin, ChenPersohn, ScottPersohn, ScottPersohn, ScottPersohn, ScottPersohn, ScottPersohn, ScottJiang, LeiJiang, LeiJiang, LeiJiang, LeiJiang, LeiJiang, LeiRiley, Amanda ARiley, AmandaRiley, Amanda ARiley, Amanda ARiley, Amanda ARiley, Amanda AMcCarthy, Brian PMcCarthy, Brian PMcCarthy, Brian PMcCarthy, BrianMcCarthy, Brian PMcCarthy, Brian PHutchins, GaryHutchins, Gary DHutchins, Gary DHutchins, Gary DHutchins, Gary DHutchins, Gary DWallace, Joseph MWallace, Joseph MWallace, Joseph MWallace, Joseph MWallace, Joseph M and Wallace, Joseph M
PLoS One, vol. 12, (no. 8), Aug 2017. | Journal Article
Effects of daily restraint with and without injections on skeletal properties in C57BL/6NHsd mice
Larsen, Rachel ALarsen, Rachel ALarsen, Rachel APeveler, Jessica LPeveler, Jessica LPeveler, Jessica LKlutzke, Joshuah BKlutzke, Joshuah BKlutzke, Joshuah BHickman, Debra LHickman, Debra LHickman, Debra LAref, Mohammad WAref, Mohammad WAref, Mohammad WWallace, Joseph MWallace, Joseph MWallace, Joseph MBrown, Drew MBrown, Drew MBrown, Drew MAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew R and Allen, Matthew R
Lab animal, vol. 46, (no. 7), pp. 301, 2017-06-23. | Journal Article
Even with rehydration, preservation in ethanol influences the mechanical properties of bone and how bone responds to experimental manipulation
Vesper, Evan OVesper, Evan OHammond, Max AHammond, Max AAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RWallace, Joseph M and Wallace, Joseph M
Bone, vol. 97, pp. 53, April 2017. | Journal Article
Exposure to Low-Dose X-Ray Radiation Alters Bone Progenitor Cells and Bone Microarchitecture
Lima, FlorenceLima, FlorenceSwift, Joshua MSwift, Joshua MGreene, Elisabeth SGreene, Elisabeth SAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RCunningham, David ACunningham, David ABraby, Leslie ABraby, Leslie ABloomfield, Susan A and Bloomfield, Susan A
Radiation research, vol. 188, (no. 4), pp. 442, 2017-10-00. | Journal Article
Improving Combination Osteoporosis Therapy in a Preclinical Model of Heightened Osteoanabolism
Shao, YuShao, YuShao, YuShao, YuShao, YuShao, YuShao, YuHernandez-Buquer, SeleneHernandez-Buquer, SeleneHernandez-Buquer, SeleneHernandez-Buquer, SeleneHernandez-Buquer, SeleneHernandez-Buquer, SeleneHernandez-Buquer, SeleneChildress, PaulChildress, PaulChildress, PaulChildress, PaulChildress, PaulChildress, PaulChildress, PaulStayrook, Keith RStayrook, Keith RStayrook, Keith RStayrook, Keith RStayrook, Keith RStayrook, Keith RStayrook, Keith RAlvarez, Marta BAlvarez, Marta BAlvarez, Marta BAlvarez, Marta BAlvarez, Marta BAlvarez, Marta BAlvarez, Marta BDavis, HannahDavis, HannahDavis, HannahDavis, HannahDavis, HannahDavis, HannahDavis, HannahPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IHe, YongzhengHe, YongzhengHe, YongzhengHe, YongzhengHe, YongzhengHe, YongzhengHe, YongzhengCondon, Keith WCondon, Keith WCondon, Keith WCondon, Keith WCondon, Keith WCondon, Keith WCondon, Keith WBurr, David BBurr, David BBurr, David BBurr, David BBurr, David BBurr, David BBurr, David BWarden, Stuart JWarden, Stuart JWarden, Stuart JWarden, Stuart JWarden, Stuart JWarden, Stuart JWarden, Stuart JRobling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GRobling, Alexander GYang, Feng-ChunYang, Feng-ChunYang, Feng-ChunYang, Feng-ChunYang, Feng-ChunYang, Feng ChunYang, Feng-ChunWek, Ronald CWek, Ronald CWek, Ronald CWek, Ronald CWek, Ronald CWek, Ronald CWek, Ronald CAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RBidwell, Joseph PBidwell, Joseph PBidwell, Joseph PBidwell, Joseph PBidwell, Joseph PBidwell, Joseph P and Bidwell, Joseph P
Endocrinology, vol. 158, (no. 9), pp. 2740, 2017-09-01. | Journal Article
PTHrP‐Derived Peptides Restore Bone Mass and Strength in Diabetic Mice: Additive Effect of Mechanical Loading
Maycas, MartaMaycas, MartaMaycas, MartaMcAndrews, Kevin AMcAndrews, Kevin AMcAndrews, Kevin ASato, Amy YSato, Amy YSato, Amy YPellegrini, Gretel GPellegrini, Gretel GPellegrini, Gretel GBrown, Drew MBrown, Drew MBrown, Drew MAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IGortazar, Arancha RGortazar, Arancha RGortazar, Arancha REsbrit, PedroEsbrit, PedroEsbrit, PedroBellido, TeresitaBellido, Teresita and Bellido, Teresita
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 32, (no. 3), pp. 497, March 2017. | Journal Article
Rad GTPase is essential for the regulation of bone density and bone marrow adipose tissue in mice
Withers, Catherine NWithers, Catherine NBrown, Drew MBrown, Drew MByiringiro, InnocentByiringiro, InnocentAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RCondon, Keith WCondon, Keith WSatin, JonathanSatin, JonathanAndres, Douglas A and Andres, Douglas A
Bone, vol. 103, pp. 280, October 2017. | Journal Article
Raloxifene Improves Bone Mechanical Properties in Mice Previously Treated with Zoledronate
Meixner, CoryAref, MohammadGupta, AryamanMcNerny, Erin M BMcnerny, ErinBrown, DrewWallace, Joseph and Allen, Matthew
Calcified Tissue International, vol. 101, (no. 1), pp. 75-81, Jul 2017. | Journal Article
The fracture toughness of small animal cortical bone measured using arc-shaped tension specimens: Effects of bisphosphonate and deproteinization treatments
Hunckler, Michael DHunckler, Michael DChu, Ethan DChu, Ethan DBaumann, Andrew PBaumann, Andrew PCurtis, Tyler ECurtis, Tyler ERavosa, Matthew JRavosa, Matthew JAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RRoeder, Ryan K and Roeder, Ryan K
Bone, vol. 105, pp. 74, December 2017. | Journal Article