437 Publications (Page 2 of 18)
Evaluating glaucomatous abnormality in peripapillary optical coherence tomography enface visualisation of the retinal nerve fibre layer reflectance
Ashimatey, Bright SAshimatey, Bright SBS, AshimateyKing, Brett JBJ, KingKing, Brett JBurns, Stephen ABurns, Stephen ASA, BurnsWH, SwansonSwanson, William H and Swanson, William H
Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, vol. 38, (no. 4), pp. 388, July 2018. | Journal Article
Robust adaptive optics systems for vision science
Luo, TingBurns, Stephen A.Castro, AlbertoSawides, Lucie and Sapoznik, Kaitlyn
Adaptive optics retinal imaging with automatic detection of the pupil and its boundary in real time using Shack-Hartmann images.
de Castro, AlbertoSawides, LucieQi, Xiaofeng and Burns, Stephen A
Applied optics, vol. 56, (no. 24), pp. 6748-6754, August 20, 2017. | Journal Article
Alterations to the Foveal Cone Mosaic of Diabetic Patients.
Sawides, LucieSawides, LucieSapoznik, Kaitlyn ASapoznik, Kaitlyn Ade Castro, Albertode Castro, AlbertoWalker, Brittany RWalker, Brittany RGast, Thomas JGast, Thomas JElsner, Ann EElsner, Ann EBurns, Stephen A and Burns, Stephen A
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, vol. 58, (no. 9), pp. 3395-3403, July 1, 2017. | Journal Article
Introduction to Special Issue on Adaptive Optics for Vision.
Burns, Stephen AWerner, John SMerigan, William and Marcos, Susana
January 3, 2017
Retinal Vascular Branching in Healthy and Diabetic Subjects.
Luo, TingGast, Thomas JVermeer, Tyler J and Burns, Stephen A
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, vol. 58, (no. 5), pp. 2685-2694, May 1, 2017. | Journal Article
SD-OCT and Adaptive Optics Imaging of Outer Retinal Tubulation
King, BrettBJ, KingKing, BrettKing, BrettSapoznik, KaitlynSapoznik, KaitlynKA, SapoznikSapoznik, KaitlynElsner, AnnElsner, AnnElsner, AnnAE, ElsnerTJ, GastGast, ThomasGast, ThomasGast, ThomasPapay, JoelPapay, JoelPapay, JoelJA, PapayClark, ChristopherCA, ClarkClark, ChristopherClark, ChristopherSA, BurnsBurns, StephenBurns, Stephen and Burns, Stephen
Optometry and Vision Science, vol. 94, (no. 3), pp. 422, 2017-March. | Journal Article
Vision Science and Adaptive Optics, The State of the Field.
Marcos, S.Marcos, SusanaMarcos, SusanaMarcos, S.Marcos, SusanaMarcos, SusanaWerner, John SWerner, John SWerner, John SWerner, J.S.Werner, J.S.Werner, John SBurns, Stephen ABurns, S.A.Burns, Stephen ABurns, Stephen ABurns, Stephen ABurns, S.A.Merigan, William HMerigan, William HMerigan, W.H.Merigan, William HMerigan, W.H.Merigan, William HArtal, PabloArtal, P.Artal, P.Artal, PabloArtal, PabloArtal, PabloAtchison, David AAtchison, David AAtchison, D.A.Atchison, D.A.Atchison, David AAtchison, David AHampson, Karen MHampson, Karen MHampson, K.M.Hampson, Karen MHampson, Karen MHampson, K.M.Legras, RichardLegras, RichardLegras, RichardLegras, R.Legras, RichardLegras, R.Lundstrom, LindaLundstrom, L.Lundstrom, L.Lundstrom, LindaLundstrom, LindaLundstrom, LindaYoon, GeungyoungYoon, G.Yoon, G.Yoon, GeungyoungYoon, GeungyoungYoon, GeungyoungCarroll, J.Carroll, JosephCarroll, JosephCarroll, JosephCarroll, J.Carroll, JosephChoi, Stacey SChoi, Stacey SChoi, S.S.Choi, S.S.Choi, Stacey SChoi, Stacey SDoble, NathanDoble, NathanDoble, NathanDoble, NathanDoble, N.Doble, N.Dubis, Adam MDubis, Adam MDubis, A.M.Dubis, Adam MDubis, Adam MDubis, A.M.Dubra, AlfredoDubra, A.Dubra, AlfredoDubra, A.Dubra, AlfredoDubra, AlfredoElsner, AnnElsner, AnnElsner, A.Elsner, AnnElsner, AnnElsner, A.Jonnal, R.Jonnal, R.Jonnal, RaviJonnal, RaviJonnal, RaviJonnal, RaviMiller, D.T.Miller, D.T.Miller, Donald TMiller, Donald TMiller, Donald TMiller, Donald TPaques, M.Paques, MichelPaques, MichelPaques, MichelPaques, M.Paques, MichelSmithson, H.E.Smithson, Hannah ESmithson, Hannah ESmithson, Hannah ESmithson, H.E.Smithson, Hannah EYoung, Laura KYoung, L.K.Young, Laura KYoung, L.K.Young, Laura KYoung, Laura KZhang, YuhuaZhang, YuhuaZhang, YuhuaZhang, Y.Zhang, Y.Zhang, YuhuaCampbell, MelanieCampbell, MelanieCampbell, MelanieCampbell, MelanieCampbell, M.Campbell, M.Hunter, JenniferHunter, JenniferHunter, J.Hunter, JenniferHunter, JenniferHunter, J.Metha, AndrewMetha, AndrewMetha, A.Metha, A.Metha, AndrewMetha, AndrewPalczewska, G.Palczewska, GrazynaPalczewska, GrazynaPalczewska, GrazynaPalczewska, G.Palczewska, GrazynaSchallek, JesseSchallek, JesseSchallek, J.Schallek, JesseSchallek, JesseSchallek, J.Sincich, L.C.Sincich, Lawrence CSincich, Lawrence CSincich, Lawrence CSincich, L.C. and Sincich, Lawrence C
Vision research, February 14, 2017. | Journal Article
A Programmable Aperture Adaptive Optics SLO
Burns, S. A.De Castro, A.Sawides, L. and Luo, T.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, vol. 57. | Journal Article
A Programmable Aperture Adaptive Optics SLO
Burns, S. A.De Castro, A.Sawides, L. and Luo, T.
Cone Photoreceptor Irregularity on Adaptive Optics Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy Correlates With Severity of Diabetic Retinopathy and Macular Edema.
Lammer, JanPrager, Sonja GCheney, Michael CAhmed, AmelRadwan, Salma HBurns, Stephen ASilva, Paolo S and Sun, Jennifer K
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, vol. 57, (no. 15), pp. 6624-6632, December 1, 2016. | Journal Article
Distribution differences of macular cones measured by AOSLO: Variation in slope from fovea to periphery more pronounced than differences in total cones.
Elsner, Ann EElsner, Ann EChui, Toco Y.PChui, Toco Y PFeng, LeiFeng, LeiSong, Hong XinSong, Hong XinPapay, Joel APapay, Joel ABurns, Stephen A and Burns, Stephen A
Vision research, November 3, 2016. | Journal Article
Progression of Diabetic Capillary Occlusion: A Model.
Fu, XiaoGens, John ScottGlazier, James ABurns, Stephen A and Gast, Thomas J
PLoS computational biology, vol. 12, (no. 6), pp. e1004932, June 2016. | Journal Article
Rapid high resolution imaging with a dual-channel scanning technique.
de Castro, AlbertoHuang, GangSawides, LucieLuo, Ting and Burns, Stephen A
Optics letters, vol. 41, (no. 8), pp. 1881-1884, April 15, 2016. | Journal Article
Retinal Arterioles in Hypo-, Normo-, and Hypertensive Subjects Measured Using Adaptive Optics.
Hillard, Jacob GGast, Thomas JChui, Toco Y PSapir, Dan and Burns, Stephen A
Translational vision science & technology, vol. 5, (no. 4), pp. 16, August 2016. | Journal Article
The organization of the cone photoreceptor mosaic measured in the living human retina.
Sawides, Luciede Castro, Alberto and Burns, Stephen A
Vision research, June 27, 2016. | Journal Article
A Compucell3D Model of Diabetic Maculopathy Applicable to Individual Patients
Gast, T.Xiao, F.Gens, J. S.Sawides, L.Chui, Y. P. T.Glazier, J. and Burns, S. A.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, vol. 56. | Journal Article
A Compucell3D Model of Diabetic Maculopathy Applicable to Individual Patients
Gast, T.Xiao, F.Gens, J. S.Sawides, L.Chui, Y. P. T.Glazier, J. and Burns, S. A.
Adaptive Optics Control Algorithm to Detect the Pupil and its Boundary in real time Using Shack Hartmann Images
De Castro, A.Qi, X. F.Sawides, L. and Burns, S. A.
Adaptive Optics Control Algorithm to Detect the Pupil and its Boundary in real time Using Shack Hartmann Images
De Castro, A.Qi, X. F.Sawides, L. and Burns, S. A.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, vol. 56. | Journal Article
Henle fiber layer phase retardation changes associated with age-related macular degeneration.
VanNasdale, Dean AVanNasdale, Dean AVanNasdale, Dean AVanNasdale, Dean AVanNasdale, Dean AElsner, Ann EElsner, Ann EElsner, Ann EElsner, Ann EElsner, Ann EPeabody, Todd DPeabody, Todd DPeabody, Todd DPeabody, Todd DPeabody, Todd DKohne, Kimberly DKohne, Kimberly DKohne, Kimberly DKohne, Kimberly DKohne, Kimberly DMalinovsky, Victor EMalinovsky, Victor EMalinovsky, Victor EMalinovsky, Victor EMalinovsky, Victor EHaggerty, Bryan PHaggerty, Bryan PHaggerty, Bryan PHaggerty, Bryan PHaggerty, Bryan PWeber, AnkeWeber, AnkeWeber, AnkeWeber, AnkeWeber, AnkeClark, Christopher AClark, Christopher AClark, Christopher AClark, Christopher AClark, Christopher ABurns, Stephen ABurns, Stephen ABurns, Stephen ABurns, Stephen A and Burns, Stephen A
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, vol. 56, (no. 1), pp. 284-290, January 2015. | Journal Article
Imaging Glaucomatous Damage Across the Temporal Raphe.
Huang, GangHuang, GangLuo, TingLuo, TingGast, Thomas JGast, Thomas JBurns, Stephen ABurns, Stephen AMalinovsky, Victor EMalinovsky, Victor ESwanson, William H and Swanson, William H
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, vol. 56, (no. 6), pp. 3496-3504, June 2015. | Journal Article
In vivo adaptive optics imaging of the temporal raphe and its relationship to the optic disc and fovea in the human retina.
Huang, GangGast, Thomas J and Burns, Stephen A
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, vol. 55, (no. 9), pp. 5952-61, 2014/Sep. | Journal Article
In vivo adaptive optics microvascular imaging in diabetic patients without clinically severe diabetic retinopathy.
Burns, Stephen ABurns, Stephen ABurns, Stephen AElsner, Ann EElsner, Ann EElsner, Ann EChui, Toco YChui, Toco YChui, Toco YVannasdale, Dean AVannasdale, Jr, Dean AVannasdale, Jr, Dean AClark, Christopher AClark, Christopher AClark, Christopher AGast, Thomas JGast, Thomas JGast, Thomas JMalinovsky, Victor EMalinovsky, Victor EMalinovsky, Victor EPhan, Anh-Danh TPhan, Anh-Danh T and Phan, Anh-Danh T
Biomedical optics express, vol. 5, (no. 3), pp. 961-74, 2014/Mar/1. | Journal Article
Special Section Guest Editorial: Human Vision
Peli, EliMarcos, SusanaBurns, Stephen A and Farrell, Joyce
Optical Engineering, vol. 53, (no. 6), pp. 061701, 20140601. | Journal Article