108 Publications (Page 1 of 5)
Orbital dynamics at atmospheric pressure in a lensed dual-beam optical trap.
Raj, AmalaSchaich, William L and Dragnea, Bogdan
Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision, vol. 39, (no. 8), pp. 1468-1478, August 1, 2022. | Journal Article
Ultrafast Collective Excited-State Dynamics of a Virus-Supported Fluorophore Antenna.
Holmes, JosephHolmes, JosephSushma, Arathi AnilSushma, Arathi AnilTsvetkova, Irina BTsvetkova, Irina B.Schaich, William L.Schaich, William LSchaller, Richard DSchaller, Richard D.Dragnea, Bogdan and Dragnea, Bogdan
The journal of physical chemistry letters, vol. 13, (no. 14), pp. 3237-3243, April 14, 2022. | Journal Article
Virus Assembly Pathways Inside a Host Cell.
Panahandeh, SanazPanahandeh, SanazLi, SiyuLi, SiyuDragnea, BogdanDragnea, BogdanZandi, Roya and Zandi, Roya
ACS nano, January 12, 2022. | Journal Article
Virus Mechanics under Molecular Crowding.
Zeng, ChengZeng, ChengScott, LiamScott, LiamMalyutin, AndreyMalyutin, AndreyZandi, RoyaZandi, RoyaVan der Schoot, PaulVan der Schoot, PaulDragnea, Bogdan and Dragnea, Bogdan
The journal of physical chemistry. B, February 12, 2021. | Journal Article
Disassembly Intermediates of the Brome Mosaic Virus Identified by Charge Detection Mass Spectrometry
Bond, Kevin MBond, Kevin MBond, Kevin MLyktey, Nicholas ALyktey, Nicholas ALyktey, Nicholas ATsvetkova, Irina BTsvetkova, Irina BTsvetkova, Irina BDragnea, BogdanDragnea, BogdanDragnea, BogdanJarrold, Martin FJarrold, Martin F and Jarrold, Martin F
The journal of physical chemistry. B, vol. 124, (no. 11), pp. 2131, 2020-Mar-19. | Journal Article
Intermittency of Deformation and the Elastic Limit of an Icosahedral Virus under Compression.
Hernando-Pérez, MercedesZeng, ChengMiguel, M Carmen and Dragnea, Bogdan
ACS nano, June 26, 2019. | Journal Article
Photothermal microspectroscopy with Bessel-Gauss beams and reflective objectives.
Zahedian, MaryamKoh, Eun Sohl and Dragnea, Bogdan
Applied optics, vol. 58, (no. 27), pp. 7352-7358, September 20, 2019. | Journal Article
Photothermal microspectroscopy with Bessel–Gauss beams and reflective objectives
Zahedian, MaryamKoh, Eun S and Dragnea, Bogdan
Applied Optics, vol. 58, (no. 27), Sep 20, 2019. | Journal Article
Radiation Brightening from Virus-like Particles.
Tsvetkova, Irina BTsvetkova, Irina BAnil Sushma, ArathiAnil Sushma, ArathiWang, Joseph Che-YenWang, Joseph Che-YenSchaich, William LSchaich, William LDragnea, Bogdan and Dragnea, Bogdan
ACS nano, July 26, 2019. | Journal Article
Watching a virus grow.
Dragnea, Bogdan
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 116, (no. 45), pp. 22420-22422, November 5, 2019. | Journal Article
Defects and Chirality in the Nanoparticle-Directed Assembly of Spherocylindrical Shells of Virus Coat Proteins
Zeng, ChengZeng, ChengRodriguez Lázaro, GuillermoRodriguez Lázaro, GuillermoTsvetkova, Irina BTsvetkova, Irina BHagan, Michael FHagan, Michael FDragnea, Bogdan and Dragnea, Bogdan
ACS nano, vol. 12, (no. 6), pp. 5332, 2018-Jun-26. | Journal Article
In Vitro Assembly of Virus-Derived Designer Shells Around Inorganic Nanoparticles
Vieweger, Stella EVieweger, Stella ETsvetkova, Irina BTsvetkova, Irina BDragnea, Bogdan G and Dragnea, Bogdan G
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), vol. 1776, pp. 294, 2018-00-00. | Journal Article
Layered Structure and Complex Mechanochemistry Underlie Strength and Versatility in a Bacterial Adhesive
Hernando-Pérez, MercedesHernando-Pérez, MercedesHernando-Pérez, MercedesHernando-Pérez, MercedesSetayeshgar, SimaSetayeshgar, SimaSetayeshgar, SimaSetayeshgar, SimaHou, YifengHou, YifengHou, YifengHou, YifengTemam, RogerTemam, RogerTemam, RogerTemam, RogerBrun, Yves VBrun, Yves VBrun, Yves VBrun, Yves VDragnea, BogdanDragnea, BogdanDragnea, BogdanDragnea, BogdanBerne, CécileBerne, CécileBerne, Cécile and Berne, Cécile
mBio, vol. 9, (no. 1), 2018-02-01. | Journal Article
Self-assembly of convex particles on spherocylindrical surfaces
Lázaro, Guillermo RLázaro, Guillermo RDragnea, BogdanDragnea, BogdanHagan, Michael F and Hagan, Michael F
Soft Matter, vol. 14, (no. 28), pp. 5728-5740, 2018. | Journal Article
Contact Mechanics of a Small Icosahedral Virus
Zeng, ChengZeng, ChengHernando-P{\'{e}}rez, MercedesHernando-Pérez, MercedesDragnea, BogdanDragnea, BogdanMa, XiangMa, XiangSchoot, PaulSchoot, PaulZandi, Roya and Zandi, Roya
Physical Review Letters, vol. 119, (no. 3), 2017-07-01. | Journal Article
Probing the Link among Genomic Cargo, Contact Mechanics, and Nanoindentation in Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus 2
Zeng, ChengMoller-Tank, SvenAsokan, Aravind and Dragnea, Bogdan
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. | Journal Article
Virus-Based Devices: Prospects for Allopoiesis.
Dragnea, Bogdan
ACS nano, vol. 11, (no. 4), pp. 3433-3437, April 25, 2017. | Journal Article
Examining the Heterogeneous Genome Content of Multipartite Viruses BMV and CCMV by Native Mass Spectrometry.
Wirkert, Sebastian JWhitelaw, Jamie Avan de Waterbeemd, MichielSnijder, JoostKenngott, HannesLatorre-Barragan, FernandaGras, SimonTsvetkova, Irina BMayer, BenjaminMietkowski, PatrickPall, Gurman SDragnea, Bogdan GLeung, Jacqueline MWagner, MartinCornelissen, Jeroen JSauer, PeterHeck, Albert J RHeaslip, AoifeEgarter, SaskiaClancy, Neil TAndenmatten, NicoleElson, Daniel SMaier-Hein, LenaNelson, Shane RWarshaw, David MWard, Gary E and Meissner, Markus
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, vol. 27, (no. 6), pp. 1000-1009, June 2016. | Journal Article
Nanoindentation of Isometric Viruses on Deterministically Corrugated Substrates.
Hernando-P{\'{e}}rez, M.Hernando-Pérez, MZeng, CDelalande, LTsvetkova, I BBousquet, ATayachi-Pigeonnat, MTemam, R and Dragnea, B
The journal of physical chemistry. B, vol. 120, (no. 2), pp. 340-347, January 21, 2016. | Journal Article
Structural and functional characterization of endothelial microparticles released by cigarette smoke.
Serban, Karina ASerban, Karina ARezania, SaminRezania, SaminPetrusca, Daniela NPetrusca, Daniela NPoirier, ChristophePoirier, ChristopheCao, DantingCao, DantingJustice, Matthew JJustice, Matthew JPatel, MilanPatel, MilanTsvetkova, IrinaTsvetkova, IrinaKamocki, KrzysztofKamocki, KrzysztofMikosz, AndrewMikosz, AndrewSchweitzer, Kelly SSchweitzer, Kelly SJacobson, SeanJacobson, SeanCardoso, AngeloCardoso, AngeloCarlesso, NadiaCarlesso, NadiaHubbard, Walter CHubbard, Walter CKechris, KaterinaKechris, KaterinaDragnea, BogdanDragnea, BogdanBerdyshev, Evgeny VBerdyshev, Evgeny VMcClintock, JeanetteMcClintock, JeanettePetrache, Irina and Petrache, Irina
Scientific reports, vol. 6, pp. 31596, 2016. | Journal Article
Towards the modeling of nanoindentation of virus shells: Do substrate adhesion and geometry matter?
Bousquet, ArthurBousquet, ArthurDragnea, BogdanDragnea, BogdanTayachi, ManelTayachi, ManelTemam, Roger and Temam, Roger
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, vol. 336, pp. 38, 2016-12-01. | Journal Article
Virus-like Surface Plasmon Strain Sensors
Zahedian, MaryamZahedian, MaryamHuang, XinleiHuang, XinleiTsvetkova, Irina BTsvetkova, Irina BRotello, Vincent MRotello, Vincent MSchaich, William LSchaich, William LDragnea, Bogdan and Dragnea, Bogdan
The journal of physical chemistry. B, vol. 120, (no. 26), pp. 5906, 2016-05-11. | Journal Article
Virus Matryoshka: A Bacteriophage Particle-Guided Molecular Assembly Approach to a Monodisperse Model of the Immature Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
Saxena, PoojaHe, LiMalyutin, AndreyDatta, Siddhartha A KRein, AlanBond, Kevin MJarrold, Martin FSpilotros, AlessandroSvergun, DmitriDouglas, Trevor and Dragnea, Bogdan
Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany), September 16, 2016. | Journal Article
Coat Protein-Dependent Behavior of Poly(ethylene glycol) Tails in Iron Oxide Core Virus-like Nanoparticles.
Malyutin, Andrey GCheng, HuSanchez-Felix, Olivia RCarlson, KennethStein, Barry DKonarev, Petr VSvergun, Dmitri IDragnea, Bogdan and Bronstein, Lyudmila M
ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol. 7, (no. 22), pp. 12089-12098, June 10, 2015. | Journal Article
Encapsulation of nanoparticles in virus protein shells.
Tsvetkova, Irina B and Dragnea, Bogdan G
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), vol. 1252, pp. 1-15, 2015. | Journal Article