10 Publications
Unmet mental health need and subsequent substance use in individuals with a history of depression: Are there differences between metro and nonmetro areas? The American Journal on Addictions
R, DanekJ, BlackburnM, GreeneO, Mazurenko and N, Menachemi
. | Journal Article
Opioid-Related Emergency Department Encounters: Patient, Encounter, and Community Characteristics Associated With Repeated Encounters
Balio, Casey PBalio, Casey PBalio, Casey PWiley, Kevin KWiley, Kevin KWiley, Kevin KGreene, Marion SGreene, Marion SGreene, Marion SVest, Joshua RVest, Joshua R and Vest, Joshua R
Annals of Emergency Medicine, vol. 75, (no. 5), pp. 575, May 2020. | Journal Article
Fentanyl related overdose in Indianapolis: Estimating trends using multilevel Bayesian models
Phalen, PeterPhalen, PeterRay, BradleyRay, BradleyWatson, Dennis PWatson, Dennis PHuynh, PhilipHuynh, PhilipGreene, Marion S and Greene, Marion S
Addictive Behaviors, vol. 86, pp. 10, November 2018. | Journal Article
Assessment of risk behaviors in patients with opioid prescriptions: A study of indiana's inspect data
Greene, Marion SGreene, Marion SGreene, Marion SGreene, Marion SChambers, Robert AndrewChambers, Robert AndrewChambers, Robert AndrewChambers, Robert AndrewYiannoutsos, Constantin TYiannoutsos, Constantin TYiannoutsos, Constantin TYiannoutsos, Constantin TWright, Eric RWright, Eric RWright, Eric RSteele, Gregory KSteele, Gregory KSteele, Gregory KSteele, Gregory KZollinger, Terrell WZollinger, Terrell WZollinger, Terrell W and Zollinger, Terrell W
The American Journal on Addictions, vol. 26, (no. 8), pp. 829, December 2017. | Journal Article
The Early Impact of the Indiana Scheduled Prescription Electronic Collection and Tracking ("INSPECT") Program: A Potentially Effective Policy Tool for Reducing Prescription Drug Abuse
Wright, Eric RWright, Eric RKooreman, Harold EKooreman, Harold EGreene, Marion S and Greene, Marion S
Indiana Health Law Review, vol. 14, (no. 1), pp. 112, 2017-10-11. | Journal Article
Prescription drug monitoring program data tracking of opioid addiction treatment outcomes in integrated dual diagnosis care involving injectable naltrexone
Sajid, AyeshaSajid, AyeshaWhiteman, AaronWhiteman, AaronBell, Richard LBell, Richard LGreene, Marion SGreene, Marion SEngleman, Eric AEngleman, Eric AChambers, R. Andrew and Chambers, R. Andrew
The American Journal on Addictions, vol. 25, (no. 7), pp. 564, October 2016. | Journal Article
Pseudoaddiction: Fact or Fiction? An Investigation of the Medical Literature
Greene, Marion and Chambers, R
Current Addiction Reports, vol. 2, (no. 4), pp. 317, 20151200. | Journal Article
Prescription drug monitoring program inquiry in psychiatric assessment: detection of high rates of opioid prescribing to a dual diagnosis population
Hackman, Daniel THackman, Daniel TGreene, Marion SGreene, Marion SFernandes, Taya JFernandes, Taya JBrown, Ashley MBrown, Ashley MWright, Eric RWright, Eric RChambers, R Andrew and Chambers, R A
The Journal of clinical psychiatry, vol. 75, (no. 7), pp. 756, 2014-Jul. | Journal Article
The iatrogenic epidemic of prescription drug abuse: County-level determinants of opioid availability and abuse
Wright, EricWright, Eric RKooreman, Harold EKooreman, HaroldGreene, Marion SGreene, MarionChambers, R.Chambers, R AndrewBanerjee, AniruddhaBanerjee, AniruddhaWilson, Jeffrey and Wilson, Jeffrey
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, vol. 138, pp. 215, 2014. | Journal Article
Oral health needs in Indiana: developing an effective and diverse workforce
Aguirre-Zero, OdetteAguirre-Zero, OdetteGreene, MarionGreene, MarionWright, Eric R and Wright, Eric R
Journal (Indiana Dental Association), vol. 88, (no. 4), pp. 6, 2009-2010 Winter. | Journal Article