340 Publications (Page 6 of 14)
An intervention to improve communication between breast cancer survivors and their physicians.Shields, Cleveland G⋅Ziner, Kim W⋅Bourff, Sara A⋅Schilling, Katherine⋅Zhao, Qianqian⋅Monahan, Patrick O⋅Sledge, George W and Champion, Victoria LJournal of psychosocial oncology, vol. 28, (no. 6), pp. 610-29, 2010.
| Journal Article
Deconstruction of nurse-delivered patient self-management interventions for symptom management: factors related to delivery enactment and response.Given, Charles W⋅Given, Barbara A⋅Sikorskii, Alla⋅You, Mei⋅Jeon, Sangchoon⋅Champion, Victoria L and Mc Corkle, RuthAnnals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, vol. 40, (no. 1), pp. 99-113, 2010/Aug.
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Effects of personal characteristics on African-American women's beliefs about breast cancer.Zollinger, Terrell W⋅Champion, Victoria L⋅Monahan, Patrick O⋅Steele-Moses, Susan K⋅Ziner, Kim W⋅Zhao, Qianqian⋅Bourff, Sara A⋅Saywell, Robert M and Russell, Kathleen MAmerican journal of health promotion : AJHP, vol. 24, (no. 6), pp. 371-7, 2010 Jul-Aug.
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End-of-life experiences in adolescents dying with cancer.Bell, Cynthia J⋅Skiles, Jodi⋅Pradhan, Kamnesh and Champion, Victoria LSupportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, vol. 18, (no. 7), pp. 827-35, 2010/Jul.
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Intraclass correlation estimates for cancer screening outcomes: estimates and applications in the design of group-randomized cancer screening studies.Hade, Erinn⋅Murray, David M⋅Pennell, Michael L⋅Rhoda, Dale⋅Paskett, Electra D⋅Champion, Victoria L⋅Crabtree, Benjamin F⋅Dietrich, Allen⋅Dignan, Mark B⋅Farmer, Melissa⋅Fenton, Joshua J⋅Flocke, Susan⋅Hiatt, Robert A⋅Hudson, Shawna V⋅Mitchell, Michael⋅Monahan, Patrick⋅Shariff-Marco, Salma⋅Slone, Stacey L⋅Stange, Kurt⋅Stewart, Susan L and Strickland, Pamela AJournal of the National Cancer Institute. Monographs, vol. 2010, (no. 40), pp. 97-103, 2010.
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Prevalence, severity, and correlates of sleep-wake disturbances in long-term breast cancer survivors.Otte, Julie L⋅Carpenter, Janet S⋅Russell, Kathleen M⋅Bigatti, Silvia and Champion, Victoria LJournal of pain and symptom management, vol. 39, (no. 3), pp. 535-547, March 2010.
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Prevalence, Severity, and Correlates of Sleep-Wake Disturbances in Long- Term Breast Cancer SurvivorsOtte, Julie L⋅Carpenter, Janet S⋅Russell, Kathleen M⋅Bigatti, Silvia and Champion, Victoria LJournal of Pain and Symptom Management, vol. 39, (no. 3), pp. 535-547, 2010.
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Psychosocial determinants of mammography follow-up afer receipt of abnormal mammography results in medically underserved women
Fair, A.M.⋅Wujcik, D.⋅Lin, J.-M.S.⋅Zheng, W.⋅Egan, K.M.⋅Grau, A.M.⋅Champion, V.L. and Wallston, K.A.
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, vol. 21, pp. 71-94. | Journal Article
Psychosocial determinants of mammography follow-up afer receipt of abnormal mammography results in medically underserved womenFair, A.M.⋅Wujcik, D.⋅Lin, J.-M.S.⋅Zheng, W.⋅Egan, K.M.⋅Grau, A.M.⋅Champion, V.L. and Wallston, K.A.(pp. 71-94)
Psychosocial Determinants of Mammography Follow-up after Receipt of Abnormal Mammography Results in Medically Underserved WomenFair, Alecia M⋅Wujcik, Debra⋅Sally Lin, Jin-Mann⋅Lin, Jin-Mann Sally⋅Zheng, Wei⋅Egan, Kathleen M M⋅Grau, Ana M⋅Champion, Victoria L and Wallston, KennethJournal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, vol. 21, pp. 71-94, 2010.
| Journal Article
Psychosocial Determinants of Mammography Follow-up after Receipt of Abnormal Mammography Results in Medically Underserved WomenFair, Alecia M⋅Wujcik, Debra⋅Lin, Jin-Mann S⋅Zheng, Wei⋅Egan, Kathleen M⋅Grau, Ana Magdalena⋅Champion, Victoria L and Wallston, Kenneth AJournal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, vol. 21, (no. 1), pp. 71-94, Feb 2010.
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Randomized trial of a lay health advisor and computer intervention to increase mammography screening in African American women.Russell, Kathleen M⋅Champion, Victoria L⋅Monahan, Patrick O⋅Millon Underwood, Sandra⋅Zhao, Qianqian⋅Spacey, Nicole⋅Rush, Nathan L and Paskett, Electra DCancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology, vol. 19, (no. 1), pp. 201-10, 2010/Jan.
| Journal Article
Analyzing symptom management trials: the value of both intention-to-treat and per-protocol approaches.Given, B.⋅Given, C.W.⋅Sikorskii, A.⋅You, M.⋅McCorkle, R. and Champion, V.
Analyzing Symptom Management Trials: The Value of Both Intention-to-Treat and Per-Protocol ApproachesGiven, Barbara⋅Given, Barbara A⋅Given, Charles W⋅Given, Charles W⋅Sikorskii, Alla⋅Sikorskii, Alla⋅You, Mei⋅You, Mei⋅McCorkle, Ruth⋅Mc Corkle, Ruth⋅Champion, Victoria and Champion, VictoriaOncology nursing forum, vol. 36, (no. 6), pp. E302, 2009-Nov.
| Journal Article
Behavioral interventions for symptom management in patients with breast cancer
Given, Charles⋅Sikorskii, Alla⋅Tamkus, Deimante⋅Given, Barbara⋅You, Mei⋅McCorkle, Ruth⋅Champion, Victoria⋅Decker, David and Biergans, Shannon
Oncology Nursing News, vol. 3, (no. 6), pp. 22, 20090901. | Journal Article
Behavioral interventions in the management of symptoms for patients with breast cancer who are receiving chemotherapy
Given, C.W.⋅Sikorskii, A.⋅Tamkus, D.⋅Given, B.⋅You, M.⋅McCorkle, R.⋅Champion, V.⋅Decker, D. and Biergans, S.M.
American Journal of Hematology/ Oncology, vol. 8. | Journal Article
Behavioral interventions in the management of symptoms for patients with breast cancer who are receiving chemotherapyGiven, C.W.⋅Sikorskii, A.⋅Tamkus, D.⋅Given, B.⋅You, M.⋅McCorkle, R.⋅Champion, V.⋅Decker, D. and Biergans, S.M.
Chronic physical effects and health care utilization in long-term ovarian germ cell tumor survivors: a Gynecologic Oncology Group study.Matei, Daniela⋅Matei, Daniela E⋅Matei, Daniela⋅Miller, Anna⋅Miller, Anna M⋅Miller, Anna⋅Monahan, Patrick⋅Monahan, Patrick⋅Monahan, Patrick⋅Gershenson, David⋅Gershenson, David⋅Gershenson, David⋅Zhao, Qianqian⋅Zhao, Qianqian⋅Zhao, Qianqian⋅Cella, David⋅Cella, David⋅Cella, David⋅Champion, Victoria L⋅Champion, Victoria⋅Champion, Victoria⋅Williams, Stephen⋅Williams, Stephen and Williams, Stephen DJournal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, vol. 27, (no. 25), pp. 4142-9, 2009/Sep/1.
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Cognitive function in breast cancer survivors compared to healthy age- and education-matched women.Von Ah, Diane⋅Harvison, Kyle W⋅Monahan, Patrick O⋅Moser, Lyndsi R⋅Zhao, Qianqian⋅Carpenter, Janet S⋅Sledge, George W⋅Champion, Victoria L and Unverzagt, Frederick WThe Clinical neuropsychologist, vol. 23, (no. 4), pp. 661-74, 2009/May.
| Journal Article
Cultural Constructs, Stage of Change, and Adherence to Mammography among Low-Income African American WomenSteele-Moses, Susan K⋅Russell, Kathleen M⋅Kreuter, Matthew W⋅Monahan, Patrick O⋅Bourff, Sara and Champion, Victoria LJournal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, vol. 20, (no. 1), pp. 257-273, 2009.
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Death worries and quality of life in younger breast cancer survivors.Bell, Cynthia J⋅Ziner, Kim W and Champion, Victoria LWestern journal of nursing research, vol. 31, (no. 8), pp. 1076-7, 2009/Dec.
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Development of Wagle Health-Specific Religiousness ScaleWagle, Ann M⋅Champion, Victoria L⋅Russell, Kathleen M and Rawl, Susan MCancer Nursing, vol. 32, (no. 5), Sep/Oct 2009.
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Obesity, gynecological factors, and abnormal mammography follow-up in minority and medically underserved women.Fair, Alecia M⋅Wujcik, Debra⋅Lin, Jin-Mann S⋅Grau, Ana⋅Wilson, Veronica⋅Champion, Victoria L⋅Zheng, Wei and Egan, Kathleen MJournal of women's health (2002), vol. 18, (no. 7), pp. 1033-9, 2009/Jul.
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A randomized trial of two print interventions to increase colon cancer screening among first-degree relativesRawl, Susan M⋅Champion, Victoria L⋅Scott, Linda L⋅Zhou, Honghong⋅Monahan, Patrick O⋅Ding, Yan⋅Loehrer, Patrick J and Skinner, Celette SPatient Education and Counseling, vol. 71, (no. 2), pp. 215-227, 2008.
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A transdisciplinary training program for behavioral oncology and cancer control scientistsMc Daniel, Anna M⋅Mc Daniel, Anna M⋅Champion, Victoria L⋅Champion, Victoria L⋅Kroenke, Kurt and Kroenke, KurtNursing Outlook, vol. 56, (no. 3), pp. 123-131, 2008.
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