81 Publications (Page 3 of 4)
Risk Factors for Nonelective Hospitalization in Frail and Older Adult, Inner-City Outpatients
Damush, Teresa MDamush, Teresa MSmith, David MSmith, David MPerkins, Anthony JPerkins, Anthony JDexter, Paul RDexter, Paul RSmith, Faye and Smith, Faye
The Gerontologist, vol. 44, (no. 1), pp. 75, 2004-Feb. | Journal Article
Clinicians' and patients' experiences and satisfaction with unscheduled, nighttime, Internet-based video conferencing for assessing acute medical problems in a nursing facility.
Weiner, Michael WSchadow, GuntherLindbergh, DonaldWarvel, JillAbernathy, GregPerkins, Susan MFyffe, JoanneDexter, Paul R and Mc Donald, Clement J
AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings / AMIA Symposium. AMIA Symposium, pp. 709-13, 2003. | Journal Article
Community clinical data exchange for emergency medicine patients.
Finnell, John TOverhage, J MDexter, Paul RPerkins, Susan MLane, Kathleen A and Mc Donald, Clement J
AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings / AMIA Symposium. AMIA Symposium, pp. 235-8, 2003. | Journal Article
Computerized reminders for syphilis screening in an urban emergency department.
Rosenman, MarcWang, JaneDexter, Paul and Overhage, J Marc
AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium, pp. 987, 2003. | Journal Article
Open Source software in medical informatics--why, how and what.
McDonald, Clement JMc Donald, Clement JMcDonald, Clement JSchadow, GuntherSchadow, GuntherSchadow, GuntherBarnes, MichaelBarnes, MichaelBarnes, MichaelDexter, PaulDexter, PaulDexter, PaulOverhage, J.MarcOverhage, J MOverhage, J MarcMamlin, BurkeMamlin, BurkeMamlin, BurkeMc Coy, James MMcCoy, J Michael and McCoy, J.Michael
International journal of medical informatics, vol. 69, (no. 2-3), pp. 175-184, March 2003. | Journal Article
Opportunities for advance directives to influence acute medical care
Dexter, Paul RDexter, Paul RWolinsky, Fredric DWolinsky, Fredric DGramelspacher, Gregory PGramelspacher, Gregory PEckert, George JEckert, George JTierney, William M and Tierney, William M
The Journal of clinical ethics, vol. 14, (no. 3), pp. 173, 2003-Fall. | Journal Article
Using Information Technology To Improve the Health Care of Older Adults
Weiner, MichaelWeiner, Michael WWeiner, MichaelCallahan, Christopher MCallahan, ChristopherCallahan, ChristopherTierney, WilliamTierney, WilliamTierney, William MOverhage, JOverhage, JOverhage, J. MMamlin, BurkeMamlin, BurkeMamlin, BurkeDexter, PaulDexter, PaulDexter, Paul RMcDonald, ClementMcDonald, Clement and Mc Donald, Clement J
Annals of Internal Medicine, vol. 139, (no. 5 Part 2), pp. 430, 20030902. | Journal Article
A modern optical character recognition system in a real world clinical setting: some accuracy and feasibility observations.
Biondich, PaulOverhage, J. MDexter, Paul RDowns, Stephen MLemmon, Larry and Mc Donald, Clement J
Proceedings / AMIA ... Annual Symposium. AMIA Symposium, pp. 56-60, 2002. | Journal Article
A randomized, controlled trial of clinical information shared from another institution
Overhage, J. MOverhage, J.MarcDexter, Paul RDexter, Paul RPerkins, Susan MPerkins, Susan MCordell, William HCordell, William HMcGoff, JohnMcGoff, JohnMcGrath, RolandMcGrath, RolandMcDonald, Clement J and Mc Donald, Clement J
Annals of Emergency Medicine, vol. 39, (no. 1), pp. 23, January 2002. | Journal Article
Conducting a study of Internet-based video conferencing for assessing acute medical problems in a nursing facility.
Weiner, Michael WSchadow, GuntherLindbergh, DonaldWarvel, JillAbernathy, GregPerkins, Susan MDexter, Paul R and Mc Donald, Clement J
Proceedings / AMIA ... Annual Symposium. AMIA Symposium, pp. 874-8, 2002. | Journal Article
The Regenstrief Medical Record System 2002: Focus on the Medical Gopher Clinical Workstation
McDonald, Clement JOverhage, J. MarcDexter, Paul RBarnes, MichaelSuico, Jeffrey GWeiner, MichaelSchadow, GuntherAbernathy, GregoryTierney, WilliamBlevins, LonnieLemmon, LarryGlazener, TullCassidy, PatXu, DianeGeng, MeganPorterfield, BrianTucker, MarkEdwards, MikeHook, JohnClifford, JohnLindbergh, DonBelsito, AnneWilliams, BruceWarvel, Jeffrey and Warvel, Jill
Proceedings of the AMIA Symposium, pp. 1216, 20020000. | Journal Article
A computerized reminder system to increase the use of preventive care for hospitalized patients
Dexter, Paul RPerkins, SusanOverhage, J MarcMaharry, KatiKohler, Richard B and Mc Donald, Clement J
The New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 345, (no. 13), pp. 965-970, Sep 27, 2001. | Journal Article
Open-label randomized trial of torsemide compared with furosemide therapy for patients with heart failure
Murray, Michael DMurray, Michael DDeer, Melissa MDeer, M MFerguson, Jeffrey AFerguson, Jeffrey ADexter, P RDexter, Paul RBennett, Susan JPressler, Susan JPerkins, Susan MPerkins, Susan MSmith, F ESmith, Faye ELane, Kathleen ALane, K AAdams, L DAdams, Laurie DTierney, William MTierney, William MBrater, D.Craig and Brater, D C
The American Journal of Medicine, vol. 111, (no. 7), pp. 520, November 2001. | Journal Article
Open-label randomized trial of torsemide compared with furosemide therapy for patients with heart failure.
Murray MDMurray, M DDeer, M MDeer MMFerguson JAFerguson, J ADexter, P RDexter PRBennett, S JBennett SJPerkins SMPerkins, S MSmith FESmith, F ELane, K ALane KAAdams LDAdams, L DTierney WMTierney, W MBrater DCBrater, D C and Pressler (Bennett), Susan J
The American journal of medicine, vol. 111, (no. 7), pp. 513-520, November 2001. | Journal Article
Secure Internet video conferencing for assessing acute medical problems in a nursing facility.
Weiner, Michael WSchadow, GLindbergh, DWarvel, JAbernathy, GDexter, P and McDonald, C J
Proceedings / AMIA ... Annual Symposium. AMIA Symposium, pp. 751-5, 2001. | Journal Article
The effect of discussions about advance directives on patients' satisfaction with primary care.
Tierney, William MDexter, P RGramelspacher, Gregory PPerkins, A JZhou, Xiao Hua A and Wolinsky, Fredric D
Journal of general internal medicine : official journal of the Society for Research and Education in Primary Care Internal Medicine, vol. 16, (no. 1), pp. 32-40, 2001/Jan. | Journal Article
The Regenstrief Medical Record System: 30 Years of Learning
McDonald, Clement JMcDonald, Clement JBarnes, MichaelBarnes, MichaelOverhage, J. MarcOverhage, J. MarcSuico, Jeffrey GSuico, Jeffrey GDexter, Paul RDexter, Paul RSchadow, GuntherSchadow, GuntherMamlin, BurkeMamlin, BurkeZafar, AtifZafar, AtifTierney, WilliamTierney, WilliamBlevins, LonnieBlevins, LonnieLemmon, LarryLemmon, LarryGlazener, TullGlazener, TullCassidy, PatCassidy, PatXu, DianeXu, DianeTucker, MarkTucker, MarkEdwards, MikeEdwards, MikeLindbergh, DonLindbergh, DonBelsito, AnneBelsito, AnneWilliams, BruceWilliams, BruceWarvel, JeffreyWarvel, JeffreyWarvel, Jill and Warvel, Jill
Proceedings of the AMIA Symposium, pp. 1078, 20010000. | Journal Article
The Regenstrief Medical Record System 1999: Sharing Data Between Hospitals
McDonald, Clement JOverhage, J. MarcDexter, Paul RTierney, William MSuico, Jeffrey GAisen, AlexZafar, AtifSchadow, GuntherBlevins, LonnieWarvel, JillWarvel, JeffMeeks-Johnson, JimLemmon, LarryGlazener, TullBelsito, AnneLindbergh, DonWilliams, BruceCassidy, PatXu, DianeTucker, MarkEdwards, MikeWodniak, CherylSmith, Brenda and Hogan, Terry
Proceedings of the AMIA Symposium, pp. 1212, 19990000. | Journal Article
The Regenstrief Medical Record System: a quarter century experience
Mc Donald, Clement JMcDonald, Clement JOverhage, J.MarcOverhage, J. MTierney, William MTierney, William MDexter, Paul RDexter, P RMartin, Douglas KMartin, Douglas KSuico, J GSuico, Jeffrey GZafar, AtifZafar, AtifSchadow, GuntherSchadow, GBlevins, LonnieBlevins, Lewis SGlazener, TGlazener, TullMeeks-Johnson, JimMeeks-Johnson, JLemmon, LarryLemmon, LWarvel, JWarvel, JillPorterfield, BPorterfield, BrianWarvel, JeffCassidy, PatCassidy, PLindbergh, DLindbergh, DonBelsito, ABelsito, AnneTucker, MarkTucker, MWilliams, BWilliams, BruceWodniak, Cheryl and Wodniak, C
International Journal of Medical Informatics, vol. 54, (no. 3), pp. 253, 1999. | Journal Article
Canopy computing: using the Web in clinical practice.
Mc Donald, Clement JOverhage, J. MDexter, P RBlevins, Lewis SMeeks-Johnson, JSuico, J GTucker, M C and Schadow, G
JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 280, (no. 15), pp. 1325-9, 1998/Oct/21. | Journal Article
Effectiveness of Computer-Generated Reminders for Increasing Discussions about Advance Directives and Completion of Advance Directive Forms
Dexter, P RDexter, PaulWolinsky, FredricWolinsky, Fredric DGramelspacher, G PGramelspacher, GregoryZhou, X HZhou, Xiao-HuaEckert, George JEckert, GeorgeWaisburd, MWaisburd, MarinaTierney, William and Tierney, W M
Annals of Internal Medicine, vol. 128, (no. 2), pp. 102, 19980115. | Journal Article
The Regenstrief Medical Record System 1998: A System for City-Wide Computing
McDonald, Clement JOverhage, J. MarcTierney, William MDexter, Paul RSuico, Jeffrey GZafar, AtifSmith, BrendaHogan, TerryBlevins, LonnieWarvel, JillWarvel, JeffMeeks-Johnson, JimLemmon, LarryGlazener, TullBelsito, AnneLindbergh, DonWilliams, BruceCassidy, PatXu, DianeTucker, Mark and Edwards, Mike
Proceedings of the AMIA Symposium, pp. 1114, 19980000. | Journal Article
What is done, what is needed and what is realistic to expect from medical informatics standards
McDonald, Clement JMcDonald, Clement JMarc Overhage, JMarc Overhage, JDexter, PaulDexter, PaulTakesue, BlaineTakesue, BlaineSuico, Jeffrey G and Suico, Jeffrey G
International Journal of Medical Informatics, vol. 48, (no. 1), pp. 12, 1998. | Journal Article
A Framework for Capturing Clinical Data Sets from Computerized Sources
McDonald, ClementMcDonald, ClementOverhage, J.Overhage, J.Dexter, PaulDexter, PaulTakesue, BlaineTakesue, BlaineDwyer, Diane and Dwyer, Diane
Annals of Internal Medicine, vol. 127, (no. 8 Part 2), pp. 675, 19971015. | Journal Article
Theater-Style Demonstration: The Regenstrief Medical Record System 1997: A System for Clinical, Pervasive and City-Wide Computing
McDonald, Clement JMcDonald, Clement JOverhage, J. MarcOverhage, J. MarcTierney, William MTierney, William MDexter, PaulDexter, PaulTakesue, BlaineTakesue, BlaineSmith, BrendaSmith, BrendaHogan, TerryHogan, TerryBlevins, LonnieBlevins, LonnieWarvel, JillWarvel, JillWarvel, JeffWarvel, JeffMeeks-Johnson, JimMeeks-Johnson, JimLemmon, LarryLemmon, LarryGlazener, TullGlazener, TullBelsito, AnneBelsito, AnneLindbergh, DonLindbergh, DonWilliams, BruceWilliams, BruceCassidy, PatCassidy, PatXu, DianeXu, DianeTucker, Mark and Tucker, Mark
Proceedings of the AMIA Annual Fall Symposium, pp. 1027, 19970000. | Journal Article