127 Publications (Page 1 of 6)
182. The Influence of Peer Relationships on Latina Adolescents’ Experiences with Depressive Symptoms
McCord Stafford, AllisonStafford, Allison McCordDraucker, Claire BurkeNagy, GabrielaGonzalez-Guarda, Rosa and Draucker, Claire Burke
Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 66, (no. 2), pp. S93, February 2020. | Journal Article
Barriers to and Facilitators of Mental Health Treatment Engagement Among Latina Adolescents
Stafford, Allison McCord and Draucker, Claire Burke
Community mental health journal, vol. 56, (no. 4), pp. 669, 2020-May. | Journal Article
Guided Imagery for Total Knee Replacement: Responses to an Audiobook Placebo Treatment
Umberger, WendyDraucker, Claire Burke and Jacobson, Ann
Western Journal of Nursing Research, vol. 42, (no. 3), pp. 219, 20200300. | Journal Article
Health Care Encounters of Pregnant and Postpartum Women with Substance Use Disorders.
Renbarger, Kalyn MRenbarger, Kalyn MShieh, CarolShieh, CarolMoorman, MegMoorman, MegLatham-Mintus, KenzieLatham-Mintus, KenzieDraucker, Claire and Draucker, Claire
Western journal of nursing research, vol. 42, (no. 8), pp. 612-628, August 2020. | Journal Article
Innovative Approaches to Obtain Minors' Consent for Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials: Multi-Site Quasi-Experimental Study of Adolescent and Parent Perspectives
Knopf, AmeliaKnopf, AmeliaKnopf, AmeliaKnopf, AmeliaKnopf, AmeliaOtt, Mary AOtt, Mary A.Ott, Mary AOtt, Mary AOtt, Mary ADraucker, Claire BurkeDraucker, Claire BurkeDraucker, Claire BurkeDraucker, Claire BurkeFortenberry, J. DennisFortenberry, J DennisFortenberry, J DFortenberry, J DennisFortenberry, J DennisReirden, Daniel HReirden, Daniel HReirden, Daniel H.Reirden, Daniel HReirden, Daniel HArrington-Sanders, RenataArrington-Sanders, RenataArrington-Sanders, RenataSanders, Renata ArringtonArrington-Sanders, RenataSchneider, JohnSchneider, JohnSchneider, JohnSchneider, JohnSchneider, JohnStraub, DianeStraub, DianeStraub, DianeStraub, DianeStraub, DianeBaker, RebeccaBaker, RebeccaBaker, RebeccaBaker, RebeccaBaker, RebeccaBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosZimet, Gregory DZimet, Gregory DZimet, Gregory DZimet, Gregory D and Zimet, Gregory D.
JMIR research protocols, vol. 9, (no. 3), pp. e16509, 2020-Mar-30. | Journal Article
Integration Through Connecting in Explanatory Sequential Mixed Method Studies
Draucker, Claire BurkeDraucker, Claire BurkeDraucker, Claire BurkeRawl, Susan MRawl, Susan MRawl, Susan MVode, EmileeVode, EmileeVode, EmileeCarter-Harris, LisaCarter-Harris, Lisa and Carter-Harris, Lisa
Western Journal of Nursing Research, pp. 193945920914647, 2020-05-09. | Journal Article
The mental health consequences of mass school shootings: What do we need to know?
Draucker, Claire Burke
Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 76, (no. 2), pp. 425, February 2020. | Journal Article
205. Healthcare Perceptions of Transgender Adolescents And Young Adults: Overall Satisfaction, Comfort With Key Portions of The Clinical Visit, And Recommendations For Improvement
Snedecor, Rachel DianeSnedecor, Rachel DianeWilcox, MatthewWilcox, MatthewDraucker, ClaireDraucker, ClaireFortenberry, DennisFortenberry, DennisAalsma, Matthew and Aalsma, Matthew
Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 64, (no. 2), pp. S105, February 2019. | Journal Article
4. Getting A Grip On My Depression: A Grounded Theory Explaining How Latina Adolescents Experience, Self-Manage, And Seek Treatment For Depressive Symptoms
McCord Stafford, AllisonMcCord Stafford, AllisonMcCord Stafford, AllisonAalsma, Matthew CAalsma, Matthew CAalsma, Matthew CBigatti, Silvia MBigatti, Silvia MBigatti, Silvia MOruche, Ukamaka MarianOruche, Ukamaka MarianOruche, Ukamaka MarianDraucker, Claire BurkeDraucker, Claire Burke and Draucker, Claire Burke
Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 64, (no. 2), pp. S3, February 2019. | Journal Article
A feasibility test of an online intervention to prevention dating violence in emerging adults
Draucker, Claire BurkeMartsolf, Donna SCrane, StaceyMcCord, Allison LRomero, Lindsey and Al-Khattab, Halima A
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, vol. 33, (no. 1), pp. 45, February 2019. | Journal Article
Cultural stressors experienced by young Latinas with depressive symptoms living in a tumultuous sociopolitical climate in the United States
Stafford, Allison McCordStafford, Allison McCordBigatti, Silvia MBigatti, Silvia MDraucker, Claire Burke and Draucker, Claire Burke
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, vol. 33, (no. 5), pp. 42, October 2019. | Journal Article
Development and Feasibility of SymTrak, aMulti-domain Tool for Monitoring Symptoms of Older Adults in Primary Care
Monahan, PatrickMonahan, PatrickMonahan, PatrickMonahan, PatrickKroenke, KurtKroenke, KurtKroenke, KurtKroenke, KurtCallahan, ChristopherCallahan, ChristopherCallahan, ChristopherCallahan, ChristopherBakas, TamilynBakas, TamilynBakas, TamilynBakas, TamilynHarrawood, AmandaHarrawood, AmandaHarrawood, AmandaHarrawood, AmandaLofton, PhillipLofton, PhillipLofton, PhillipLofton, PhillipFrye, DanielleFrye, DanielleFrye, DanielleFrye, DanielleDraucker, ClaireDraucker, ClaireDraucker, ClaireDraucker, ClaireStump, TimothyStump, TimothyStump, TimothyStump, TimothySaliba, DebraSaliba, DebraSaliba, DebraSaliba, DebraGalvin, JamesGalvin, JamesGalvin, JamesGalvin, JamesKeegan, AmandaKeegan, AmandaKeegan, AmandaKeegan, AmandaAustrom, MaryAustrom, MaryAustrom, MaryAustrom, MaryBoustani, MalazBoustani, MalazBoustani, Malaz and Boustani, Malaz
Journal of General Internal Medicine, vol. 34, (no. 6), pp. 922, 20190615. | Journal Article
Getting a Grip on My Depression: How Latina Adolescents Experience, Self-Manage, and Seek Treatment for Depressive Symptoms
Stafford, Allison McCordStafford, Allison McCordStafford, Allison McCordAalsma, Matthew CAalsma, Matthew CAalsma, Matthew CBigatti, SilviaBigatti, SilviaBigatti, SilviaOruche, UkamakaOruche, UkamakaOruche, UkamakaDraucker, Claire BurkeDraucker, Claire Burke and Draucker, Claire Burke
Qualitative Health Research, vol. 29, (no. 12), pp. 1738, 20191000. | Journal Article
Health Care Encounters of Pregnant and Postpartum Women with Substance Use Disorders
Renbarger, Kalyn MKM, RenbargerRenbarger, Kalyn MShieh, CarolC, ShiehShieh, CarolMoorman, MegM, MoormanMoorman, MegLatham-Mintus, KenzieLatham-Mintus, KenzieK, Latham-MintusDraucker, ClaireC, Draucker and Draucker, Claire
Western journal of nursing research, pp. 193945919893372, 2019-Dec-20. | Journal Article
Understanding the decision to screen for lung cancer or not: A qualitative analysis
Draucker, Claire BurkeDraucker, Claire BurkeRawl, Susan MRawl, Susan MVode, EmileeVode, EmileeCarter‐Harris, Lisa and Carter‐Harris, Lisa
Health Expectations, vol. 22, (no. 6), pp. 1321, December 2019. | Journal Article
Using REDCap to Facilitate Web-Based Therapeutic Intervention Research
Crane, StaceyCrane, StaceyComer, RobertComer, RobertArenson, AndrewArenson, AndrewDraucker, Claire and Draucker, Claire
Nursing Research, vol. 68, (no. 6), pp. 487, 2019-November/December. | Journal Article
Women's Experiences with Epilepsy Treatment in Southern India: A Focused Ethnography
Gaudecker, JaneTaylor, AnnBuelow, JaniceBenjamin, Sailas and Draucker, Claire
The Qualitative Report, vol. 24, (no. 5), pp. 1051, 20190501. | Journal Article
Author's Response
Shieh, Carol and Draucker, Claire
Clinical nurse specialist CNS, vol. 32, (no. 4), pp. 171, 2018-07-00. | Journal Article
Common Themes in the Stories Young Adult Women Write About Their Troubled Relationships
McCord, Allison L and Draucker, Claire B
Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 62, (no. 2), pp. S139, 2018-02-00. | Journal Article
Cultural Stressors and Depressive Symptoms in Latino/a Adolescents: An Integrative Review.
McCord, Allison LDraucker, Claire Burke and Bigatti, Silvia
Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, pp. 1078390318778885, June 1, 2018. | Journal Article
Letter to the Editor With Author’s Response
Umoren, OliviaUmoren, OliviaUmoren, OliviaCody Stanford, FatimaStanford, Fatima CodyStanford, Fatima CodyShieh, CarolShieh, CarolShieh, CarolDraucker, ClaireDraucker, Claire and Draucker, Claire
Clinical Nurse Specialist, vol. 32, (no. 4), pp. 171, 2018-July/August. | Journal Article
Medication Exposure Patterns in Primary Care Patients Prescribed Pharmacogenetically Actionable Opioids
Knisely, MitchellKnisely, MitchellKnisely, MitchellKnisely, Mitchell RKnisely, M.R.Carpenter, Janet SCarpenter, JanetCarpenter, JanetCarpenter, JanetCarpenter, J.S.Broome, MarionBroome, Marion EBroome, MarionBroome, M.E.Broome, MarionHolmes, AnnHolmes, AnnHolmes, A.M.Holmes, Ann MHolmes, AnnVon Ah, D.Ah, DianeAh, DianeAh, DianeVon Ah, DianeSkaar, ToddSkaar, ToddSkaar, ToddSkaar, T.Skaar, ToddDraucker, C.B.Draucker, ClaireDraucker, ClaireDraucker, Claire B and Draucker, Claire
The Qualitative Report, vol. 23, (no. 8), pp. 1875, 20180801. | Journal Article
Pilot Randomized Trial of a Family Management Efficacy Intervention for Caregivers of African American Adolescents with Disruptive Behaviors
Oruche, UkamakaOruche, U.M.Oruche, UkamakaOruche, UkamakaOruche, Ukamaka MarianRobb, Sheri L.Robb, SheriRobb, SheriRobb, SheriRobb, S.L.Draucker, ClaireDraucker, ClaireDraucker, ClaireDraucker, C.B.Draucker, Claire BurkeAalsma, MattAalsma, MattAalsma, MattAalsma, M.Aalsma, MattPescosolido, B.Pescosolido, BernicePescosolido, BernicePescosolido, BernicePescosolido, BerniceChacko, A.Chacko, AnilChacko, AnilChacko, AnilChacko, AnilOfner, SusanOfner, SusanOfner, SusanOfner, S.Ofner, SusanBakoyannis, G.Bakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosBakoyannis, GiorgosBrown-Podgorski, B.Brown-Podgorski, BrittanyBrown-Podgorski, BrittanyBrown-Podgorski, Brittany and Brown-Podgorski, Brittany
Child & Youth Care Forum, vol. 47, (no. 6), pp. 827, 20181200. | Journal Article
Reasons women do not seek health care for dysmenorrhea
Chen, Chen XChen, Chen XChen, C.X.Chen, C.X.Shieh, C.Shieh, CarolShieh, CarolShieh, C.Draucker, Claire BDraucker, C.B.Draucker, C.B.Draucker, Claire BCarpenter, Janet SCarpenter, J.S.Mcbride, A.B.Carpenter, Janet S and Carpenter, J.S.
Journal of Clinical Nursing, vol. 27, (no. 1-2), pp. e308, January 2018. | Journal Article
Self-monitoring Lifestyle Behavior in Overweight and Obese Pregnant Women: Qualitative Findings
Shieh, CarolShieh, CarolDraucker, Claire Burke and Draucker, Claire Burke
Clinical nurse specialist CNS, vol. 32, (no. 2), pp. 89, 2018 Mar/Apr. | Journal Article