90 Publications (Page 1 of 4)
Chapter 16: The Department Chairs: My Dream Job is in the Crosshairs
Siek, Katie A.
Association for Computing Machinery
Understanding fraudulence in online qualitative studies: From the researcher s perspective
What Do We Do? Lessons Learned from Conducting Systematic Reviews to Improve HCI Dissemination
When Research Becomes All About the Bots: A Case Study on Fraud Prevention and Participant Validation in the Context of Abortion Storytelling
How do I compare to the other people?": Older Adults Perspectives on Personal Smart Home Data for Self-Management" Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
. | Journal Article
"\"I Don t Need a Megaphone to Be Helpful\": Probing the Role of Technology in Pro-Choice Abortion Activism"
Speaking from Experience: Co-designing E-textile Projects with Older Adult Fiber Crafters
The unwritten manual of becoming a professor of HCI
Adopting Diffractive Reading to Advance HCI Research: A Case Study on Technology for Aging
Lazar, AmandaJelen, BenPradhan, Alisha and Siek, Katie A.
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, vol. 28, pp. 1–29. | Journal Article
Showcase of NCWIT Academic Alliance Members: Promising Practices Regarding Admission, Curriculum, Pedagogy, TA Selection, and Undergraduate Research
Lewis, Colleen M.Glebova, OlgaKamil, AmirKussmaul, ClifMorrison, Briana B. and Siek, Katie A.
(pp. 319–320). Association for Computing Machinery
Studying the Formation of an Older Adult-Led Makerspace
Lazar, AmandaPradhan, AlishaJelen, BenSiek, Katie A. and Leitch, Alex
Gender, Soft Skills, and Patient Experience in Online Physician Reviews: A Large-Scale Text Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research
Dunivin, ZackaryZadunayski, LindsayBaskota, UjjwalSiek, Katie and Mankoff, Jennifer
. | Journal Article
ArC: Moving the method forward
Walker, A.M.Walker, A.M.DeVito, M.A.DeVito, M.A.Wolters, M.Wolters, M.Maestre, J.F.Maestre, J.F.Siek, K.A.Siek, K.A.Kresnye, C.Kresnye, C.Jelen, B.Jelen, B.Shih, P.C.Shih, P.C.Alqassim, M. and Alqassim, M.
CrafteC: Engaging older adults in making through a craft-based toolkit system
Jelen, B.Sanders, K.M.Freeman, A.Clawson, J.Narayanan, M. and Siek, K.A.
(pp. 577-587)
Facebook for support versus facebook for research: The case of miscarriage
Alqassim, M.Y.Siek, K.A.Cassie Kresnye, K. and Wolters, M.K.
Gender, Soft Skills, and Patient Experience in Online Physician Reviews: A Large-Scale Text Analysis (Preprint)
Hello Research! Developing an intensive research experience for undergraduate women
Menzel, S.Siek, K.A. and Crandall, D.
(pp. 997-1003)
Lessons learned from research via private social media groups
Cassie Kresnye, K.Jelen, B.Wolters, M.K.Maestre, J.F.Alqassim, M.Y. and Siek, K.A.
Leveling Up: On the Potential of Upstream Health Informatics Interventions to Enhance Health Equity
Veinot, TiffanyAncker, JessicaCole-Lewis, HeatherMynatt, ElizabethParker, AndreaSiek, Katie and Mamykina, Lena
Medical Care, vol. 57 Suppl 6 Suppl 2, pp. S114, 2019-June. | Journal Article
Older adults as makers of custom electronics: Iterating on Craftec
Jelen, B.Monsey, S. and Siek, K.A.
Research Opportunities in Sociotechnical Interventions for Health Disparity Reduction
Siek, KatieVeinot, Tiffany and Mynatt, Beth
2019-08-02. | Journal Article
Utilizing the affinity research group model in a summer research experience for undergraduates program
Jelen, B.Dunbar, J.Monsey, S.Richards, O.K. and Siek, K.A.
(pp. 990-996)
Defining through expansion: Conducting asynchronous remote communities (ARC) Research with stigmatized groups
Maestre, J.F.Maestre, J.F.MacLeod, H.MacLeod, H.Connelly, C.L.Connelly, C.L.Dunbar, J.C.Dunbar, J.C.Beck, J.Beck, J.Siek, K.A.Siek, K.A.Shih, P.C. and Shih, P.C.
Expanding Human Computer Interaction Methods to Understand User Needs in the Design Process of Personal Health Systems.
Siek, Katie A
Yearbook of medical informatics, vol. 27, (no. 1), pp. 74-78, August 2018. | Journal Article
"Be grateful you don’t have a real disease": Understanding rare disease relationships
MacLeod, H.Bastin, G.Liu, L.S.Siek, K. and Connelly, K.
(pp. 1660-1673)